The European University of the Seas

SEA-EU is an alliance of 9 European and coastal universities with the mission to create an international and interdisciplinary European University that will enhance scientific cooperation and foster innovation and knowledge transfer. 


9 countries | over 40% of the European coastline | 162,500 students | 119 independent departments | more than 17 000 academics and admins | a SEA of opportunities

European Universities are transnational alliances that will lead the way towards the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionizing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.

As part of the European Universities Initiative, the SEA-EU alliance is one of the 64 European University Alliances that wishes to establish a distinctly international, pluri-ethnic, multilingual, and interdisciplinary European University.


Work and study with no borders

University of Malta | University of Cadiz, Spain | University of Western Brittany, Brest, France | University of Kiel, Germany | University of Split, Croatia | University of Gdansk, Poland | Parthenope University of Naples, Italy | University of Algarve, Portugal | NORD University, Norway


Map of the Europe with 9 SEA-EU cities makred

Let's debunk some common misconceptions about SEA-EU

SEA-EU relies on project funding, but it is primarily a vision of a long-term partnership between the European universities. It focuses on building on collaboration, sharing resources, and enhancing opportunities for staff and students in all areas of university life: education, research, innovation, mobility, and more. 

SEA-EU is embedded in the structure of the university. It has a presence at the university and brings together staff from different areas. SEA-EU institutions at UM beyond the scope of the usual project:

  • The SEA-EU Affairs Committee - committee approved by the UM Senate which brings together representatives from academia and administration
  • SEA-EU Office - a unit that provides support for the effective coordination, management, and implementation of externally funded projects awarded to the European University of the Seas
  • SEA-EU Hut - SEA-EU base on the UM campus; a meeting and dissemination point for the alliance

SEA-EU is a transnational alliance of higher education institutions, paving the way for the universities of the future. While certainly this alliance supports networking and knowledge transfer, this is not its only function.

By developing long-term structural, strategic, and sustainable cooperation between the higher education institutions in the European Universities alliances, the initiative aims to improve the international competitiveness of higher education institutions in Europe and promote European values and identity.

SEA-EU in its pilot phase actually focused on marine and maritime sciences. However, at the moment, it is not the field of science that unites the universities in the alliance, but their coastal location. SEA-EU encompasses all areas of university research, and initiatives have been taken in all university departments. 

The Alliance focuses not only on research but also looks into long-term joint educational strategies, combining research and innovation in the service of society. It is an in-depth institutional cooperation within the framework of European university alliances, which enables students, doctoral students, and staff to benefit from seamless mobility opportunities at so-called European inter-university campuses.

Joint teaching is one of our objectives, but not the only one! As a university of the future, we engage in related areas such as joint research, joint management, and the transfer of best practices.

However, it is worth noting that we are working as pioneers, together with several other European University Alliances, on the development of Joint Degrees (within EDLab), which will allow you to study at several universities at the same time.

Every member of the University, be it a student, a researcher, or a staff member, is a member of SEA-EU! 

Please, check the page with our Opportunities where you can find information on our currently open SEA-EU actions. Contact us if you have an idea of international cooperation!

SEA-EU logo on a blue background and text encouraging to visit the alliance's website