Read the book here:
I've added this repository to make it easier to work with the book, if you feel like it.
I didn't include the commits from prior to the release, because book writing is a messy and painful process of revisions, deletions and rethinking things.
I did all the writing directly as HTML inside a git repo:
git shortlog -sn
tells me that I made 216 commits between Jun 28th 2012 and Jan 18th 2012 to write the book.
There will be a second set of updates coming later on - once I am done with , which is a view layer I'm working on right now. It has definitely changed and clarified my thinking re:view layers. Writing a book is fairly intense, which is why I am focusing on code for now; it'll let me come back to the book with a less attached and more critical perspective.
The content of the book is in ./content/. To generate the book:
npm install
node generate.js
which generates the output in ./output/.
To rebuild the .epub and .mobi files:
make book.epub
You need to install calibre first for the HTML to epub/mobi conversion.
Many many thanks to jamesarosen and ahizzle for their help!
This book is available for free, but what I've written remains mine.
Translations: as long as the content made is available for free (you can have ads) I welcome translations.
Other use: contact me; as long as your intentions are good I'd be happy to figure out something. I'm not looking to make money from the book.