Sébastien MITRAILLEHead of Department [email protected]
Industrial Organization, Logistics and Technology Division
This department designs, coordinates, and provides training on industrial organization, purchasing and supply chain as fundamental aspects of managing businesses.
Our courses are presented in all TBS Education programs and on many of the campuses, from the Bachelor’s program to MBAs and Executive Education.
In addition, the department offers advanced programs dedicated to students who are oriented towards supply chain and purchasing professions (including industry, consulting, distribution, transport, etc.) and require special expertise. Those programs include:
Our objective is to teach students the rigorous concepts, tools and methods necessary for any manager who wishes to understand and master the challenges and constraints of supply/ production/ distribution flows in a complex and changing economic as well as technological environment (digitalization, regulations and compliance, geopolitics, international trade dynamics, sustainable development, etc.).
Companies regularly deal with these flows to take operational decisions (like stock levels, transport modes, frequency of deliveries, quantities per delivery, quantities produced per year, etc.) as well as economic decisions (like the choice of product, price, technological positioning of the products sold, choice of marketing areas, choice of suppliers, etc.). One major aspect of managing industrial organizations is to allow a better understanding and analysis of these economic decisions within supply chains.
The scope of managing a supply chain covers the internal organization of companies in the supply chain, the determinants of the structure of firms and industries, the study of vertical relationships between organizations, the analysis of market behaviors of companies (oligopolies, cartels, collusion, predation, etc.), the innovation strategies of firms, etc.
The professors in the department are members of the Research Center of TBS Education. The results of their research are published in reference books as well as in the best international academic journals such as Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Economic Theory, International Journal of Production Research, Review of Industrial Organization, Review of Network Economics, Operations Research Letters, Computers and Operations Research, Annals of OR, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Economic Review, Transportations Research part A, Marketing Letters, Telecommunication Policy, etc.
Information Management Division
The Information Management Division develops courses that are linked to handling information in a society that relies on new technology and that tackle Big Data & Artificial Intelligence issues.
Our society is on the brink of a technological revolution that exceeds the revolutions brought on by the internet and mobile communication. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are transforming the corporate world, redefining corporate strategies, business models, processes, products and services as well as decision-making processes.
The courses designed by our division focus on the stakes and challenges companies have to face in terms of data management and decision-taking, i.e. big data, business analytics, data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
We train students to become data analysts, chief data officers, data explorers, data planners, data strategists as well as expert consultants in innovation technology.
Our Division’s courses are spread out across the entire TBS Education programs:
Our Division is also active in 4 Master of Science programs, which are taught in the last year of the Master in Management program.
In addition, thanks to its interdisciplinary nature, the division actively participates in various specialized courses requiring specific knowledge in statistics and information systems for finance, marketing and accounting/management control.
The division counts 13 resident professors, with additional affiliated professors and visiting professionals, who teach in their field of expertise. The professor-researchers of this division are highly active in research in the fields of statistics, econometrics, information systems, e-commerce, innovation management and digital transformation. A wide range of research projets and collaborations with international universities and companies focus on new technologies, such as blockchain, the Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Our research also focuses on the analysis of technology adoption, use and impact on an individual, organizational, national and societal level.