University - Incheon National University
Blog - DevSlem Blog
E-mail - [email protected]
LinkedIn - Jinyeong Park
Optimize my daily routine using reinforcement learning (Q-learning):
# take a step
S = "busy" # state
A = "play" in { "play", "work" } # action
S' = "boom" # next state
R = -100 # penalty
# learn from the experience
Q[S,A] += alpha * (R + gamma * max(Q[S',:]) - Q[S,A])
# but, still I don't want to work...
A' = "play" # next action
- Reinforcement Learning (RL) 🔥
- Machine Learning
- Back to the Dungeon: Unity 2D Platformer Shooting Game
- Repository - only script files
- Download
- AINE-DRL: Deep Reinforcement Learning Baseline Framework
- Mol-AIR: Molecular Reinforcement Learning with Adaptive Intrinsic Reward for Goal-directed Molecular Generation
- Multiple Knapsack: Multiple Knapsack Optimization using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Transformer