This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.8.
Before running the dev server you must install node
and yarn
. Once these tools are installed
you must run yarn install
to download all of the project's dependencies from ui
Run ng serve
from ui
folder for a dev server. Navigate to
. The app will automatically
reload if you change any of the source files.
To run on a different port, try ng serve --port 8888
for example. And if you want AOT enabled,
you can run ng serve --aot --port 8888
The service worker is disabled for development builds but can still be easily tested locally.
From the ui
folder, first run npm run build
or ng build --prod
to build the production app.
Then serve the dist
folder with any web server on a different port from the dev server, and with
caching disabled. The simplest way to do this is: npx http-server -p 8080 -c-1 dist
You can also check out the Angular docs for more detailed docs.
This will try to pull down the Apicurito image from container registries:
oc replace --force -f openshift.yml
But if you want that configuration changed so that it uses local builds, run:
And build the image using:
mvn install -P image
And if you have deployed the fuse-apicurito-generator into the current project, then run the following to configure Apicurito to use it.
mvn clean install -P image -Dfabric8.mode=kubernetes
docker push apicurio/apicurito-ui:latest