
Dear XRISM users.

X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) is the seventh Japanese X-ray observatory exploring the world of X-ray imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy, following ASTRO-H “Hitomi.” XRISM is an astrophysical satellite equipped with a long-waited X-ray micro-calorimeter and a conventional and reliable X-ray wide-field CCD camera on the focal plane of X-ray Mirrors. We believe the combination will bring the epoch-making and reliable results to you, XRISM users. The new vision of astrophysics you encounter may be too novel to cook only with the tools we prepare. We want to encourage the XRISM user community to develop new analysis tools or methods to explore the world of XRISM.

Enjoy the new space!



Tashiro, Makoto (XRISM PI)

田代 信 (XRISM計画 PI)



Only the recent three announcements are listed below. See all announcements here.

October 7, 2024

V4641_Sgr data (Generic ToO) can be downloaded from DARTS and HEASARC.

September 27, 2024

V4641_Sgr will be observed as a generic ToO object on 2024/09/30. This data will be made public without PGP encrypt after the pipeline processing. See the list of approved generic ToO for detail parameters.

September 1, 2024

The Target of Opportunity (ToOs) application page is now live. Request for ToO observations (both pre-approved ToOs and generic ToOs) will be received via the dedicated mailing list ([email protected]). Please also see the long-term and short-term plans.