This project is a web application for displaying and managing information about anime. The application features a dynamic and responsive front end built with Next.js and React, along with an Express.js back end and SQLite database. It supports both dark and light modes and includes an admin side for managing the database.
- Dynamic Routing: Display detailed information about different anime based on the route.
- Dark Mode / Light Mode: Switch between dark and light themes for better user experience.
- Responsive Design: Adaptable UI for various screen sizes and devices.
- Admin Panel: Access the admin side at
to edit the database and manage content. - Animation Effects: Enhanced UI with animations using Framer Motion and Anime.js.
- Auto Slider: Image sliders for showcasing anime details using React Slick.
This project demonstrates the integration of modern web technologies including Next.js for server-side rendering, Express.js for building the back end, and SQLite for database management. It is designed to provide a seamless experience for users exploring anime details while also allowing administrators to manage content easily.
: ^2.1.5animejs
: ^3.2.2axios
: ^1.7.2cors
: ^2.8.5dotenv
: ^16.4.5express
: ^4.19.2express-rate-limit
: ^7.4.0express-validator
: ^7.1.0framer-motion
: ^11.3.17mongoose
: ^8.5.1next
: 14.2.5react
: ^18react-calendar
: ^5.0.0react-dom
: ^18react-icons
: ^5.2.1react-responsive
: ^10.0.0react-slick
: ^0.30.2slick-carousel
: ^1.8.1sqlite3
: ^5.1.7
: Start the Express back end server (node backend/server.js
: Start the Next.js front end development server (next dev
: Build the Next.js application (next build
: Start the Next.js application (next start
: Lint the project using Next.js linting tools (next lint
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
cd WebStreaming
Navigate to the Web directory
cd web-directory
Install dependencies
npm install
if you using yarn
yarn install
npm run front
yarn run front
Navigate to the Web directory
cd web-directory
Install dependencies
npm install
if you using yarn
yarn install
npm run back
yarn run back
- Open the application in your web browser.
- Navigate to different anime pages using the dynamic routes.
- Switch between dark and light modes using the theme toggle.
- Access the admin panel at to manage database entries and other admin functionalities.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at [email protected]
Name : Muhammad Faqih Hakim
Email : [email protected]