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Glossary of UX terms

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A/B testing

A/B testing commonly compares two webpage versions to determine which performs better based on specific metrics.

Active listening

Active listening engages users during research, emphasizing empathy for user-centered design and improvement.


Affordance is the perception of possible actions with an object or design. It improves usability, task efficiency, and engagement.

Agile UX

Agile UX integrates user experience into Agile development, emphasizing flexibility, feedback, and cross-functional collaboration.



A backlog is a list of tasks, features, or bugs that need to be addressed in a project.


A benchmark is target or metric used for comparison purposes. This can be an goal for your website or a standard derived from an external study.

Benchmarking Research

Benchmarking research is a systematic process of comparing and measuring an organization's performance, practices, processes, or products against those of competitors or industry leaders in order to identify best practices and areas for improvement.


Center of a Dataset

Refers to a single value that represents the entire dataset succinctly. Typically, this is the average, or arithmetic mean.

Cognitive walkthrough

A cognitive walkthrough is a usability evaluation technique used to test how easy it is for new users to perform certain actions on a website or application.

Confounding Variable

An unseen factor that affects both the independent and dependent variables, leading to a misleading association between them.

Context of use

The context of use defines where and how a product is used, guiding design through research and usability tests.


Counterbalancing in experimental research controls for the order of stimulus presentation's impact on the dependent variable.

Cross-platform compatibility

Cross-platform compatibility refers to the ability of a software application, website, or system to function effectively across different operating systems, browsers, or device types.

Customer activation

Customer activation propels users to engage beyond registration, essential during onboarding, new features, and long-term retention.


Data saturation

Data saturation occurs when the research process has gathered a sufficient amount of data to draw essential conclusions, and collecting additional data would no longer result in additional valuable insights.

Dependent Variable

The factor being measured in a study, anticipated to change in response to alterations in the independent variable.

Design Thinking

Design thinking uses empathy and innovation to create user-focused solutions via a five-step problem-solving process.

Digital personalization

Digital personalization refers to the process of adapting and customizing digital content and interactions to meet the needs of users.

Dirty testing

Dirty testing is a quick, informal usability method for rapid feedback on prototypes in real-world contexts.

Domain Expert

A domain expert is an individual with extensive knowledge or skills in a specific area or industry.

Drag handle

A drag handle is a UI element allowing users to move or adjust objects within software, often seen in design tools and spreadsheets.


Edge case

An edge case in UX design refers to a unique scenario or situation that deviates from the typical user experience.

Enterprise Organization

An enterprise organization refers to a large-scale business entity typically operating across multiple locations, regions, or even countries.

Experience Sampling

Experience sampling is a method for collecting real-time data on individuals' behaviors and thoughts in their everyday life.

Expert review

An expert review, also known as a heuristic evaluation or usability inspection, is a method used to evaluate the usability and user experience of a product or system.


False consensus effect

The false consensus effect makes individuals overestimate their preferences' popularity, influencing UX decisions and evaluations.

Five Second Test

A five second test is a user research technique used to evaluate the visual design and initial impressions of a website or product.


"Focus plus context" in UI offers a detailed view alongside broader information, aiding users with complex systems or datasets.


Guerilla Testing

Guerilla testing, also known as guerrilla testing or quick user testing, is an informal and rapid method of gathering user feedback on a product or design.


Haptic Feedback

Haptic feedback boosts digital interaction with touch. It's crucial for immersion, accessibility, and conveying user information.

Heuristic Review

Heuristic review is a UX method assessing designs against usability rules. It's cost-effective, improves navigation, and reduces user errors.


I-beam pointer

An I-beam pointer is a cursor shaped like the letter "I", typically seen over editable text areas, signaling that text can be inserted, edited, or selected.


Incentives enhance research participation and feedback, using gift cards, early research access, and certificates.

Information Design

Information design is the practice of presenting information in a way that fosters efficient and effective understanding.

Interaction Design

Interaction Design (IxD) is a discipline within User Experience Design that involves designing the interactive behaviors of products and services.

Internal Validity

Refers to the degree to which a study's design effectively minimizes biases and ensures consistency across conditions and participant responses.

ISO 9126

ISO 9126 is a standard for software quality, defining functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability.

Iterative Design

Iterative design involves refining designs in cycles of testing and feedback, reducing risks, and improving usability and efficiency.




Likert scale

A Likert scale gauges respondent attitudes using statements and typically employs 5 or 7-point response options, offering easy analysis.

Low fidelity

Low fidelity (lo-fi) in design refers to a simplified, abstract representation using basic shapes and minimal detail.


Margin of Error

The margin of error represents half the breadth of a confidence interval associated with a specific metric.

Menu-driven interface

A menu-driven interface offers organized navigation, ideal for non-tech users and complex systems, ensuring guided, quick interactions.


Refers to a quantitative variable or measure obtained from a study.

Middle market

Mid-market refers to a segment of the business market that falls between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large corporations.

Multi-channel testing

Multi-channel testing evaluates user experience across platforms like websites and apps, ensuring consistency and seamless user journeys.


Navigation Design

Navigation design is the aspect of user interface design that deals with guiding users to move through an application or website intuitively and effectively.

NOIR statistics

NOIR represents the four measurement scales in statistics: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio, categorizing types of data.

Normal Distribution

A statistical pattern observed in continuous metrics, characterized by the majority of values clustering near the center of the distribution and exhibiting symmetrical distribution around it.


Observed Score

Refers to the value of a metric acquired from a subset of the user population, typically obtained through sampling.


Onboarding refers to the process of introducing and familiarizing users with a new product, service, or platform.



Represents the likelihood that the disparity observed between two or more observed scores is a result of random chance.


A persona is a fictional representation of a user segment aiding in user-centered design, decision-making, and team empathy.

Population (or User Population)

Encompasses all potential users of a product, representing the entire pool of individuals who may interact with or benefit from the product's features and functionalities.

Practical Significance

Refers to whether a statistically significant difference observed in a study is expected to have meaningful implications in real-world contexts.


Prioritization is a critical decision-making process used to rank tasks or items in order of importance or urgency.


In the context of UX, a product is a tangible or intangible item, system, or service that is created to fulfill a specific user need or demand.

Product Critique

A product critique is a constructive evaluation and analysis of a product's design, functionality, and overall user experience.

Product Designer

A product designer is a professional who is responsible for creating and designing the overall look, feel, and functionality of a product.

Product Development Cycle

The product development cycle is a series of stages that a product undergoes, from its initial conception to its introduction into the market.

Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is the process of distinguishing a product from its competitors in the market by highlighting unique features, benefits, or characteristics that make it stand out.

Product Experience

Product experience refers to the overall impression and perception that users have when interacting with a product.

Product Positioning

Product positioning is the strategic process of creating a distinct perception and identity for a product in the minds of target customers.

Product Strategy

A product strategy is a high-level plan that outlines the vision, goals, and directions for a product or a product line.

Product Vision

A product vision is a strategic statement that outlines the long-term goals and direction for a product.

Pull-down menu

A pull-down menu is a GUI feature that displays a list of options when clicked, optimizing space and content organization.


Qualitative insights

Qualitative insights refer to in-depth understanding and interpretation of subjects, usually derived from non-quantitative data like interviews, observations, or text analysis, focusing on the 'why' and 'how' of human behavior and opinions.

Quantitative insights

Quantitative insights are conclusions from numerical data, typically gained through research that quantifies aspects like magnitude and frequency.


Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is an iterative design and development process that involves quickly creating and testing functional or interactive prototypes of a product.

Rating Scale

A rating scale is a type of closed-ended survey question where respondents assign a value to a specific concept.


Redlining is the practice in web design and development where detailed specifications of the design, including measurements, colors, fonts, and other elements, are provided for developers.

Remote focus groups

Remote focus groups are virtual sessions gathering diverse feedback, combining cost-efficiency with rich data collection.



Scannability refers to the ease with which users can quickly scan through the content of a webpage, document, or interface to find relevant information.

Scroll Depth

Scroll depth measures user engagement, guiding content optimization, UX analysis, and performance tracking.


A sitemap is a model of a website's content designed to help both users and search engines navigate the site.


Skeuomorphism is a design style that mimics real-world objects in digital interfaces, offering user familiarity and intuitive interactions.

Skip Navigation

A skip navigation link is a feature typically found on web pages that allows users to bypass repetitive or non-essential navigation elements and jump directly to the main content of the page.

Small business

A small business is an independent, niche-focused entity. Starting one involves research, planning, and action.

SMART Goal Setting

SMART goal setting is a method used to define objectives or goals in a manner that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Synthetic metric

A synthetic metric combines multiple metrics for a holistic view of scenarios, aiding decision-making and understanding trends.


Task completion time

Task completion time is the time taken by a user to complete a specific task in a system or application. This metric is essential in usability testing to evaluate the efficiency of a user interface by measuring the duration to reach a defined goal.

Tear-off menu

A tear-off menu detaches from the main UI for easy access, enhancing user experience by streamlining frequent command use.

Three click rule

The three-click rule is a UX principle stating users should access information within three clicks, emphasizing efficiency and engagement.


A tooltip is a graphical user interface (GUI) element that provides additional information or context about a specific element on a website or app.

True Score

Represents the central tendency of the distribution derived from including all users within a user population.


Usability lab

A usability lab is a dedicated space or facility specifically designed for conducting usability testing and user research.

User Engagement

User engagement refers to the level of interaction, involvement, and emotional connection that users have with a product, service, or platform.

User Experience

User Experience, often abbreviated as UX, refers to the overall experience a user has while interacting with a product, system, or service

User Interface (UI)

User Interface (UI) is the visual medium users engage with in digital products, affecting usability and overall experience.

User Journey

A user journey is a visual representation of the process a user goes through to achieve a goal with your product, from their initial interaction to the final outcome.

User Session

User sessions measure interaction duration with a digital product, aiding in behavior analysis and personalization.

User Story

A user story is a concise, simple description of a feature or functionality from the perspective of the end user.

User Testing Script

A user testing script is a guide used during usability sessions to ensure consistent tasks and instructions, promoting reliable data.

UX Personas

UX personas are research-based fictional profiles representing target users, guiding design and fostering empathy in product development.

UX wireframe

A UX wireframe is a visual guide to a digital interface's layout, aiding in design, collaboration, and early issue detection.


Value proposition

A value proposition explains the unique perks a product gives to its users, highlighting its special features and benefits.

Vanity Metrics

Vanity metrics are measurements that may look impressive but often lack meaningful insights into the actual success or value of a product, service, or business.


Refers to the extent of diversity among data points within a dataset, as well as their deviation from the center of the distribution.



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