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Ask Tom

  • Lake Orta, Piedmont, Italy

    Holiday planning advice: Ask Tom Q&A

    Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be online on Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm (BST), advising on all aspects of trip-planning. Post your questions below

  • Sandcastle on a beach in summer

    Summer holiday advice: Ask Tom Q&A

    Tom Hall of Lonely Planet was online earlier today, advising on travel this summer. Read his tips and advice here

  • Navagio Beach, Zakynthos Island, Zante, Greece

    Holiday planning advice: Ask Tom Q&A

    Tom Hall of Lonely Planet was live online from 1-2pm BST on Wednesday answering your queries. Read his tips and advice here

  • Algarve. Portugal

    Holiday planning advice: Ask Tom – live Q&A

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet was online on Wednesday to answer your queries

  • Brela, Makarska Riviera, Croatia

    Holiday planning advice: Ask Tom - live Q&A

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be online today from 1pm (BST) to answer your queries

  • Great Wall of China

    Ask Tom – live travel Q&A

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet answers your queries live online today from 1pm

  • A hiker walking on snow

    Ask Tom – live travel Q&A

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet answers your queries live online today from 1pm

  • Children playing football on the beach

    Ask Tom live Q&A!

    Got a travel dilemma or planning a winter escape? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be online on Wednesday at 1pm GMT to answer your queries and offer advice

  • Houseboat on the Kerala Backwaters, India

    Ask Tom Q&A – live now!

    Got a travel dilemma or planning a winter escape? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet is online to answer your queries

  • Autumn colours in Saco Valley White Mountains, New Hampshire

    Ask Tom live Q&A!

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be here at 1pm (BST) on Wednesday to answer your queries in our online clinic

  • Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Oahu, Hawaii

    Ask Tom live Q&A

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be online at noon (BST) today to answer your queries

  • ibizas

    Ask Tom live Q&A!

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be here today at 1pm BST to answer your queries

  • Off-road safari vehicle, Namibia

    Ask Tom – live Q&A

    Today at 1pm: Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be answering your questions live online in our travel clinic

  • Fjord Hot air ballooning Lake Norway Og Romsdal

    Ask Tom – live Q&A

    TODAY at 1pm: Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet answers your questions live online in our travel clinic

  • Amazon river in Brazil

    Ask Tom live Q&A!

    Got a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be live online today at 1pm to answer your queries

  • Rodas beach Cies Islands, Galicia

    Ask Tom Q&A: Live now!

    Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be online at 1pm (BST) Wednesday answering your travel queries

  • Island of Mykonos, Greece

    Ask Tom: Live Q&A

    Do you have a travel dilemma, need some holiday advice or just want to escape the relentless rain? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be here at 1pm (BST) on Wednesday to answer your questions

  • Kayakers, Plantation Island Resort, Malolo Lailai Island, Mamanuca Islands, Fiji, South Pacific

    Ask Tom: Live Q&A

    Do you have a travel dilemma or need some holiday advice? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet will be here 1pm (BST) to answer your questions in our live online travel clinic

  • Corsica

    Ask Tom: Live Q&A!

    Do you have a travel dilemma or need some holiday advice? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet answers your questions live online in our travel clinic

  • Lisbon, Alfama district

    Ask Tom: Live Q&A!

    Do you have a travel dilemma? Tom Hall of Lonely Planet offers ideas for spring/early summer city breaks in our weekly travel clinic

About 248 results for Ask Tom
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