In this repository, We used the medical dataset DRKG to compare the results of recently published and well-aged approaches to link prediction problems. These methods can be classified into different groups (Classification methods from:Link-Prediction-Experiment-Results).
- Rule-based Methods
- Embedding Methods
- Graph Neural Network Methods
- Hybird Methods (relational reinforcement learning, differentiable reasoning, etc.)
- E as embedding methods
- R as rule-based methods
- NN as graph neural nets
- Hybird Methods:
- E+NN
- R+NN
- R+E
- R+E+NN
- R+RL : Rule + reinforcement learning
Approach Format:
(Approach Type)-(Method Name)-(Published Year)
Drug Repurposing Knowledge Graph (DRKG) is a comprehensive biological knowledge graph relating genes, compounds, diseases, biological processes, side effects and symptoms. DRKG includes information from six existing databases including DrugBank, Hetionet, GNBR, String, IntAct and DGIdb, and data collected from recent publications particularly related to Covid19. It includes 97,238 entities belonging to 13 entity-types; and 5,874,261 triplets belonging to 107 edge-types. These 107 edge-types show a type of interaction between one of the 17 entity-type pairs (multiple types of interactions are possible between the same entity-pair), as depicted in the figure below. It also includes a bunch of notebooks about how to explore and analysis the DRKG using statistical methodologies or using machine learning methodologies such as knowledge graph embedding.
Embedding methods:
E-Eigenvalue factorization algorithm-
- Yamanishi Y, Araki M, Gutteridge A, et al. Prediction of drug–target interaction networks from the integration of chemical and genomic spaces. Bioinformatics 2008;24: i232–40.
- Yamanishi Y, Kotera M, Moriya Y, et al. DINIES: drug–target interaction network inference engine based on supervised analysis. Nucleic Acids Res 2014;42:W39–45.
E-Probabilistic matrix factorization-2013
E-Matrix factorization-
- Zheng X, Ding H, Mamitsuka H, Zhu S. Collaborative matrix factorization with multiple similarities for predicting drug–target interactions. In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining—KDD ’13, 2013, pp. 1025–1033. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Ezzat A, Zhao P,WuM, et al. Drug–target interaction prediction with graph regularized matrix factorization. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform 2017;14:646–56.
- Shen Z, Zhang Y-H, Han K, et al. miRNA-disease association prediction with collaborative matrix factorization. Complexity 2017;2017:1–9.
- Zeng X, Ding N, Rodríguez-Patón A, Zou Q. Probability-based collaborative filtering model for predicting gene–disease associations. BMC Med Genomics 2017;10(5):76.
E-LE, SVD, PLS-2017
E-Modified DeepWalk-2017
E-Eigenvalue decomposition and matrix factorization-2015
E-Modified LINE-2017
E-Extended RESCAL-2016
E-TransH and HolE-2017
E-Extended TransH-2017
Rule-based methods:
- R-Node+LinkFeat-2015
- R-AMIE-2015
- R-Gaifman-2016
- R-RuleN-2018
- R-RUGE-2018
- R-AnyBURL-2019
Graph neural nets:
- NN-R-GCN-2017
- NN-SACN-2019
- NN-Deep autoencoder similar to SDNE and DNGR-2018
Hybird Methods:
- R+E-RLvLR-2018
- R+E-RPJE-2020
- E+NN-R-GCN+-2018
- E+NN-ConvKB-2018
- E+NN-AttentionE-2019
- R+NN-Neural LP-2017
- R+NN-NTP lambda-2017
- R+NN-DRUM-2019
- R+RL-Multi-Hop-2018