Wild Cards Series | Wild Card Books by George R.R. Martin & Others
US Release


Adapted by the talented Paul Cornell

On JUNE 15th the first edition of Marvels Wild Cards monthly comic officially hits the stands. From the beginning to the end in stunning detail this comic book universe finally gets a real comic!

Short Stories

Wild Cards Short Fiction

By Emma Watson

Kerry —a.k.a Stonemaiden— is a monster. Or at least… she thinks she is. Ever since she turned her parents into granite statues, she lives in constant fear of hurting other people.

Wild Cards Short Fiction
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It’s Hard Being Good in Wild Cards.

by Peter Newman

by Peter Newman Deep down, I’m a bit of a sap. I like stories where protagonists who initially annoy each other get together at the end. I like stories where the heroes get a happily ever after, the villain is … Continue reading "It’s Hard Being Good in Wild Cards."

It’s Hard Being Good in Wild Cards.
Talking with Ti

Mary Anne Mohanraj

TI:  Hello Mary Anne! Thanks for taking the time to talk today. I want to jump right into WILD CARDS—specifically threesomes. *clutches pearls* You’ve said before that you knew immediately that your first story would center on the aforementioned. There … Continue reading "Mary Anne Mohanraj"

Mary Anne Mohanraj

John Jos. Miller (1954-2022)

One of the original WildCards he will be missed.

Brown Notes and Sound Cannons: Surrender, or We’ll Hit You with Doris Day Again

     by Bradley Denton      Wild Cards has never shied away from examining ignoble motives or behavior.  Characters who misuse their abilities are at least as common in Wild Cards as those who use their powers for good – and sometimes, those who … Continue reading "Brown Notes and Sound Cannons: Surrender, or We’ll Hit You with Doris Day Again" Continue Reading

When The Big Bad Won’t Stand Still

by David D. Levine I hope it isn’t telling tales out of school to share with you the fact that the writing of Joker Moon was a bit more difficult than the other Wild Cards books I’ve worked on. There were some … Continue reading "When The Big Bad Won’t Stand Still" Continue Reading

To Reno, NV – with Love from the Wolf

By David Anthony Durham When writing for Wild Cards one never knows where the storylines might take their characters. When my first character, Marcus Morgan (the Infamous Black Tongue) appeared in Fort Freak, he’d fled his family for New York City. I … Continue reading "To Reno, NV – with Love from the Wolf" Continue Reading