conda create -n {env_name} python=3.6
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd lib
For more information, see the Author's Quickstart README section
The easiest way to add a custom dataset is to format it to COCO format, which should has the following format:
|__detection_files.json (optional)
| |__{prefix}_train.json
| |__{prefix}_val.json
| |__000000.jpg
| |__000001.jpg
| |__...
Where the annotation files contain some neccessary information:
"categories": [
"supercategory": "person",
"id": 1,
"name": "person",
"keypoints": ["nose", "head", ...], # list name (label) of 2D keypoint
"skeleton": [[16,14], [14,12], ...], # list of keypoints pair that link together (e.x: keypoint 16 links with keypoints 14, ...)
"images": [
"has_no_densepose": true, # obj has dense pose or not
"is_labeled": true, # obj is label or not
"file_name": "000000.jpg", # file name
"nframes": 900, # number of frame in video
"frame_id": 0, # frame id
"id": 0, # image id
"width": 608, # image width
"height": 1080 # image height
"annotations": [
"keypoints": [x1, y1, 1, x2, y2, 1, ...], # list with length 3 x num_keypoints, where 1 or 0 stand for kpt is invisble or not
"track_id": 1, # obj id in the video
"image_id": 0, # iamge id, same as in the *image* attribute
"bbox": [x, y, w, h], # bbox coord in (top, left, width, height) format
"scores": [], # left blank list
"id": 0, # assign the same value as image_id
"iscrowd": false, # is image crowd or not
"num_keypoints": 17, # number of keypoints
"area": float(area) # bbox area
The detection_file.json
is used in case we want to use result of a detection model instead of bbox ground truths. It should has the following format:
"image_id": 0,
"bbox": [x, y, w, h], # bbox coord where x y is the top left corner coord
"score": 0.x, # detection confidence score
"category_id": 1 # category of the obj class
Define a config file for training and inference in experiments/coco/hrnet
or any where you like. Copy the existed .yaml file and change some neccesary attribute:
DATASET: # name of the dataset class (define in lib/dataset/)
ROOT: # path to root of the dataset
TEST_SET: # name of the test json file
TRAIN_SET: # name of the train json file
PRETRAINED: # path to pretrained weight (use for training)
BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU: # training batch size
END_EPOCH: # number of train epochs (BEGIN_EPOCH = 0 as default)
COCO_BBOX_FILE: # path to detection json file (in case using detection instead of bbox ground truth)
USE_GT_BBOX: # whether to use the bbox ground truth or not
Create a dataset class in lib/dataset/
. The dataset class should be the same as the COCODataset
class in lib/dataset/
. However, there are some functions need to be customized:
def _get_ann_file_keypoint(self):
change suitable prefix and path to your annotation file (annotations/train.json and annotations/test.json)
Note that it can have error in the _load_coco_keypoint_annotation_kernal
function, since it cannot determine image paths in the json file to use self.coco.getAnnIds
Debug this API if neccessary.
Train script:
python tool/ --cfg {path to cfg yaml file}
For default, the model is evaluated and saved best after every epoch.
Test script:
python tool/ --cfg {path to cfg yaml file} TEST.MODEL_FILE {path to test model weight}
Inference script:
python demo/ --cfg {path to cfg yaml file} TEST.MODEL_FILE {path to test model weight} --videoFile {path to video file}