Wikidata:WikiProject Law

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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: select ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q22984026 . }
item label description
P9119 LexML Brazil ID identifier for laws in the LexML system
P9376 law digest short text that summarizes a law, decree and other legal rulings, part of the preamble
P9448 introduced on date when a bill was introduced into a legislature
P9457 National Database of Laws and Regulations ID law ID of "National Database of Laws and Regulations" maintained by General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
P9647 DIP ID Identification number of a process in Dokumentations- und Informationssystem für Parlamentsmaterialien
P9681 voted on by a legislative house in which a legislative act was voted on
P9696 law identification identification number of a law in
P9771 free/libre open source software usage policy URL URL for free/libre open source use policy or guideline of an entity
P9919 Convict Records of Australia ID identifier of a convict transported to Australia between 1787-1867
P9966 United Nations Treaty Collection object ID identifier in the United Nations database of treaties registered with the Secretariat
P9986 NDL earlier law ID identifier in the NDL (National Diet Library) Japanese Law Index (early Meiji years)
P10214 freedom of information requests URL URL pointing to a form or other page allowing citizens to make freedom of information request to public organizations
P10215 Casefile ID numerical identifier for a case covered by the Casefile website
P10412 PKULaw CLI Code identifier for a legal material in the PKULaw Chinalawinfo database [with prefix 'CLI']
P10421 ELF code code for entity legal form (ELF), assigned by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) per ISO 20275
P10485 Official Internet Portal of Legal Information ID law identifier on the Official Internet Portal of Legal Information
P10521 ILO code identifier of an international labour standard adopted by the International Labour Conference
P10603 XJustiz court ID identifier for German courts
P10703 Bill Number number assigned to a bill to be submitted to the parliament of the state or local government
P10838 Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Case ID identifier for cases in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database
P11218 New Zealand Legislation ID identifier for a statute or other legislation on the New Zealand Legislation website
P11324 Parliamentary Archives ID in United Kingdom identifier of this item on the Parliamentary Archives website
P11325 Parliamentary Office number in United Kingdom reference number assigned by the Clerk of the Parliaments to original Acts of Parliament passed in a given Parliamentary session to be kept in the House of Lords Record Office (now the Parliamentary Archives)
P11649 Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID numerical identifier for Acts of the Parliament of Malaysia
P11798 Diritto on line ID identifier for an item in Diritto on line on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia
P11854 Politique pappers identifier identifier for a law on the website Politique Pappers
P11867 Law Insider Legal Dictionary entry identifier for an entry in Law Insider's Legal Dictionary
P11887 ECLI court code
P11922 verdict decision made at the end of a trial by the judge or jury
P12000 ‎Biographical Directory of Federal Judges numeric ID numeric identifier for a judge in the Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
P12452 ‎appeals to court or other body that hears appeals from subject's decisions
P12498 JAHIS Law Database ID identifier for law/regulation entry in full-text database of acts (1886-2017) and imperial ordinances (1886-1947) in Japan
P12532 ‎Oyez Project ID identifier for a court case, justice, or advocate in the Oyez Project website
P12592 Supreme Court of Canada case number identifier for a case in the Supreme Court of Canada
P12607 author ID legal author identifier in database
P12705 The Law Dictionary entry identifier for an entry in The Law Dictionary
P12720 WIPO Lex ID identifier for WIPO Lex
P92 main regulatory text text setting the main rules by which the subject is regulated
P157 killed by person or organization who killed the subject
P209 highest judicial authority supreme judicial body within a country, administrative division, or other organization
P457 foundational text text through which an institution or object has been created or established
P464 NOR numbering ID identifier for French official texts
P467 legislated by indicates that an act or bill was passed by a legislature. The value can be a particular session of the legislature
P476 CELEX number identifier for European legal texts in EUR-Lex database
P1001 applies to jurisdiction the item (institution, law, public office, public register...) or statement belongs to or has power over or applies to the value (a territorial jurisdiction: a country, state, municipality, ...)
P1031 legal citation of this text legal citation of legislation or a court decision
P1162 Bluebook abbreviation Bluebook citation style includes abbreviations
P1399 convicted of crime a person was convicted of
P1437 plea whether a person pleaded guilty, not guilty, etc.
P1454 legal form legal form of an entity
P1544 Federal Register Document Number authority file ID in the United States Federal Register
P1591 defendant person or organization accused at a trial
P1592 prosecutor person representing the prosecuting authority, at a trial
P1593 defender person representing the defendant, at a trial
P1594 judge judge, magistrate or equivalent, presiding at a trial
P1595 charge offence with which someone is charged, at a trial
P1596 penalty penalty imposed by an authority
P1620 plaintiff party who initiates a lawsuit
P1840 investigated by person or organization involved in investigation of the item
P1891 signatory person, country, or organization that has signed an official document (use P50 for author)
P2058 depositary depositary of the treaty
P2461 ComLaw ID identifier for Commonwealth of Australia legislation, bills, regulations, etc, in the ComLaw database
P2567 amended by document is amended by specified other document
P2568 repealed by document is repealed/inactived by specified other document
P2632 place of detention place where this person is or was detained
P2736 Biographical Directory of Federal Judges alpha ID identifier for a judge in the Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
P3014 laws applied the constitutional and statutory provisions that were the primary basis for a decision or law
P3147 United States Reports ID ID for US Supreme Court Opinions on OpenJurist website
P3148 repeals this document or act repeals that other document or act
P3343 ID identifier of this legislation on the website
P3493 legal status (medicine) legal status for pharmaceutical drugs, e.g. general sales list for paracetamol in the UK
P3570 European Case Law ID identifier for case law in Europe
P3719 regulated by organization that acts as regulator of an activity, financial market, or stock exchange
P3751 Shoftim BeIsrael judge ID database about the judges of Israel
P3825 United States Statutes at Large citation citation of an Act of the United States Congress to the United States Statutes at Large
P3837 United States Public Law citation to United States Public Law
P3893 public domain date date the item enters into the public domain in a jurisdiction
P3931 copyright holder person or organisation who holds the copyright of a work according to the Berne Convention
P3944 Old Bailey Proceedings ID identifier for a trial, on the Old Bailey Proceedings website
P3968 CETS number Council of Europe treaty number
P4006 overrules case that supersedes another case
P4051 Legislation of Ukraine ID identifier in the Verkhovna Rada database of laws and regulations of Ukraine
P4222 United Nations Treaty Series Volume Number volume number within the United Nations Treaty Series
P4231 United Nations Treaty Series registration number registration number of a treaty within the United Nations Treaty Series
P4310 FOIH decree types ID identifier for a decree type in the thesaurus of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage
P4424 mandates action or status required or requested by a motion
P4532 Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Trial ID іdentifier for trials in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database
P4821 Cour des comptes magistrate ID identifier of a magistrate in the French Court of Audit online biographical dictionary
P4884 court specific court a legal case is or was heard or decided in
P4892 Siprojuris ID identifier for a jurist in the database Siprojuris
P5023 activity policy in this place policy for activities in this place, for example no photos, photos allowed, no flash, lighting fires, flying drones, etc.
P5175 Univ-droit jurist ID identifier of a legal scholar on Univ-droit
P5457 Conseil constitutionnel ID identifier of a member of the 'Conseil constitutionnel' on its website
P5582 number of arrests the number of arrests made by public officials during or resulting from an event
P5630 prisoner count number of inmates or prisioners held in this prison
P5743 SR Number unique number of each law in the Systematic Compilation of Federal Legislation of Switzerland
P5799 AustLII ID identifier in the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) online database
P5826 majority opinion by judicial opinion agreed to by more than half of the members of a court
P5952 Annuaire de la magistrature ID identifier for a French magistrature on the 'Annuaire rétrospectif de la magistrature'
P6090 Caselaw Access Project case ID identifier for single case in Caselaw Access Project
P6167 British Executions ID identifier for a person executed in Britain between 1100 and 1964
P6193 ratified by used to specify that a treaty has been ratified by a given state or subject of international law
P6216 copyright status copyright status for intellectual creations like works of art, publications, software, etc.
P6350 Doctrine ID identifier for a lawyer on Doctrine
P6357 Conférence du stage secretary ID identifier for a secretary of the 'Conférence du stage de Paris' on its website
P6362 Litchfield Ledger ID identifier in Litchfield Ledger database
P6514 DOGC ID external and unique identifier which represents a publication in Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya
P6577 Cour des comptes report ID identifier for a report about an organization on the 'Cour des comptes's website
P6650 Martindale-Hubbell profile profile of a person at Martindale-Hubbell
P6740 Justia Patents assignee ID identifier for the assignee of a patent in Justia Patents
P6749 CanLII ID identifier for decisions of Canadian court cases
P7014 terms of service URL URL linking to terms of service of the subject
P7063 U. S. Supreme Court docket number identifier for a case filed at the Supreme Court of the United States
P7101 privacy policy URL privacy policy of subject
P7122 opinion joined by who joins a judicial opinion
P7152 copyright exemption copyright exemption this file is covered by
P7162 cases consolidated what other cases this case consolidated
P7209 ordeal by manner of judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused was determined
P7242 Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China ID the website URL code for the Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China
P7390 Knesset law ID identifier for law in Knesset site
P7588 effective date date on which a statutory or administrative law or other official document comes into force. This date may differ for different sections of the law. This may also be retrospective, predating the date of enactment.
P7589 date of promulgation date on which a piece of legislation formally became law (whether by assent or some other procedure)
P7677 ID identifier on Gesetze im Internet
P7781 exonerated of crime of which the subject was found not to be guilty after having previously been found guilty by a court for that crime
P8008 Google Scholar case ID ID for legal cases cataloged by Google Scholar
P8086 ODMP person ID The Officer Down Memorial Page entry for a police officer killed in the line of duty
P8407 Supreme Court of Sweden case number identifier for a case in the Supreme Court of Sweden
P8433 Swedish Riksdag document ID identifier for documents produced in the Riksdag, the national legislature and the supreme decision-making body of Sweden
P8457 ANZSOC 2011 ID identifier for criminal offences in Australian and New Zealand
P8550 law identifier a sequence of numbers assigned to laws/acts that were passed by countries or local governments
P8609 China Treaty Database ID identifier for a treaty in the China Treaty Database
P8610 e-GOV law ID identifier in the e-Gov Law Search
P8635 NDL law ID identifier in the NDL (National Diet Library) Japanese Law Index
P8722 Normattiva ID URL linking to the law in the Normattiva website
P8726 Irish Statute Book ID identifier of legislation on the website
P8738 permits the norm or license permits people to engage in the object
P8739 prohibits subject proscribes a prohibition of the object (use qualifiers to specify context)
End of automatically generated list.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?sitelinks WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q1756157 OPTIONAL {?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks} . }
item label description subclass of number of sitelinks
Q294199 public order body of principles that underpin the operation of legal systems 27
Q294417 Public Building Law (Germany) part of a special administrative law in Germany 1
Q361869 animal law Jurisprudence and laws on animal welfare 14
Q427257 mining law branch of law relating to the legal requirements affecting minerals and mining 9
Q759815 conveyancing transfer of legal title of property 4
Q811675 Bauordnungsrecht statute 1
Q811677 Bauplanungsrecht federal law (Germany) 1
Q811705 construction law sum of legal rules concerning the building 15
Q895986 food law cross-cutting between consumer protection, security and commercial law 4
Q897012 legal succession aspect of inheritance law 4
Q1230212 Disziplinarrecht 2
Q1309660 container deposit legislation any law that requires the collection of a monetary deposit on beverage containers at the point of sale and/or the payment of refund value to the consumers 0
Q1438384 forest law field of law 14
Q1453439 sports law area of law 12
Q1466479 Sprengstoffrecht field of law 1
Q1495680 Gaststättenrecht area of German trade law 1
Q1550476 Grundbuchrecht 1
Q1577380 ecclesiastical law area of law regulating the relationship between state and churches 17
Q1711323 Youth Welfare Law all laws and regulations that relate to the children and youth services 1
Q1900600 trademark law laws that protects names of products in the course of trade 4
Q1941172 customs law affect all regulations about tariffs 9
Q2101827 police law summarizes all legal norms together, which deals with the security and the policing 2
Q2313683 Sprengstoffrecht (Deutschland) law 1
Q2325126 state organization law legal term 1
Q2325210 law of state (as polity) Compartment of public law, which deals with the organization and the legal requirements for the activity of public administration 1
Q2554706 military criminal law 1
Q3039676 droit de la communication 1
Q3039827 droit pénal de la presse 1
Q3240424 inheritance law area of law 3
Q4376039 Право на землю 2
Q4764993 animal testing regulations laws that permit and control the use of non-human animals for scientific experimentation 4
Q4797171 art and culture law body of law that regulates and is applied to artists, fine art and cultural property 4
Q5190945 cryptography law laws relating to encryption 4
Q5253952 delict a civil wrong in Scots law 1
Q7246024 privacy in English law overview about privacy in the English law 1
Q7892613 United States obscenity law specialty of law in a country 1
Q7972824 waste management law law 4
Q10577578 Marktrecht contemporary rights concerning markets, fairs, tradeshows, events 2
Q11285562 海商法 3
Q11588246 social security law 1
Q11826802 prawo bartne 1
Q11826829 Prawo gospodarcze publiczne 1
Q11826841 Prawo karne materialne 1
Q11826893 telecommunications law 1
Q12311954 Forfatningsret 1
Q14518216 welzijnsrecht 1
Q16482618 obligation law one of the key components of Japanese civil law 3
Q17113465 civil law branch of Continental law which is the general part of private law 1
Q18425301 intellectual property law area of law 1
Q18457384 bonded system 2
Q19392966 dynamisk tingsrett area of law 1
Q19393365 Trygderett 1
Q21403057 norsk avtalerett 1
Q25098713 transactional law area of law dealing with money, business, and commerce 1
Q25386723 Rettungsdienstrecht 1
Q28147639 execution of court decision Enforcement of a court decision when a losing party doesn't voluntarily obey to it 6
Q47450595 theatre law area of law 0
Q47517044 Etten Beiler dingspel 1
Q53036384 Arverett 1
Q56408215 entrepriseret 1
Q61451648 Arbeitnehmererfinderrecht 1
Q110350640 coronary law area of law that regulates inquest into the manner or cause of death 0
Q110360234 disability law area of law dealing with disability 0
Q113001579 human rights law field of research 1
Q114340133 law relating to the use of name 5
Q116214918 investment law 0
Q123200613 udbudsret 0
Q123200621 voldgiftsret 0
Q124246749 huwelijksvermogensrecht 1
Q126600114 Право на землю в Україні 1
Q1733207 private international law law which governs contracts and legal disputes between private persons (natural or legal) in different sovereign jurisdictions Conflict of laws 46
Q121835652 Foral Law Code of Aragon set of laws of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain Foral civil law
derecho foral
civil law
Q764822 constitutional review legal procedure on constitutional matters Gerichtsbarkeit
public law
Q7052705 דיני ממונות Mishpat Ivri 1
Q1604767 Estate Administration process of dealing with the financial affairs and assets of a deceased individual before inheritance Nachlasspflegschaft 1
Q5702359 communications law rules and regulations governing the field of communication and Information Technology area of law 2
Q7341605 Canon law of the Catholic Church canon law of the Catholic Church canon law 29
Q1962411 Nachlasspflegschaft caretaking 1
Q219186 commercial law body of law that applies to persons and businesses engaged in commerce civil law 46
Q3817680 derecho foral civil law 4
Q78353274 notarial law area of law civil law 0
Q106834325 consumer law area of law that covers consumer legal protections civil law 0
Q11418737 business law body of law commercial law 2
Q1955226 music law the law applicable to music copyright 2
Q17003038 fisheries law specialized area of law corporate law 4
Q2200935 materieel strafrecht criminal law 1
Q2626019 criminal procedure law law standardizing the rules of procedure for criminal proceedings criminal law
procedural law
Q2926457 Moderne Richting criminal law 1
Q4469053 juvenile law type of law on juvenile delinquency criminal law
juvenile delinquency
Q124609877 economic criminal law branch of the criminal law that studies the economic crimes criminal law 0
Q1416588 financial law legal rules or restrictions for financial institutions economic law 27
Q18201787 environmental cleanup law area of law environmental law 3
Q17542970 marriage law area of law concerned with marriage family law 12
Q2144663 gun laws and policy gun laws are used in order to reduce the harm potential of firearms gun control
public security policy
Q718717 pharmaceutical law health law 3
Q3610465 public health law the authority of the government at various jurisdictional levels to improve the health of the general population within societal limits and norms health law 7
Q11999237 samerett indigenous law 1
Q176763 evidence body of facts in a legal proceding information
artificial object
Q18657604 intellectual property law area of law relating to intellectual property intellectual property
Q67011165 copyright law area of law intellectual property law 1
Q4122235 private law branch of law involving relationships between individuals jurisprudence 55
Q28737 military law body of laws and procedures governing members of the armed forces law 28
Q146491 criminal law body of law that relates to crime law 90
Q188462 canon law ordinances and regulations made by Church leadership for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members law
religious law
Q207892 public law branch of law involving relationships between individuals and the state, or the functioning of the state itself law
political studies
Q208202 European Union law rules operating within EU member states law 45
Q222249 civil law branch of private law (outside criminal law) that regulates the patrimonial and personal relations between physical or moral persons law 67
Q326498 competition law law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies law 48
Q328798 environmental law rules of law, promoting the protection of the natural environment law
natural resources law and international environmental law
environmental regulation by humans
Q382113 admiralty law body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes law 35
Q384014 family law area of the law that deals with family matters and domestic relations law
civil law
Q856251 tax law area of law law 41
Q860360 accounting law regulates the whole of the legislation, the preparation and content of financial statements, in particular the accounting and the preparation of the balance sheet law 1
Q936044 procedural law the sum of the legal norms in court procedures law
Q977345 legal aspects of computing concerns the law of information technology, including computing and the Internet law 28
Q1037642 insurance law laws and regulations that relate to insurance law 11
Q1066867 media law deals with the rules of private and public (universal) Information and communication law 9
Q1149275 property law area of ​​law governing ownership of real and personal property law 31
Q1162317 wine law law 5
Q1247836 privacy law area of law law
data law
Q1567259 social law unified concept of law law 5
Q1656146 sodomy law laws criminalising certain sexual acts law 22
Q1761534 aviation law field of law law 26
Q1770745 colonial law rules and jurisprudence for colonies law 2
Q2449719 transportation law laws that relate to transportation law
domestic policy
Q2609670 corporate law body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons, companies, organizations and businesses law 36
Q2647483 alcohol law laws in relation to the manufacture, use, being under the influence of and sale of alcohol law
Q3039678 construction law law 1
Q3176665 nationality law branch of law concerned with the questions of nationality and citizenship law 13
Q4380197 traditional Chinese law laws of Imperial China law 9
Q4394526 international law regulations governing international relations law 107
Q5520201 gaming law area of law regulating gambling law 1
Q5803450 derecho de la cultura law 1
Q6833880 law of war international laws concerning wars law 43
Q7327255 land law form of law that deals with the rights to use, alienate, or exclude others from land law 15
Q7327674 agricultural law the study of the special laws and regulations that apply to the production and sale of agricultural products law
Q18345563 public interest law legal practices undertaken to help poor or marginalized people law 6
Q19934321 Conflict of laws case when the laws of two countries or the laws of two legal orders of a federation offer opposing or divergent legal solutions law 3
Q19971701 German IT law body of German law that relates to information technology law 1
Q27214006 tort law area of common law governing tort and remedies law 0
Q57776712 banking law legal regualtion of the banking sector law 0
Q58302677 broadcasting law law 0
Q59243171 trade union law law 0
Q61812192 Islamic family jurisprudence legal traditions regarding Muslim Family law law
family law
Q661518 contract law legal norms which regulate the existence and the effects of contracts law of obligations 14
Q45949533 data law legal regulations around the collection, handling and distribution of factual information legal aspects of computing 1
Q29639359 climate change litigation legal proceedings meant to address climate change through judicial proceedings legal proceeding
environmental law
Q355509 nobility law law granting privileges to people of status legislation 2
Q530962 health law federal, state, and local law, rules, regulations and other jurisprudence among providers, payers and vendors to the health care industry and its patients legislation 11
Q2251446 education law legal measures regarding education legislation
Q2632182 medical law area of law dealing with the practice of medicine legislation
Q4774377 anti-homelessness legislation Laws regarding homelessness legislation 3
Q27243428 drug prohibition law law that regulates drugs legislation
legal status
Q25616501 huwelijksgoederenrecht marriage law 1
Q6805836 entertainment law legal services provided to the entertainment industry media law 6
Q231147 immigration law national government policies which control the phenomenon of immigration to their country migration law 18
Q130240754 international military law military law 0
Q6031155 information privacy law law that governs the processing of personal data privacy law 5
Q176006 law of obligations branch of private law private law
civil law
Q3039731 patent law area of law; legal specialty private law
intellectual property law
Q206937 civil procedure body of law that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil lawsuits procedural law
civil law
Q3709121 bankruptcy code laws relevant to bankruptcy procedural law 8
Q11871389 real property law area of law governing ownership of land and its fixtures property law 1
Q664183 consumer protection efforts and measures intended to protect consumers of goods or services against unfair practices in the marketplace protection 44
Q1055905 international criminal law public international law public international law
criminal law
Q11206 constitutional law body of law public law 79
Q171251 administrative law branch of law on the relationship between a state and its citizens as well as between different state institutions public law 73
Q1810004 election law laws governing elections public law 17
Q2243354 disciplinary law legal framework and procedures governing professional discipline. Enforces codes of conduct and ethics in many professions, including medicine, law, and various other regulated fields. public law 2
Q2270062 political law public law 3
Q2325024 Staatskirchenrecht public law 1
Q107191142 telecommunications law branch of law on the telecommunications regulations public law 0
Q107191213 regulated sectors law branch of law. Law which regulates and controls the activity of the economic sectors (regulated sectors), such as, energy, telecommunication, banking, finance, gaming, pharmaceutical, Big Tech, competition, markets, ... public law
administrative law
Q129871904 overseas law Wikimedia disambiguation page public law 1
Q1752579 economic law area of law on economic regulation regulation 19
Q2620644 Church Order (Lutheran) area of law religious law 6
Q113342924 Kirchenordnung religious law 1
Q628967 labor law mediates the relationship between workers, employers, trade unions and the government social law 69
Q3709091 public welfare law social law 3
Q3709126 industrial law social law 1
Q65555004 shipping law social science
Q328616 corrections functions involving the punishment, treatment, and supervision of persons who have been convicted of crimes social system 17
Q5284674 divorce law body of law concerning divorce statute 2
Q1416638 financial constitutional law regulates the levying of taxes tax law
constitutional law
Q61019332 advertising law area of law concerning advertising trade regulation 0
Q57497837 railway law area of law regarding railways transport law 0
Q1996243 transport law area of law transport sciences
Q105327849 election offence transgression of the law of elections violation of law 0
Q48840629 prawo wodne w Polsce water law
Law of Poland
End of automatically generated list.


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{{Ping project|Law}}

See also
