This project implements a parallel program in C using MPI (Message Passing Interface) to compute the number of distinct elements in an N by N multiplication table. It is designed for execution on a supercomputer and can handle multiplication tables with up to 100,000,000 values.
Requirements MPI library (e.g., MPICH, OpenMPI) C compiler (e.g., GCC) (Optional) Conda environment setup Installation To set up the project, clone this repository or download the source files to your local machine or supercomputer environment.
Compilation Use an MPI compiler wrapper to compile the program. For example, with MPICH or OpenMPI:
mpicc -o mpi_mult_table mpi_mult_table.c
Execution Run the program using mpiexec or an equivalent command on your supercomputer. For example:
mpiexec -n <number_of_processes> ./mpi_mult_table where <number_of_processes> is the number of parallel processes you want to use, and is the size of the multiplication table (N x N).
Configuration No additional configuration is needed. Make sure MPI is correctly installed and configured in your environment.
Usage Example To compute the number of distinct elements in a 10,000 x 10,000 table using 4 processes:
mpiexec -n 4 ./mpi_mult_table 10000
Contributions to this project are welcome. Please send pull requests or issue reports via GitHub or email me at [email protected]
License This project is open source and available under the MIT License.