Intellectual Property Enforcement
What is IP enforcement?
IP rights are valuable assets for businesses and individuals, providing protection for innovative ideas, technology solutions, brands, and creative works. Merely obtaining IP rights can not guarantee they will not be infringed. Enforcement of these IP rights is crucial for the success of innovators, entrepreneurs and creators.

Protecting Innovation and Creativity: Danny Marti on Tackling IP crime
Enforcement of IP rights under the TRIPS Agreement
The civil and criminal remedies in the TRIPS Agreement include provisional measures, civil and administrative procedures, border measures, and criminal procedures and penalties.
Want to learn more?
Case law on IP
Why enforce IP rights?
Intellectual Property enforcement means different things to different stakeholders. For businesses, it is a crucial legal mechanism to protect their investment and ensure fair competition. For consumers, it helps to guarantee product quality and safety. For governments, it is a way to protect revenue necessary for important social services and to ensure a sound and fair business environment necessary to attract investment.

2.5% of global trade

+ 130.000 customs seizures

Roughly 10% of all medications

34% less chance of survival
Types of IP infringement
Trademark infringement occurs when there is an unauthorized use of a registered trademark or similar sign to identify identical or similar products and services as those covered by the registered trademark that lead to likelihood of confusion among consumers about the origin of the goods and services that are identified by these signs.
Trademark counterfeiting is a special category of trademark infringement. It consists of an unauthorized use of any sign, which is identical to or indistinguishable in its essential aspects from the registered trademark, in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which the trademark is registered.
Copyright infringement involves the acts of use, reproduction, distribution, adaptation, performance or display of a copyrighted work without the consent of the copyright holder or the related rights holder.
Copyright piracy is a special type of copyright infringement consisting of the reproduction of a copyrighted work without the consent of the right holder.
WIPO’s role in IP enforcement

Types of IP infringement

Trademark infringement
Trademark infringement occurs when there is an unauthorized use of a registered trademark or similar sign to identify identical or similar products and services as those covered by the registered trademark that lead to likelihood of confusion among consumers about the origin of the goods and services that are identified by these signs.
Trademark counterfeiting is a special category of trademark infringement. It consists of an unauthorized use of any sign, which is identical to or indistinguishable in its essential aspects from the registered trademark, in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which the trademark is registered.

Copyright infringement
Copyright infringement involves the acts of use, reproduction, distribution, adaptation, performance or display of a copyrighted work without the consent of the copyright holder or the related rights holder.
Copyright piracy is a special type of copyright infringement consisting of the reproduction of a copyrighted work without the consent of the right holder.

Patent infringement

Industrial design infringement

Geographical indication infringement

Trade secrets
Learn more about IP enforcement

Podcast miniseries: Eye on Copyright Enforcement