Statement on accessibility

The University of Stuttgart does everything it can to make the “” website and all the online services accessible.

Accessibility means that a website can also be read and operated by people with various different handicaps. This applies to both the technology (browser, operating system) and the content (comprehensibility, readability, user-friendliness).

Our websites and online services are implemented in accordance with § 10 subsec. 1 of the L-BGG (law on equal opportunities for people with disabilities in Baden-Wuerttemberg).

This statement about accessibility applies to all websites of the University of Stuttgart in the content management system OpenCms (Template3.0).

1 Level of conformity with the requirements

Due to the following incompatibilities, these websites are partially compliant with § 10 subsec. 1 L-BGG.

Methodology for reviewing / assessment
Self-assessment according to the BITV (Accessible Information Technology Regulation)
Created on
Assessment as per BITV/WCAG

Does not meet the standard. 55 of 60 test stages are fulfilled or partially fulfilled. The following are only partially fulfilled:

  • 1.2.1a Alternatives to audio files and silent videos
  • 1.2.2a Transcribed videos with subtitles
  • 1.2.3a Audio description or full text alternative for videos
  • 1.2.4a Videos (live) with subtitles
  • 1.2.5a Audio description for videos
Last review

2 Not accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

  1. Non-compliance with § 10 subsec. 1 L-BGG
    • Websites existing for reasons of archiving (non-responsive) in OpenCms, and other OpenCms-external websites.
  2. Disproportionate burden
    • It has not yet been possible to convert documents created before 2018-09-23 to an accessible format.
    • Subtitles or transcripts are only partially available for the videos involved.


Due to the disproportionate burden (according to § 10 subsec. 2 L-BGG), the above-mentioned documents have not yet been converted. We endeavor to improve this situation as soon as possible.

3 Creation of this statement on accessibility

This statement was created on November 20th 2019.

The statement was last reviewed on 2020-03-18.

4 Feedback and contact details

If you still encounter barriers on our websites, please use the form below to send us an e-mail with a description of where you have found each barrier. The form will be sent to

Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to the working group “Accessible Campus”.

The working group’s primary objective is documenting and removing barriers at the University of Stuttgart. It works closely with the web team of the university. The web team is responsible for processing the feedback on the accessibility of the pages mentioned here.

Feedback form

With this form you send an e-mail to the working group “Accessible Campus” and the web-team of the University of Stuttgart.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Privacy statement

Allgemeine Informationen zum Datenschutz finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung unterhalb des Formulars.

Controller and data protection officer

Information concerning the controller and data protection officer can be found in the data protection declaration of the University.

Description and categories of data

An email to the mail room of the University of Stuttgart will be generated from the information you provide in the contact form. In addition to your entries in the form fields, the date and time will be recorded in the generated email.


The contact form enables a simplified means of getting in touch with the University electronically

  • without an email program needing to be used,
  • without the concrete responsible body of the University or target persons being known.

    As with printed post, the mail room distributes your queries to the correct recipient for response and/or processing, based on the information you have provided.

Legal basis

The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter e) GDPR together with Article 6 Paragraph 3 GDPR and § 4 of the State Data Protection Act (Landesdatenschutzgesetz).


Your message is received by the commissioner for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses at the University of Stuttgart.

Storage duration

At the latest one year following receipt of the email, the mail room deletes your message. The length of time for which the email is saved by the end recipient depends on the process which subsequently takes place.

Consequences of non-provision, right of objection and correction

The use of the form is voluntary. You can also get in touch with the University of Stuttgart by fax, email, telephone, personally or by post.
You are free to provide your name and email address in the form of a pseudonym when entering data, which means that the University cannot assign the information to a person. Should you not wish for your identity to be disclosed, it may then be the case that your matter cannot be processed.

Your rights

Information concerning your rights can be found in the data protection declaration of the University.

5 Enforcement procedure

To ensure that these websites meet the requirements described in § 10 subsec. 1 L-BGG, you can contact the working group “Accessible Campus” and the web team and provide appropriate feedback. The corresponding contact options can be found in clause 4 of this statement.

If the working group “Accesible Campus” or the web team do not respond to your request within the period of time specified in § 8 sentence 1 L-BGG-DVO, you can contact the state government representative for the interests of people with disabilities or the municipal representative for the interests of people with disabilities within the scope of the ombudsman function described in § 14 subsec. 2 sentence 2 L-BGG and § 15 subsec. 3 sentence 2 L-BGG.

You can contact the state government representative for the interests of people with disabilities as follows:

State Government Representative for People with Disabilities Stephanie Aeffner:
Phone: +49 711 279-3358

Office of the State Government Representative for People with Disabilities:
Phone: +49 711 279-3360

Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
E-mail: [email protected]

You can find out the contact information of your municipal representative for the interests of people with disabilities on the website of the city or district where you are a permanent resident.

Attention is drawn to the possibility of the right to file a class action according to § 12 subsec. 1 sentence 1 no. 4 L-BGG.

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