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Releases: GCuser99/SeleniumVBA


20 Feb 01:43
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version update

Fixed bug in resolving OneDrive/SharePoint paths [@6DiegoDiego9]
Fixed bug in CreateSettingsFile of WebDriver class [@6DiegoDiego9]
Added NavigateToString method of WebDriver class to allow for direct navigation to html string for testing/debugging
Updated Wiki object model
Added license info about Bill Stewart's UninsIS to DLL installer script
Refactored test subs, replacing all NavigateToFile use to NavigateToString to simplify testing
Refactored test_remoteDebugger to better explain how to attach to existing browser instance [@sridharstreaks]
Minor code cleanups


04 Jan 18:42
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version update

Replaced all Integer declarations with Long [@Alexcel]
Added Error Handling to WebCookies class
Continued to refactor testing code in order to move away from commercial websites and streamline dev testing
Added more Antivirus test files and tracking table to try to isolate code leading to false positives
Minor code cleanups


30 Dec 22:46
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version update

Refactored DownloadResource of WebDriver and WebElement classes
    -work done on the browser side via JavaScript
    -download url string resolved more reliably using JavaScript
Refactored test_download_resource to test multiple cases
Fixed issue where   was not converted to Chr(32) in GetText method of WebDriver and WebElement classes
Added IntelliSense description to ScrollIntoView of WebElement class
Renamed private getJavaScript function of WebDriver class to getScript
Added PrettyPrint.xml to private getScript function of WebDriver class
Added Antivirus test files and tracking table to try to isolate code leading to false positives
Minor code cleanups


15 Dec 17:27
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version update

Fixed issue where   was not converted to Chr(32) in TableToArray method of WebDriver class [@hanamichi77777]
Fixed host crashing bug in WebActionChain class (twinBASIC 32-bit ActiveX DLL only)
Replacement  of VBScript RegExp with @sihlfall's vba-regex at: (twinBASIC ActiveX DLL only - experimental)


13 Dec 21:23
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version update

Fixed issue with TableToArray method of WebDriver class not honoring cell text formatting [@Ryunosuke]
Added optional input argument to TableToArray method to ignore cell formatting


10 Dec 16:01
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version update

Removed all support for sunsetting Edge IE mode
Refactored TableToArray method of WebDriver and WebElement classes
    -work done on the browser side via JavaScript
    -much more performative for very large tables (>20x faster for VBA, 10x faster for ActiveX DLL)
    -eliminates MSHTML dependence (IE sunset)
Refactored sanitizeHTML function of PageToHTML* methods of WebDriver class
    -work done on the browser side via JavaScript
    -behaves consistently across different Windows OS versions and Apps
    -eliminates MSHTML dependence (IE sunset)
Refactored Scrolling functionality of Webdriver class
    -added GetScrollWidth method (similar to GetScrollHeight)
    -added complete set of scroll options to ScrollBy, ScrollTo, ScrollToTop, and ScrollToBottom methods
    -fixed smooth scroll in all Scroll* methods to wait until animation is complete b4 proceeding [@dornech]
Added scrolling functionality to WebElement class to facilitate scrolling in elements with content overflow
Added test code to illustrate the above new/improved functionality
Added Top, Bottom, Left, and Right properties to WebElement/WebDriver's GetRect method's return dictionary
Refactored GetInstalledDriverVersion method of WebDriverManager class to get Edge driver version from extended file properties
Solved issue where Malwarebytes real-time AV was blocking use of VBScript's RexExp [vbforums]
Added error handling to catch situation where Malwarebytes settings is blocking use of VBScript's RexExp [vbforums]
Added comments to SeleniumVBA ini file for example imperial and metric print page settings [vbforums]
More improvements to Test modules
    -continued to refactor testing code in order to move away from commercial websites and streamline dev testing
    -added file cleanup to each sub that created files
Minor code cleanups
    -Renamed private function deObjectifyInputArgs in WebDriver class to serializeScriptInputs
    -Renamed private function objectifyScriptResponse in WebDriver class deserializeScriptResponse
Updated Wiki help and object model for above object model additions


18 Oct 02:15
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version update

fixed WeCookies bug in ActiveX DLL source


17 Oct 12:38
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version update

Refactored WebCookies class to accommodate cookies with same (duplicate) names [@dornech]
Upped max wait time in OpenBrowser method of WebDriver class from 10 secs to 20 secs  to prevent rare error triggered when not using remote debugging port
Added test_Extensions module and moved applicable tests to that module
Minor code optimizations to twinBASIC source
Updated compatibility table in dist folder to reflect @dornech's success in using DLL solution on Excel 2003


15 Oct 19:42
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version update

Added InstallAddon method to WebDriver class for installing Firefox xpi extensions (AddExtensions method in WebCapabilities not allowed for FF)[@dornech]
Refactored Base64 encoding/decoding to use more flexible windows API functions to facilitate the above
Added --disable-search-engine-choice-screen argument to Chrome capabilities to prevent having to select search engine (EU issue only) [@dornech]
Made changes in test modules to facilitate easier testing for devs
    - Changed most Debug.Print statements to Debug.Assert
    - Added test_All module containing sub for running all tests back-to-back
    - Fixed broken test subs due to changes over time in referenced webpages
Minor code cleanups


10 Oct 21:22
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version update

Fixed bug in AddExtensions method in WebCapabilities class [@dornech]
Added test_addExtensions sub in test_Capabilities module to demonstrate above
Moved private functions decodeBase64 and saveByteArrayToFile from WebDriver class to WebShared module
Corrected (very obscure) bug in GetCompatibleDriverVersion method WebDriverManager class triggered if geckodriver release can't be found (server is down)
Few minor code cleanups