Theo Padnos, an American journalist, was captured in Syria by Jabhat al-Nusra in 20128:06
In my opinionOur obsession with the economy is destroying democracy – video
Owen Jones says the US must draw on its proud history of positive action to avoid a Trump victory1:43
Michael Sheen, the actor who has portrayed Brian Clough, Tony Blair and David Frost, talks to the Guardian’s Owen Jones7:38
The idea that all women want to be mothers is outdated and sexist, argues Julie Bindel
International bestselling economist, Ha-Joon Chang, tells the Guardian’s Owen Jones that there is no need for the Conservative party’s austerity programme5:20
Marcia Rigg and Wail Qasim tell the Guardian’s Owen Jones why Black Lives Matter is necessary in the UK4:22
From opposing the convention of human rights, to telling illegal immigrants to ‘go home’, there are things we should know about our new prime minister, says Owen Jones2:06
The Guardian’s political editor, Anushka Asthana, says the Leave camp have let a genie out of a bottle, and they must put it back2:15