This is a complete C programming tutorial where you can learn all concepts in C programming Language.
Before going directly into the code, have a look at file and follow it .To make this tutorial useful.
- C was developed by Dennis Ritchie
- Highly portable.
- Execute faster.
- General performance.
- Easy to learn
- Mother Language = Base for other languages.
- System Programming Language = Used to do Low-level programming.
- Procedure-Oriented = Series of steps, functions, method.
- Structured Language = parts or blocks.
- Operating system.
- Assemblers.
- Database.
- Network.
- Compiler Design.
MinGW =
#include<stdio.h> /headerfile.
void main() /main function.
{ /block start.
printf("This is Ajay"); /statement.
} /block end.
simple C Program - In this simple C Program, its structure and working will be explained.
Data Type - In this major Data Type available in C Program has been explained.
Variable - In this concept of variable has been explained.
Escape Sequence - In this major special characters or escape sequence which is available in C Program has been explained
Arithemetic Operation - In this Arithmetic Operation available in C Program has been explained.
Relational Operation - In this Relational Operation available in C Program has been explained.
Logical Operation - In this Logical Operation available in C Program has been explained.
Assignment Operation - In this Assignment Operation available in C Program has been explained.
Misc Operation - In this Misc Operation avaliable in C Program has been explained.
Operation Precedence - In this how the operations are performed in an order is explained.
if - In this If Statement in C Program has been explained.
if else - In this If else Statement in C Program has been explained.
if else if - In this If else if Statement in C Program has been explained.
Nested if - In this Nested if statement in C Program has been explained.
switch - In this Switch statement in C Program has been explained.
Nested Switch - In this Nested Switch statement in C Program has been explained.
break - In this "break" control statement in C Program has been explained.
continue - In this "continue" control statement in C Program has been explained.
goto - In this "goto" control statement in C Program has been explained.
while Loop - In this While loop concept in C Program has been explained.
for Loop - In this for loop concept in C Program has been explained.
do while Loop - In this do while loop concept in C Program has been explained.
nested Loop - In this nested loop concept in C Program has been explained.
infinite Loop - In this infinite loop concept in C Program has been explained.
Function - In this function concept in C Program has been explained.
Call by Value - In this Call by Value method in C Program has been explained.
Call by Reference - In this call by Reference method in C Program has been explained.
Scope Rule - In this Scope Rule to be followed has been explained.
Array - In this Array concept in C Program has been explained.
Multi Dimensional Array - In this multi Dimensional Array concept has been explained by using Two Dimensional Array.
Pointer - In this pointer concept in C Program has been explained.
Null Pointer - In this Null pointer concept in C Program has been explained.
Pointer Increment - In this pointer Increment in C Program has been explained.
Pointer Decrement - In this pointer decrement in C Program has been explained.
Array of Pointer - In this Array of pointer concept in C Program has been explained.
Pointer to Pointer - In this pointer to pointer concept in C Program has been explained.
Pointer to Function - In this pointer to function concept in C Program has been explained.
String - In this string concept and major string function in C Program has been explained.
Structure - In this structure concept in C Program has been explained.
Structure to Function - In this structure to function concept in C Program has been explained.
Pointer to Structure - In this Pointer to Structure concept in C Program has been explained.
Union - In this union concept in C Program has been explained.
Typedef - In this Typedef concept in C Program has been explained.
Typedef in Structure - In this Typedef concept in C Program has been explained by using Structure.
#define - In this #define concept in C Program has been explained.
getchar putchar - In this Input and output in C Program has been explained using getchar() and putchar().
gets puts - In this Input and output in C Program has been explained using gets() and puts().
scanf printf - In this Input and output in C Program has been explained using scanf() and printf().
Write File - In this File concept in C Program has been explained using writing into a file.
Read File - In this File concept in C Program has been explained using reading from a file.
Typecast - In this Typecasting a variable concept in C Program has been explained.
Error Handling - In this Error Handling concept in C Program has been explained.
Recursion - In this Recursion concept in C Program has been explained.
Malloc - In this Memory Management concept in C Program has been explained using malloc().
calloc - In this Memory Management concept in C Program has been explained using calloc().
realloc free - In this Memory Management concept in C Program has been explained using realloc() and free().
Command Line - In this Command Line Argument concept in C Program has been explained.