A curated constantly-growing library of infographics for network students
The info that is placed on infographics is gathered from a wide amount of online resources and from the book by Mike Meyers "All in One / CompTIA Network+"
I'll be uploading the resources in PNG and PDF format
- Professor Messer YT Channel - One of the best channels to prepare for CompTIA Certs, including Net+ & Sec+
- Pace-IT Network+ YT Study Playlist - Another video resource collection focused on Network+ study
- freecodecamp's YT Network Video Course - More than 9 hours video lessons to learn Computer Networking
- PowerCert YT Network+ Course - This is the Animated CompTIA Network+ Certification Training Video Course N10-006 from PowerCert.
- Networking for Beginners - Udemy Course - Learn elementary networking concepts in less than 60 minutes. Great before going for General Networking, MTA or CCNA
- The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking - Coursera Course - This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. It covers everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting.
- Cisco Networking Foundations - Study to pass the CCENT Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (100-105 ICND1) exam with this comprehensive test prep course.
- javaTpoint Networking tutorials - A tutorial library designed for beginners and professionals, it includes all topics of Computer Network such as features, types of computer network, architecture, hardware, software, internet, intranet, website, LAN, WAN, etc.
Contributions are always welcome!