本项目管理针对中文用户的Kodi插件库。This project is an repository for open source Addon scripts, plugins, and skins for Kodi Media Center. Specially for Chinese Language speaking people.
- 英文论坛 Forum Discuss in English: Kodi Community Forum: Project xbmc-addons-chinese Release Thread
- 开发者中文QQ群 QQ Group for Developers: 253355963
安装本插件库,按照使用的Kodi版本下载相应zip安装包 To install the repository, you need to download the latest repository zip file
- repository.xbmc-addons-chinese-1.2.1.zip for Kodi 18 and older(不推荐,已停止维护升级 Not recommended. Stop maintenance and upgrading)
- repository.xbmc-addons-chinese-2.0.0.zip for Kodi 19
然后 And then:
- 进入Kodi系统 Launch Kodi
- 选择 系统-设置-插件 Navigate to System | Settings | Add-ons
- 选择 从zip文件安装 Select Install from zip file
- 浏览目录找到刚下载的zip安装包 Browse to the directory where the new downloaded zip file is being stored.
- 选择 确定 Select OK
Kodi的中文显示设置步骤如下 For proper Chinese text display on Kodi, do the following steps:
- 进入Kodi系统 Launch Kodi
- 进入 系统-设置-外观-皮肤 Navigate to System | Settings | Appearance | skin
- 设置皮肤字体为“基于Arial” Change skin-font to "Arial based"
- 点击 从库安装 Click Get Add-ons
- 选择中文插件库 Select Chinese Add-ons Repository
- 选择你要安装的插件 Select the appropriate Add-ons from the display categories
- 点击安装插件 Click to install the Add-on
- 本项目所有中文插件的安装包保存在repo子目录下。Official releases of all the Chinese plugins can be found in the ./repo sub-directories.
如果你想手动下载而不是通过插件库安装单个插件,可以从repo子目录中找到相应zip安装包,下载并从zip文件安装插件。If for reasons that you need to manually install a specific plugin, you can download the required zip file from the corresponding ./repo sub-directory. Then follow the ** Install Repository ** steps described above to install the zip plugin.
- 哆啦搜索 - plugin.video.duolasousuo - 哆啦搜索视频插件
- 韩剧视频 - plugin.video.hanju - 韩剧视频Kodi插件