模組:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/figures of speech
- 下列說明文檔位於Module:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/doc。[編輯]
- Redirected from Module:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/figures of speech/doc (編輯)。
- 相關連結:根頁面 • 根頁面的子頁面 • 本頁面的子頁面 • 链入 • 嵌入包含 • 測試用例 • 沙盒 (差異)
local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}
-- --
-- LABELS --
-- --
labels["修辭手法"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose interpretation is not strictly literal, but are used in figurative ways or for special effect.",
umbrella_parents = "分类",
parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
labels["格言"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} phrases that convey basic concepts in a manner short and easily memorable. Typically conveying a concise statement of a scientific principle or truth.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["口頭禪"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} phrases that are popularized through repeated use.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["成語"] = {
description = "發源自古代中國的{{{langname}}}短語,一般由四個漢字組合而成。",
parents = {"俗語"},
labels["dysphemisms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[dysphemism]]s (offensive or vulgar terms used in place of a neutral alternative).",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["委婉詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that indirectly refer to something unpleasant or controversial.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["委婉形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that serve as alternative forms of other terms in order to indirectly refer to something unpleasant or controversial.",
parents = {"委婉詞"},
labels["誇飾詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms used as exaggerations for emphasis, rather than being taken literally.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["俗語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} phrases understood by subjective, as opposed to literal meanings.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["litotes"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} litotical expressions or terms commonly used in [[litotes]] (stating something by denying its opposite).",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["隱喻詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} phrases that invoke a similarity with something else.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["minced oaths"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} euphemisms for profane, blasphemous, or taboo terms.",
parents = {"euphemisms"},
labels["諺語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} phrases popularly known as representations of common sense.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["sarcastic terms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are used sarcastically.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["明喻詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 修辭手法 in which one thing is compared to another.",
parents = {"修辭手法"},
labels["snowclones"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} clichés using old 俗語 with varying words in new contexts.",
parents = {"俗語"},
-- Add 'umbrella_parents' key if not already present.
for key, data in pairs(labels) do
if not data.umbrella_parents then
data.umbrella_parents = "修辭手法子分類"
-- --
-- --
raw_categories["修辭手法子分類"] = {
description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to 修辭手法.",
additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
parents = {
{name = "修辭手法", is_label = true, sort = " "},
return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories}