hepatic encephalopathy ingelesa (Q642548)
Nabigaziora joan
Bilaketara joan
brain disease that is characterized by loss of brain function, the occurrence of confusion, altered level of consciousness, and coma that results when the liver is unable to remove toxins from the blood ingelesa
Hizkuntza | Etiketa | Deskribapena | Goitizenak |
euskara | Ez da etiketarik zehaztu |
Ez da deskribapenik zehaztu |
ingelesa | hepatic encephalopathy |
brain disease that is characterized by loss of brain function, the occurrence of confusion, altered level of consciousness, and coma that results when the liver is unable to remove toxins from the blood |
Erreferentzia bat
Erreferentzia bat
25 martxoa 1976
Erreferentzia bat
Hepatic encephalopathy
0 erreferentzia
Encéphalopathie hépatique
Erreferentzia bat
Hepatic encephalopathy
Erreferentzia bat
Hepatic Encephalopathy
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MedlinePlus ID ingelesa
PatientsLikeMe condition ID ingelesa
Disease Ontology ID ingelesa
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eMedicine ID ingelesa
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Freebase Data Dumps ingelesa
28 urria 2013
GARD rare disease ID ingelesa
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Human Phenotype Ontology ID ingelesa
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ICD-11 ID (Foundation) ingelesa
ICD-11 ID (MMS) ingelesa
Store medisinske leksikon ID ingelesa
mapping relation type ingelesa
exact match ingelesa
Erreferentzia bat
30 maiatza 2020
Erreferentzia bat
WikiProjectMed ID ingelesa
Erreferentzia bat
31 urtarrila 2022
Wikipedia(33 sarrera)
- ar اعتلال دماغي كبدي
- az Hepatik ensefalopatiya
- ca Encefalopatia hepàtica
- da Hepatisk encefalopati
- de Hepatische Enzephalopathie
- en Hepatic encephalopathy
- eo Hepata encefalopatio
- es Encefalopatía hepática
- fa انسفالوپاتی کبدی
- fi Hepaattinen enkefalopatia
- fr Encéphalopathie hépatique
- he אנצפלופתיה כבדית
- hy Լյարդային էնցեֆալոպաթիա
- id Ensefalopati hepatik
- it Encefalopatia epatica
- ja 肝性脳症
- ko 간성 뇌증
- nl Hepatische encefalopathie
- or ହେପାଟିକ ଏନସେଫାଲୋପାଥି
- pl Encefalopatia wątrobowa
- pt Encefalopatia hepática
- ru Печёночная кома
- sh Hepatička koma
- sl Jetrna encefalopatija
- sr Хепатичка кома
- sv Leverkoma
- ta கல்லீரல்நோய் மூளைக்கோளாறு
- th โรคสมองจากตับ
- tr Hepatik ensefalopati
- uk Печінкова енцефалопатія
- uz Jigar ensefalopatiyasi
- vi Bệnh não gan
- zh 肝性脑病
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Beste guneak(1 entry)
- commons Category:Hepatic encephalopathy