Reads gmail automatically and stores it in a mysql database for analysis later This is a very simple wrapper on top of gmail python package [ which internally wraps email package! ]. For mobile notifications, pushbullet is used.
I had to analyze lot of feedbacks mailed. Volume of mails were high and to ensure I don't miss anything, I wrote this simple wrapper.
I intend to use NLTK on top of the subject/content/emails collected to understand the themes and sentiments associated with the feedback emails.
easy_install ConfigParser
Install gmail from the link below Note: pygmail package is available
- Install and configure PushBullet [ If Mobile notifications are required ]
pip install Note: push_sms function is untested. Use with care
- Install MySQL-python library
- Create a MySQL table for storing the contents read from maildata
create table maildata ( ind INT AUTO_INCREMENT, mdate datetime, mfrom varchar(255), recepients varchar(255), subject varchar(1024), category varchar(20), content varchar(4096), has_attachment varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY (ind) )
Enter the configuration details in .mailsettings
Run python
Logs are automatically stored in mailreader-log/gmail-reader.log
Configure the gmail reader as a cron job for automated reads!