Intellectual Property Resources
WIPO is the world's most comprehensive source of data on the intellectual property (IP) system, as well as of empirical studies, reports and factual information on IP.
Whether you are seeking statistical, legal or technical information, this page is a gateway to our unique collections of resources and reference material. We make all our publications and data collections freely available online.

WIPO Knowledge Center
The WIPO Knowledge Center (WKC) offers a unique collection of more than 35,000 IP reference materials, ranging from historical legal texts to the most recent IP journals.
Patent information
Search the PATENTSCOPE database for more than 43 million patent documents, including international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications and patent documents of participating national and regional patent offices.
IPC — Streamlining searches
Use the International Patent Classification (IPC), updated annually, to classify patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they relate.
Explore more patent and technology information tools or learn how to analyze patent data with our resources on patent analytics.
Trademark information
Global Brand Database
Search brand information (trademarks, appellations of origin and official emblems) from multiple national and international sources, including WIPO’s Madrid System.
Madrid Monitor
Access up-to-date details on the status of trademarks registered under the Madrid System (trademarks which are currently in force or have expired within the past six months).
Article 6ter Express Database
Search for the State emblems, and names, abbreviations and other emblems of IGOs, which have been communicated for protection under Article 6ter.
Nice Classification (NCL)
Search through the NCL system to find classified goods and services applied for the registration of marks. Since 2013, a new version of each edition is published annually.
Vienna Classification (VCL)
Search this hierarchical classification system to find figurative elements of marks by categories, divisions and sections, on the basis of their shape.
Industrial design information
Global Design Database
Search industrial design registrations from the Hague System plus participating national collections.
International Designs Bulletin
Access the data regarding new international registrations, renewals, and modifications affecting existing international registrations.
Hague Express Database
Access details of industrial designs registered under the Hague System.
Locarno Classification (LOC)
Use this international system to search through goods classified for the purposes of the registration of industrial designs.
Geographical indication information
Lisbon Express Database
Search appellations of origin registered under the Lisbon system.
Global Brand Database for GIs
Search appellations of origin listed in the Global Brand Database.
IP laws, treaties and judgments
WIPO-administered treaties
Find full texts, summaries and membership of the international IP treaties administered by WIPO.
WIPO Lex database
WIPO Lex is a global database that provides free of charge access to legal information on intellectual property (IP), including IP laws and regulations, WIPO-administered and IP related treaties, and leading judicial decisions on IP.
IP resources
WIPO Standards
The WIPO Standards for IP offices help streamline data processing procedures for filing, examining, publishing, granting and registering patents, trademarks and industrial designs. Common standards also assist the technical exchange of IP data between offices and WIPO, and facilitate the international dissemination of and access to IP information.
IP statistics
WIPO cooperates with IP offices across the world to collate, analyze and publish up-to-date statistics, including reports on IP filing activity worldwide.
WIPO Pearl – Multilingual Terminology Portal
WIPO Pearl gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from patent documents, making it easier to search and share scientific and technical knowledge.
WIPO Publications
You can browse and download all our publications for free online.
Country IP profiles
Find IP profiles of all our member states, including statistics, legal information, case studies, photos and WIPO cooperation activities.
WIPO Knowledge Center
The WIPO Knowledge Center (WKC) offers a unique collection of more than 44,000 IP reference materials, ranging from historical legal texts to the most recent IP journals.
Support your IP research by accessing the knowledge repository, listening to a podcast episode, or visiting one of our virtual exhibitions. Can’t find what you are looking for? Be sure to consult our WKC Guide to direct you to what you need.

IP reports
WIPO regularly publishes analytical reports on innovation and IP, to provide latest information and insights to its audience.

WIPO Technology Trends Report
This series of reports tracks technology trends through the analysis of patent and other data to provide solid, factual evidence on innovation in specific fields.

Global Innovation Index
The Global Innovation Index (GII) tracks the most recent global innovation trends and reveals the most innovative economies in the world, ranking the innovation performance of around 132 economies while highlighting innovation strengths and weaknesses.

World Intellectual Property Report
The World Intellectual Property Report, published every two years, offers fresh insights into the role of innovation in market economies and, in doing so, fosters evidence-based policy-making.

World Intellectual Property Indicators 2024
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.