This repo is the implementation of the paper "Human as AI Mentor: Enhanced Human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving (Accepted by Communications in Transportation Research)".
Webpage | Code | Video | Paper
# Clone the code to local
git clone
# Create virtual environment
conda create -n HAIM-DRL python=3.7
conda activate HAIM-DRL
# Install basic dependency
pip install -e .
conda install cudatoolkit=11.0
conda install -c nvidia cudnn
# Now you can run the training script of HAIM-DRL in MetaDrive Environment.
HAIM-DRL is designed for teaching AI to learn a generalizable autonomous driving policy efficiently and safely. Supported by MetaDrive, the concrete goal of driving tasks is to drive the vehicle to the destination with as fewer collision as possible. Also, to prevent driving out of the road which will terminate the episode, please follow the yellow checkpoints indicating navigation information when you are training HAIM-DRL.
Note: we mask the reward signal for HAIM-DRL agent, so it is a reward-free method.
Since the main experiment of HAIM-DRL takes one hour and requires a steering wheel (Logitech G920), we further provide an easy task for users to experience HAIM-DRL.
cd haim_drl/run_main_exp/
python --num-gpus=1
In this task, human is authorized to take over the vehicle by pressing W/A/S/D and guide or safeguard the agent to the destination ("E" can be used to pause simulation). Since there is only one map in this task, 10 minutes or 5000 transitions is enough for HAIM-DRL agent to learn a policy.
To reproduce the main experiment reported in paper, run following scripts:
python --num-gpus=1
If steering wheel is not available, set controller="keyboard"
in the script to train HAIM-DRL agent. After launching this script,
one hour is required for human to assist HAIM-DRL agent to learn a generalizable driving policy by training in 50 different maps.
CARLA used in our experiment is version, so pleas follow the instruction in CARLA offical repo to install it. After installation, launch CARLA server by:
./ -carla-rpc-port=9000
For the interacting with CARLA core, we utilize the CARLA client wrapper implemented in DI-Drive, so new dependencies is needed. We recommend initializing a new conda environment by:
# Create new virtual environment
conda create -n HAIM-DRL-carla python=3.7
conda activate HAIM-DRL-carla
# install DI-Engine
pip install di-engine==0.2.0 markupsafe==2.0.1
# Install basic dependency
pip install -e .
conda install cudatoolkit=11.0
conda install -c nvidia cudnn
# Now you can run the training script of HAIM-DRL in CARLA Environment.
After all these steps, launch the CARLA experiment through:
python --num-gpus=1
Currently, a steering wheel controller is default to reproduce the CARLA Experiment.
We also provide keyboard interface for controlling vehicles in CARLA, which can be turned on by setting
in the training script.
For providing navigation information, there is a status, namely command:
, at the upper-left of the interface.
For SAC/PPO/PPO-Lag/SAC-Lag, there is no additional requirement to run the training scripts.
# use previous HAIM-DRL environment
conda activate HAIM-DRL
cd haim_drl/run_baselines
# launch baseline experiment
python train_[ppo/sac/sac_lag/ppo_lag].py --num-gpus=[your_gpu_num]
Human demonstration is required to run Imitation Learning (IL). You can collect human demonstration by runing:
cd haim_drl/utils
or you can use the data collected by our human expert here
If you wish to run CQL, extra setting is required as follows:
# ray needs to be updated to 1.2.0
pip install ray==1.2.0
cd haim_drl/run_baselines
# launch baseline experiment
python --num-gpus=0 # do not use gpu
For BC training, modify the config bc_iter=1000000
to convert the CQL into BC, and re-run this script.
To run GAIL/HG-DAgger/IWR, please create a new conda environment and install GPU-version of torch:
# Create virtual environment
conda create -n HAIM-DRL-torch python=3.7
conda activate HAIM-DRL-torch
# Install basic dependency
pip install -e .
# install torch
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
conda install cudatoolkit=11.0
Now, IWR/HG-Dagger/GAIL can be trained by:
cd haim_drl/run_baselines
python train_[IWR/gail/hg_dagger].py
title={Human as AI Mentor: Enhanced Human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving},
author={Huang, Zilin and Sheng, Zihao and Ma, Chengyuan and Chen, Sikai},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03160},