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LeetCode Pattern 500 offers 500 solutions for LeetCode problems in Python and Java, 17 notes on essential concepts related to data structures and algorithms, and 130 patterns for solving LeetCode problems.


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LeetCode Pattern 500

If you often find yourself grappling with how to tackle LeetCode problems, our repo is here to assist you!

LeetCode Pattern 500 is meticulously designed to facilitate your swift adaptation to diverse problem types and their numerous variations by discerning recurring patterns within these problems.

What is LeetCode Pattern 500

LeetCode Pattern 500 is inspired by Blind 75 and Grind 75's classic problem selection. LeetCode Pattern 500 offers 500 solutions for LeetCode problems in Python and Java, 17 notes on essential concepts related to data structures and algorithms, and 130 patterns for solving LeetCode problems. Most importantly, each solution provides analysis of which pattern to be used and the time/space complexity. This comprehensive resource can help you improve your coding skills, deepen your understanding of fundamental DSA topics, and prepare for SDE interviews.

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LeetCode Pattern 500

Num Grind 75 Name Topic Pattern Solution
001 tree note [A]tree
002 O 100. Same Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer two branch top-down Python Java
003 O 101. Symmetric Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer two branch top-down Python Java
004 O 98. Validate Binary Search Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer two branch top-down Python Java
005 O 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal [A]tree-divide-and-conquer re-build tree (top-down) Python Java
006 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal [A]tree-divide-and-conquer re-build tree (top-down) Python Java
007 889. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal [A]tree-divide-and-conquer re-build tree (top-down) Python
008 1008. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal [A]tree-divide-and-conquer re-build BST (top-down approach) Python
009 O 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer re-build BST (top-down approach) Python Java
010 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer re-build BST (inorder approach) Python
011 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer use BST attributes Python
012 701. Insert into a Binary Search Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer use BST attributes Python
013 O 285. Inorder Successor in BST [A]tree-divide-and-conquer use BST attributes Python
014 450. Delete Node in a BST [A]tree-divide-and-conquer use BST attributes Python
015 O 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree [A]tree-divide-and-conquer find LCA Python Java
016 1650. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III [A]tree-divide-and-conquer find LCA Python
017 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node [A]tree-divide-and-conquer populate next ptr Python
018 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II [A]tree-divide-and-conquer populate next ptr Python
019 96. Unique Binary Search Trees [A]tree-divide-and-conquer unique BST Python
020 95. Unique Binary Search Trees II [A]tree-divide-and-conquer unique BST Python
021 872. Leaf-Similar Trees [A]tree-dfs-preorder preorder Python
022 O 226. Invert Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder preorder Python Java
023 1448. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder preorder Python
024 1457. Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder preorder Python
025 O 572. Subtree of Another Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder turn tree to string Python Java
026 606. Construct String from Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder turn tree to string Python
027 O 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder turn tree to string Python
028 449. Serialize and Deserialize BST [A]tree-dfs-preorder turn tree to string Python
029 545. Boundary of Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-preorder record leaves Python
030 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal [A]tree-dfs-inorder inorder Python
031 O 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST [A]tree-dfs-inorder inorder Python Java
032 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator [A]tree-dfs-inorder inorder Python
033 99. Recover Binary Search Tree [A]tree-dfs-inorder inorder Python
034 366. Find Leaves of Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
035 O 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python Java
036 O 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
037 O 543. Diameter of Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python Java
038 O 110. Balanced Binary Tree [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python Java
039 865. Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
040 1120. Maximum Average Subtree [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
041 298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
042 1644. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
043 1145. Binary Tree Coloring Game [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
044 2246. Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters [A]tree-dfs-postorder postorder Python
045 O 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal [A]tree-bfs bfs Python Java
046 O 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal [A]tree-bfs bfs Python
047 O 199. Binary Tree Right Side View [A]tree-bfs bfs Python Java
048 O 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree [A]tree-bfs bfs Python Java
049 2415. Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree [A]tree-bfs bfs Python
050 623. Add One Row to Tree [A]tree-bfs bfs Python
051 690. Employee Importance [A]tree-bfs bfs Python
052 O 863. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree [A]tree-bfs build a child_parent hashmap Python
053 2385. Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected [A]tree-bfs build a child_parent hashmap Python
054 O 662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree [A]tree-bfs assign idx Python
055 314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal [A]tree-bfs assign coordinates Python
056 987. Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree [A]tree-bfs assign coordinates Python
057 linked-list note [B]linked-list
058 O 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists [B]linked-list use sentinel node Python Java
059 O 328. Odd Even Linked List [B]linked-list use sentinel node Python
060 O 2. Add Two Numbers [B]linked-list use sentinel node Python Java
061 O 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List [B]linked-list use sentinel node Python
062 369. Plus One Linked List [B]linked-list use sentinel node Python
063 O 141. Linked List Cycle [B]linked-list use two pointers (slow and fast) Python Java
064 142. Linked List Cycle II [B]linked-list use two pointers (slow and fast) Python
065 O 876. Middle of the Linked List [B]linked-list use two pointers (slow and fast) Python Java
066 O 206. Reverse Linked List [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python Java
067 92. Reverse Linked List II [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
068 O 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
069 2074. Reverse Nodes in Even Length Groups [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
070 O 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
071 1836. Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
072 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
073 82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II [B]linked-list use two pointers (prev and cur) Python
074 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists [B]linked-list use two pointers (find LCA/intersection) Python
075 O 234. Palindrome Linked List [B]linked-list use two pointers (utilize symmetry property) Python Java
076 O 143. Reorder List [B]linked-list use two pointers (utilize symmetry property) Python
077 2130. Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List [B]linked-list use two pointers (utilize symmetry property) Python
078 O 61. Rotate List [B]linked-list get linked list length Python
079 1019. Next Greater Node In Linked List [B]linked-list get linked list length Python
080 O 148. Sort List [B]linked-list use merge sort to sort list Python
081 138. Copy List with Random Pointer [B]linked-list interweaving nodes Python
082 O 146. LRU Cache [B]linked-list use dll and hashmap together Python Java
083 460. LFU Cache [B]linked-list use dll and hashmap together Python
084 432. All O`one Data Structure [B]linked-list use dll and hashmap together Python
085 237. Delete Node in a Linked List [B]linked-list change val as change node Python
086 1206. Design Skiplist [B]linked-list skiplist Python
087 hashmap note [C]hashmap
088 705. Design HashSet [C]hashmap separate chaining Python
089 706. Design HashMap [C]hashmap separate chaining Python
090 1805. Number of Different Integers in a String [C]hashmap store val Python
091 O 217. Contains Duplicate [C]hashmap store val Python Java
092 O 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence [C]hashmap store val Python Java
093 O 13. Roman to Integer [C]hashmap store val Python Java
094 953. Verifying an Alien Dictionary [C]hashmap store val Python
095 2342. Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits [C]hashmap store val Python
096 O 336. Palindrome Pairs [C]hashmap store val Python
097 O 1. Two Sum [C]hashmap store val Python Java
098 O 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) [C]hashmap store val Python
099 381. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed [C]hashmap store val Python
100 734. Sentence Similarity [C]hashmap store val Python
101 609. Find Duplicate File in System [C]hashmap store val Python
102 249. Group Shifted Strings [C]hashmap store val Python
103 O 383. Ransom Note [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python Java
104 O 242. Valid Anagram [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python Java
105 O 409. Longest Palindrome [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python Java
106 387. First Unique Character in a String [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python Java
107 767. Reorganize String [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python
108 266. Palindrome Permutation [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python
109 2423. Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python
110 299. Bulls and Cows [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python
111 819. Most Common Word [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python
112 O 49. Group Anagrams [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python Java
113 1152. Analyze User Website Visit Pattern [C]hashmap store sth’s freq Python
114 828. Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String [C]hashmap snapshot of hashmap Python
115 1055. Shortest Way to Form String [C]hashmap snapshot of hashmap Python
116 205. Isomorphic Strings [C]hashmap build bijection mapping relation Python Java
117 890. Find and Replace Pattern [C]hashmap build bijection mapping relation Python
118 1010. Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 [C]hashmap store valid val’s freq for finding pairs Python
119 2364. Count Number of Bad Pairs [C]hashmap store valid val’s freq for finding pairs Python
120 2013. Detect Squares [C]hashmap store valid val’s freq for finding pairs Python
121 binary-search note [D]binary-search
122 O 704. Binary Search [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for specific val Python Java
123 367. Valid Perfect Square [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for specific val Python
124 O 74. Search a 2D Matrix [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for specific val Python Java
125 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for specific val Python Java
126 702. Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for specific val Python
127 35. Search Insert Position [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for most close val Python Java
128 1428. Leftmost Column with at Least a One [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for most close val Python
129 O 744. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for most close val Python
130 O 981. Time Based Key-Value Store [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for most close val Python Java
131 O 528. Random Pick with Weight [D]binary-search search in a sorted array for most close val Python
132 O 278. First Bad Version [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python Java
133 222. Count Complete Tree Nodes [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
134 878. Nth Magical Number [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
135 1201. Ugly Number III [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
136 O 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
137 1062. Longest Repeating Substring [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
138 1011. Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
139 875. Koko Eating Bananas [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
140 719. Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance [D]binary-search search in sth’s range Python
141 852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array [D]binary-search use boundary to record Python
142 O 658. Find K Closest Elements [D]binary-search use boundary to record Python
143 162. Find Peak Element [D]binary-search use boundary to record Python
144 O 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array [D]binary-search rotated sorted array Python Java
145 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II [D]binary-search rotated sorted array Python
146 O 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array [D]binary-search rotated sorted array Python
147 heap note [E]heap
148 O 1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling [E]heap greedily schedule tasks (start/end/val) Python
149 646. Maximum Length of Pair Chain [E]heap greedily schedule tasks (start/end/val) Python
150 2008. Maximum Earnings From Taxi [E]heap greedily schedule tasks (start/end/val) Python
151 2054. Two Best Non-Overlapping Events [E]heap greedily schedule tasks (start/end/val) Python
152 O 973. K Closest Points to Origin [E]heap top k problem (based on heap) Python Java
153 O 692. Top K Frequent Words [E]heap top k problem (based on heap) Python
154 264. Ugly Number II [E]heap k way merge problem Python
155 313. Super Ugly Number [E]heap k way merge problem Python
156 355. Design Twitter [E]heap k way merge problem Python
157 O 759. Employee Free Time [E]heap k way merge problem Python
158 O 632. Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists [E]heap k way merge problem Python
159 O 23. Merge k Sorted Lists [E]heap k way merge problem Python
160 O 295. Find Median from Data Stream [E]heap two heap problem Python
161 502. IPO [E]heap two heap problem Python
162 480. Sliding Window Median [E]heap two heap problem Python
163 1383. Maximum Performance of a Team [E]heap storing and popping out elements Python
164 630. Course Schedule III [E]heap storing and popping out elements Python
165 1094. Car Pooling [E]heap storing and popping out elements Python
166 1705. Maximum Number of Eaten Apples [E]heap storing and popping out elements Python
167 1792. Maximum Average Pass Ratio [E]heap storing and popping out elements Python
168 378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix [E]heap use bfs and heap Python
169 373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums [E]heap use bfs and heap Python
170 407. Trapping Rain Water II [E]heap use bfs and heap Python
171 string note [F]string
172 O 844. Backspace String Compare [F]string traverse from end Python Java
173 43. Multiply Strings [F]string traverse from end Python
174 58. Length of Last Word [F]string traverse from end Python
175 O 8. String to Integer (atoi) [F]string handle value’s bound Python Java
176 O 271. Encode and Decode Strings [F]string use chunk Python
177 28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String [F]string use rabin karp (rolling hash) Python
178 187. Repeated DNA Sequences [F]string use rabin karp (rolling hash) Python
179 1044. Longest Duplicate Substring [F]string use rabin karp (rolling hash) Python
180 718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray [F]string use rabin karp (rolling hash) Python
181 O 14. Longest Common Prefix [F]string string composition Python Java
182 273. Integer to English Words [F]string string composition Python
183 68. Text Justification [F]string string composition Python
184 65. Valid Number [F]string string composition Python
185 6. Zigzag Conversion [F]string string composition Python
186 trie note [G]trie
187 O 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) [G]trie standard trie Python Java
188 O 588. Design In-Memory File System [G]trie custom trie node Python
189 1268. Search Suggestions System [G]trie custom trie node Python
190 2185. Counting Words With a Given Prefix [G]trie custom trie node Python
191 2416. Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings [G]trie custom trie node Python
192 745. Prefix and Suffix Search [G]trie custom trie node Python
193 1166. Design File System [G]trie custom trie node Python
194 O 211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure [G]trie perform dfs inside trie Python
195 472. Concatenated Words [G]trie perform dfs inside trie Python
196 642. Design Search Autocomplete System [G]trie perform dfs inside trie Python
197 array note [H]array
198 243. Shortest Word Distance [H]array traverse Python
199 O 169. Majority Element [H]array use boyer moore vote algorithm Python Java
200 229. Majority Element II [H]array use boyer moore vote algorithm Python
201 O 189. Rotate Array [H]array use reverse technique Python
202 O 362. Design Hit Counter [H]array use circular array Python
203 O 41. First Missing Positive [H]array specific range array (cyclic sort) Python
204 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array [H]array specific range array (cyclic sort) Python
205 O 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array [H]array specific range array (cyclic sort) Python
206 O 287. Find the Duplicate Number [H]array specific range array (cycle detection) Python
207 845. Longest Mountain in Array [H]array use finite state machine Python
208 370. Range Addition [H]array use difference array Python
209 849. Maximize Distance to Closest Person [H]array count continuous elements Python
210 384. Shuffle an Array [H]array use knuth shuffle Python
211 398. Random Pick Index [H]array use reservoir sampling Python
212 1535. Find the Winner of an Array Game [H]array simulation Python
213 280. Wiggle Sort [H]array use swap Python
214 1472. Design Browser History [H]array maintain array's range dynamically Python
215 163. Missing Ranges [H]array pre-process the array Python
216 O 56. Merge Intervals [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python Java
217 O 57. Insert Interval [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python Java
218 1272. Remove Interval [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
219 O 252. Meeting Rooms [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python Java
220 O 435. Non-overlapping Intervals [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
221 1288. Remove Covered Intervals [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
222 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
223 757. Set Intersection Size At Least Two [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
224 986. Interval List Intersections [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
225 1229. Meeting Scheduler [H]array-line-sweep compare two intervals each round Python
226 O 253. Meeting Rooms II [H]array-line-sweep use heap to store previous intervals’ states Python
227 1851. Minimum Interval to Include Each Query [H]array-line-sweep use heap to store previous intervals’ states Python
228 303. Range Sum Query - Immutable [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
229 304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
230 O 238. Product of Array Except Self [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python Java
231 724. Find Pivot Index [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
232 O 2256. Minimum Average Difference [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
233 2100. Find Good Days to Rob the Bank [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
234 2055. Plates Between Candles [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
235 1031. Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays [H]array-prefix-sum use standard prefix sum Python
236 O 560. Subarray Sum Equals K [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python Java
237 O 525. Contiguous Array [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
238 974. Subarray Sums Divisible by K [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
239 523. Continuous Subarray Sum [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
240 325. Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
241 1248. Count Number of Nice Subarrays [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
242 363. Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
243 548. Split Array with Equal Sum [H]array-prefix-sum use hashmap to validate the gap subarray Python
244 O 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python Java
245 567. Permutation in String [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
246 O 438. Find All Anagrams in a String [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python Java
247 O 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python Java
248 1151. Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
249 2134. Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together II [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
250 340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
251 1100. Find K-Length Substrings With No Repeated Characters [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
252 904. Fruit Into Baskets [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
253 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
254 30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
255 395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters [H]array-sliding-window use standard sliding window Python
256 O 76. Minimum Window Substring [H]array-sliding-window use shrink type sliding window Python
257 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum [H]array-sliding-window use shrink type sliding window Python
258 O 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python Java
259 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python
260 O 283. Move Zeroes [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python Java
261 27. Remove Element [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python
262 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python
263 80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python
264 O 75. Sort Colors [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python Java
265 2414. Length of the Longest Alphabetical Continuous Substring [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction use left ptr to record Python
266 O 31. Next Permutation [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction find next permutation Python
267 556. Next Greater Element III [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction find next permutation Python
268 165. Compare Version Numbers [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction traverse two sequences Python
269 2337. Move Pieces to Obtain a String [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction traverse two sequences Python
270 1574. Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction traverse two sequences Python
271 244. Shortest Word Distance II [H]array-two-pointers-same-direction traverse two sequences Python
272 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
273 O 15. 3Sum [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python Java
274 18. 4Sum [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
275 O 16. 3Sum Closest [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
276 O 977. Squares of a Sorted Array [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python Java
277 O 11. Container With Most Water [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python Java
278 O 42. Trapping Rain Water [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
279 948. Bag of Tokens [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
280 O 125. Valid Palindrome [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python Java
281 680. Valid Palindrome II [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
282 344. Reverse String [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python Java
283 151. Reverse Words in a String [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use shrink type Python
284 O 5. Longest Palindromic Substring [H]array-two-pointers-opposite-direction use expand type Python Java
285 O 179. Largest Number [H]array-sort use self defined sort Python
286 O 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array [H]array-sort top k problem (based on sort) Python Java
287 347. Top K Frequent Elements [H]array-sort top k problem (based on sort) Python Java
288 1985. Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array [H]array-sort top k problem (based on sort) Python
289 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck [H]array-sort use bucket sort Python
290 451. Sort Characters By Frequency [H]array-sort use bucket sort Python
291 1099. Two Sum Less Than K [H]array-sort use bucket sort Python
292 164. Maximum Gap [H]array-sort use bucket sort Python
293 462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II [H]array-sort use quick select Python
294 324. Wiggle Sort II [H]array-sort use quick select Python
295 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self [H]array-sort use merge sort Python
296 493. Reverse Pairs [H]array-sort use merge sort Python
297 stack-queue note [I]stack-queue
298 346. Moving Average from Data Stream [I]stack-queue use queue to simulate Python
299 O 20. Valid Parentheses [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python Java
300 O 150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python Java
301 O 224. Basic Calculator [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
302 O 227. Basic Calculator II [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
303 772. Basic Calculator III [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
304 O 735. Asteroid Collision [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
305 O 394. Decode String [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
306 1209. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
307 726. Number of Atoms [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
308 71. Simplify Path [I]stack-queue use stack to store the last states Python
309 O 232. Implement Queue using Stacks [I]stack-queue implement stack/queue Python Java
310 225. Implement Stack using Queues [I]stack-queue implement stack/queue Python
311 O 155. Min Stack [I]stack-queue implement stack/queue Python Java
312 716. Max Stack [I]stack-queue implement stack/queue Python
313 O 895. Maximum Frequency Stack [I]stack-queue implement stack/queue Python
314 O 32. Longest Valid Parentheses [I]stack-queue use variables to simulate stack Python
315 1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses [I]stack-queue use variables to simulate stack Python
316 2296. Design a Text Editor [I]stack-queue use stack to simulate Python
317 341. Flatten Nested List Iterator [I]stack-queue use stack to simulate Python
318 O 239. Sliding Window Maximum [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic queue and sliding window Python
319 1438. Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic queue and sliding window Python
320 1696. Jump Game VI [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic queue and sliding window Python
321 862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic queue and sliding window Python
322 O 739. Daily Temperatures [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python Java
323 496. Next Greater Element I [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
324 503. Next Greater Element II [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
325 402. Remove K Digits [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
326 316. Remove Duplicate Letters [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
327 1762. Buildings With an Ocean View [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
328 1944. Number of Visible People in a Queue [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
329 2345. Finding the Number of Visible Mountains [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
330 768. Max Chunks To Make Sorted II [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
331 2289. Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider one side’s relationship) Python
332 O 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider two side’s relationship) Python
333 85. Maximal Rectangle [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider two side’s relationship) Python
334 907. Sum of Subarray Minimums [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider two side’s relationship) Python
335 2104. Sum of Subarray Ranges [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider two side’s relationship) Python
336 1856. Maximum Subarray Min-Product [I]stack-queue-monotonic use monotonic stack (consider two side’s relationship) Python
337 backtracking note [J]backtracking
338 O 78. Subsets [J]backtracking subset Python Java
339 O 39. Combination Sum [J]backtracking subset Python Java
340 90. Subsets II [J]backtracking subset Python
341 40. Combination Sum II [J]backtracking subset Python
342 O 46. Permutations [J]backtracking permutation Python Java
343 47. Permutations II [J]backtracking permutation Python
344 267. Palindrome Permutation II [J]backtracking permutation Python
345 77. Combinations [J]backtracking combination Python
346 216. Combination Sum III [J]backtracking combination Python
347 O 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python Java
348 O 22. Generate Parentheses [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
349 O 113. Path Sum II [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
350 O 437. Path Sum III [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
351 O 79. Word Search [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python Java
352 O 212. Word Search II [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
353 O 37. Sudoku Solver [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
354 O 51. N-Queens [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
355 465. Optimal Account Balancing [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
356 93. Restore IP Addresses [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
357 140. Word Break II [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
358 257. Binary Tree Paths [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
359 131. Palindrome Partitioning [J]backtracking backtracking with constraints Python
360 graph note [K]graph
361 O 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix [K]graph-dfs dfs Python
362 1059. All Paths from Source Lead to Destination [K]graph-dfs dfs Python
363 O 200. Number of Islands [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python Java
364 O 733. Flood Fill [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python Java
365 O 1730. Shortest Path to Get Food [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
366 O 1197. Minimum Knight Moves [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
367 O 261. Graph Valid Tree [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
368 O 127. Word Ladder [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
369 O 133. Clone Graph [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python Java
370 O 815. Bus Routes [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
371 695. Max Area of Island [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
372 1905. Count Sub Islands [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
373 1345. Jump Game IV [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
374 1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
375 1992. Find All Groups of Farmland [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
376 909. Snakes and Ladders [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
377 749. Contain Virus [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
378 694. Number of Distinct Islands [K]graph-bfs bfs with single source Python
379 O 542. 01 Matrix [K]graph-bfs bfs with multiple sources Python Java
380 O 417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow [K]graph-bfs bfs with multiple sources Python
381 O 994. Rotting Oranges [K]graph-bfs bfs with multiple sources Python Java
382 286. Walls and Gates [K]graph-bfs bfs with multiple sources Python
383 130. Surrounded Regions [K]graph-bfs bfs with multiple sources Python
384 126. Word Ladder II [K]graph-bfs bfs with hashset as queue Python
385 301. Remove Invalid Parentheses [K]graph-bfs bfs with hashset as queue Python
386 O 721. Accounts Merge [K]graph-union-find union find Python Java
387 O 323. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph [K]graph-union-find union find Python
388 547. Number of Provinces [K]graph-union-find union find Python
389 2316. Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph [K]graph-union-find union find Python
390 399. Evaluate Division [K]graph-union-find union find Python
391 305. Number of Islands II [K]graph-union-find union find Python
392 1101. The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends [K]graph-union-find union find Python
393 2421. Number of Good Paths [K]graph-union-find union find Python
394 1102. Path With Maximum Minimum Value [K]graph-union-find union find Python
395 737. Sentence Similarity II [K]graph-union-find union find Python
396 O 207. Course Schedule [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python Java
397 O 210. Course Schedule II [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
398 O 269. Alien Dictionary [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
399 O 310. Minimum Height Trees [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python Java
400 2115. Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
401 802. Find Eventual Safe States [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
402 1136. Parallel Courses [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
403 2050. Parallel Courses III [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
404 1203. Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
405 2192. All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph [K]graph-kahn kahn (topological sort) Python
406 743. Network Delay Time [K]graph-dijkstra dijkstra (shortest path) Python
407 778. Swim in Rising Water [K]graph-dijkstra dijkstra (shortest path) Python
408 1514. Path with Maximum Probability [K]graph-dijkstra dijkstra (shortest path) Python
409 505. The Maze II [K]graph-dijkstra dijkstra (shortest path) Python
410 2093. Minimum Cost to Reach City With Discounts [K]graph-dijkstra dijkstra (shortest path) Python
411 O 787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops [K]graph-bellman-ford bellman ford (shortest path) Python
412 1334. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance [K]graph-floyd-warshall floyd warshall (shortest path) Python
413 1135. Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost [K]graph-kruskal kruskal (mst) Python
414 1584. Min Cost to Connect All Points [K]graph-kruskal kruskal (mst) Python
415 1168. Optimize Water Distribution in a Village [K]graph-kruskal kruskal (mst) Python
416 1489. Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree [K]graph-kruskal kruskal (mst) Python
417 1724. Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths II [K]graph-kruskal kruskal (mst) Python
418 1192. Critical Connections in a Network [K]graph-tarjan tarjan (scc) Python
419 332. Reconstruct Itinerary [K]graph-hierholzer hierholzer (eulerian path) Python
420 753. Cracking the Safe [K]graph-hierholzer hierholzer (eulerian path) Python
421 O 54. Spiral Matrix [K]graph-matrix matrix Python Java
422 O 48. Rotate Image [K]graph-matrix matrix Python
423 O 73. Set Matrix Zeroes [K]graph-matrix matrix Python
424 1582. Special Positions in a Binary Matrix [K]graph-matrix matrix Python
425 348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe [K]graph-matrix matrix Python
426 bit-manipulation note [L]bit-manipulation
427 O 136. Single Number [L]bit-manipulation xor Python Java
428 O 268. Missing Number [L]bit-manipulation xor Python Java
429 O 191. Number of 1 Bits [L]bit-manipulation shift Python Java
430 O 190. Reverse Bits [L]bit-manipulation shift Python Java
431 1356. Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits [L]bit-manipulation shift Python
432 O 36. Valid Sudoku [L]bit-manipulation bitmasking Python
433 1915. Number of Wonderful Substrings [L]bit-manipulation bitmasking Python
434 1542. Find Longest Awesome Substring [L]bit-manipulation bitmasking Python
435 dynamic-programming note [M]dynamic-programming
436 O 62. Unique Paths [M]dynamic-programming 2D Python Java
437 63. Unique Paths II [M]dynamic-programming 2D Python
438 O 221. Maximal Square [M]dynamic-programming 2D Python
439 64. Minimum Path Sum [M]dynamic-programming 2D Python
440 688. Knight Probability in Chessboard [M]dynamic-programming 2D Python
441 O 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (0-1 knapsack) Python Java
442 494. Target Sum [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (0-1 knapsack) Python
443 1049. Last Stone Weight II [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (0-1 knapsack) Python
444 474. Ones and Zeroes [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (0-1 knapsack) Python
445 O 322. Coin Change [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (complete knapsack) Python Java
446 279. Perfect Squares [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (complete knapsack) Python
447 518. Coin Change II [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (combination knapsack) Python
448 O 377. Combination Sum IV [M]dynamic-programming knapsack (permutation knapsack) Python
449 O 70. Climbing Stairs [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python Java
450 O 55. Jump Game [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
451 O 198. House Robber [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python Java
452 213. House Robber II [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
453 O 152. Maximum Product Subarray [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
454 O 91. Decode Ways [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
455 O 139. Word Break [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python Java
456 256. Paint House [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
457 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
458 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
459 376. Wiggle Subsequence [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
460 487. Max Consecutive Ones II [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
461 368. Largest Divisible Subset [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
462 1105. Filling Bookcase Shelves [M]dynamic-programming linear sequence Python
463 O 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence [M]dynamic-programming LIS Python
464 1964. Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position [M]dynamic-programming LIS Python
465 354. Russian Doll Envelopes [M]dynamic-programming LIS Python
466 1143. Longest Common Subsequence [M]dynamic-programming double sequence Python
467 72. Edit Distance [M]dynamic-programming double sequence Python
468 97. Interleaving String [M]dynamic-programming double sequence Python
469 115. Distinct Subsequences [M]dynamic-programming double sequence Python
470 1092. Shortest Common Supersequence [M]dynamic-programming double sequence Python
471 10. Regular Expression Matching [M]dynamic-programming double sequence Python
472 410. Split Array Largest Sum [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from one interval) Python
473 1335. Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from one interval) Python
474 1278. Palindrome Partitioning III [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from one interval) Python
475 312. Burst Balloons [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from short interval) Python
476 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from short interval) Python
477 647. Palindromic Substrings [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from short interval) Python
478 1547. Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick [M]dynamic-programming interval (start from short interval) Python
479 greedy note [N]greedy
480 O 53. Maximum Subarray [N]greedy greedy Python Java
481 O 134. Gas Station [N]greedy greedy Python Java
482 O 621. Task Scheduler [N]greedy greedy Python Java
483 45. Jump Game II [N]greedy greedy Python
484 665. Non-decreasing Array [N]greedy greedy Python
485 135. Candy [N]greedy greedy Python
486 277. Find the Celebrity [N]greedy greedy Python
487 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height [N]greedy greedy Python
488 659. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences [N]greedy greedy Python
489 763. Partition Labels [N]greedy greedy Python
490 926. Flip String to Monotone Increasing [N]greedy greedy Python
491 1567. Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product [N]greedy greedy Python
492 1864. Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the Binary String Alternating [N]greedy greedy Python
493 2366. Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array [N]greedy greedy Python
494 2870. Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty [N]greedy greedy Python
495 math note [O]math
496 204. Count Primes [O]math sieve of eratosthenes Python
497 O 50. Pow(x, n) [O]math exponentiation by squaring Python
498 470. Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() [O]math rejection sampling Python
499 O 7. Reverse Integer [O]math math Python
500 O 9. Palindrome Number [O]math math Python Java
501 O 67. Add Binary [O]math math Python Java
502 O 338. Counting Bits [O]math math Python Java
503 415. Add Strings [O]math math Python
504 263. Ugly Number [O]math math Python
505 258. Add Digits [O]math math Python
506 171. Excel Sheet Column Number [O]math math Python
507 869. Reordered Power of 2 [O]math math Python
508 391. Perfect Rectangle [O]math math Python
509 segment-tree note [P]segment-tree
510 307. Range Sum Query - Mutable [P]segment-tree use sum type segment tree Python
511 715. Range Module [P]segment-tree use count type segment tree Python
512 729. My Calendar I [P]segment-tree use count type segment tree Python
513 2158. Amount of New Area Painted Each Day [P]segment-tree use count type segment tree Python
514 218. The Skyline Problem [P]segment-tree use max type segment tree Python
515 2407. Longest Increasing Subsequence II [P]segment-tree use max type segment tree Python
516 731. My Calendar II [P]segment-tree use max type segment tree Python
517 basic note [Q]basic

How to crack LeetCode problems?

  • For beginners tackling 0-50 problems, I suggest starting with curated lists like the Blind 75, Grind 75, or NeetCode 150. It's crucial to begin with EASY problems. If you stumble upon unfamiliar concepts, don't hesitate to seek explanations from sources like ChatGPT or the LeetCode discussion section. Aim to accomplish three key objectives during this phase: familiarize yourself with the syntax of common data structures like hashmaps or stacks, gain a holistic understanding of necessary DSA topics, and grasp at least the brute force solution approach, along with basic analyses of time and space complexity for each problem.

  • For intermediates solving 50-150 problems, understanding how and why to evolve from brute force to more efficient or optimal solutions is vital. Grasping this transition process is crucial, not just memorizing solutions. At this stage, deeply comprehending the improvement mechanism is the key focus. Often, the breakpoint for a better solution comes from identifying and refining repetitive elements in the old approach.

  • After solving over 150 problems, you'll likely have covered around 85% of the topics that could appear in coding interviews. The key at this phase is to recognize patterns across the multitude of problems available. Most questions are variations of a few core concepts or classic problems you've already encountered. Identifying these patterns allows you to apply known solutions to new, seemingly complex problems effectively. Additionally, you should start using different approaches to solve the same problem you already know. For example, if it is a DFS problem, then try both recursive and iterative methods; if it is a DP problem, try both top-down and bottom-up approaches; if it is a top-k problem, then try using a heap or sort. Furthermore, attempt to understand other solutions that use approaches that are not as straightforward as your old solutions. At this stage, it's crucial to recognize recurring patterns across various problems, understanding both the application of consistent approaches to different questions and the exploration of multiple strategies for a single problem. This dual awareness enables a more adaptable and comprehensive problem-solving skill set.

How to prepare for a coding interview?

During the interview, consistently share your thoughts with the interviewer and use code comments to note down things while speaking. This ensures both of you are aligned.

  1. Clarify the requirement of the question. You must truly understand what the question is asking for. Once you understand the question’s description, make sure to generate a simple input and expect output other than the given one based on your understanding and ask the interviewer if it is correct or not.

  2. Clarify the input and output and edge cases. For instance, ask if the input array is sorted or not, whether numbers can include positives, negatives, or zeros, or if the input contains duplicate elements or not, and how to handle multiple valid answers, whether to return the first one or if outputs need sorting, and what is the expected outcome when there are no valid solutions. Take LC 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum as example, if numbers in the input array can be negative, the question will become LC 862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K, and will need a totally different approach to solve.

  3. Start from a brute force approach, just write some very simple pseudo steps of it. If you have ideas to improve it, then you can continue to explain how and where you can improve and use which DSA or classic pattern (like prefix sum, trie, or two pointers) to solve it. Mention the expected time and space complexity. If you do not have any clue to improve the naive approach, then just ask the interviewer, can we start from implementing this naive approach or not, sometimes you would find out the key point during implementing. If it is not allowed, then try to analyze some common DSA which might be useful here to the interviewer and try to get some feedback or hints from the interviewer. (If brute force is still too hard to get, then try to simulate the whole process in the description of the question or try to enumerate things).

  4. Implement the solution, adhering to proper coding style and indentation. If stuck on certain code, ask to finish the main logic first and leave comments for unimplemented parts. If stuck on the main logic, share your thoughts and discuss potential next steps with the interviewer.

  5. Final check and dry run. Once finished, do not directly run the code, because there might be some stupid typos in the code. Ask if you can dry run one time, and explain the whole process and your thoughts.

  6. Test and debug. Generate 1 or 2 standard cases and 1 or 2 edge cases which are related to the problem. And start testing and debugging. Avoid trial and error multiple times when debugging. Fix the error you find, and try to quickly dry run once and explain why you fix the error.

  7. Complexity analysis. Try to analyze the time and space complexity about your solutions and try to mention some potential follow up questions you have thought of. Like what if we change the condition of the input, or what if we have a limitation on time or space usage.


LeetCode Pattern 500 offers 500 solutions for LeetCode problems in Python and Java, 17 notes on essential concepts related to data structures and algorithms, and 130 patterns for solving LeetCode problems.







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  • Python 83.9%
  • Java 16.1%