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The goal of cecelia is to simplify image analysis for immunologists and integrate static and live cell imaging with flow cytometry data. The package primarily builds upon napari and shiny. Our aim was to combine shiny’s graph plotting engine with napari’s image display.

This package is pre-alpha


This package currently only works on Unix systems. For Windows system, or if you prefer a containerised version, we also have a Docker image.

We designed cecelia to also process jobs on the HPC (High Performance Computing) system. We currently only support Slurm as a scheduler. If you want to set this up on your system - please open an issue and we will get you started.

(Optional) All components can be packaged within a conda environment. We recommend to install miniconda if you want to keep a separate environment. If you opt for this, then you should also install RStudio within that conda environment.

conda create -y -n r-cecelia-env -c conda-forge python=3.9
conda activate r-cecelia-env
conda install -y -c conda-forge r-base=4.1.2 rstudio

You can install the development version of cecelia like so:

if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
remotes::install_github("schienstockd/cecelia", Ncpus = 4, repos = "")

For first time users, you will need to define base directory where configuration files, models and the shiny app will be stored. cecelia depends on a python environment which needs to be created. There are multiple options available depending on how you would like to use the app:

  • image For image analysis on Desktop

  • image-nogui For image processing without GUI

  • flow For flow cytometry analysis


# install App requirements
# (i) they are not needed when using only markdown files or on HPC
cciaAppRequirements(repos = "")

# install Bioconductor requirements
cciaBiocRequirements(repos = "")

# setup cecelia directory

# create conda environment
# cciaCondaCreate(envType = "image-nogui") # to use without gui
# cciaCondaCreate(envType = "flow") # for flow based only

# download models for deep-learning segmentation

# create app

You have to adjust the parameters in ~/path/to/cecelia/custom.yml to your system. You need download/install:

For ImageJ, activate the following update sites:

  • IJPB-plugins

  • 3D-ImageJ-Suite

  • Bio-Formats

    bftools: "/Applications/BFTools"
    bioformats2raw: "/Applications/glencoe/bioformats2raw-0.3.0"
    projects: "/your/project/directory/"
    SSD: "/your/ssd/directory/"
    home: "~/"
    computer: "/"
      env: "r-cecelia-env"
        env: "r-cecelia-env"
    path: "/Applications/"

Image analysis general workflow

cciaUse("~/path/to/cecelia", initJupyter = TRUE)
cciaRunApp(port = 6860)
  1. Create a Project for static or liveanalysis.

  2. Images have to be imported as OME-ZARR. Choose Import Images and create an Experimental Set. It is helpful if all images within this set have the same colour combinations. Add Images. Select all images you want to import and choose OME-ZARR. Select the required pyramid scales and run the task.

  3. Select Image Metadata and click Load Metadata to load the channel information. You can assign channels either one by one by selecting a channel and Specify Value > Assign Value. Alternatively, you can give a list of channels in the box and click Assing channels. You can add further experimental attributes by Create Attribute and adding respecive values for the individual images.

  4. Select Cell Segmentation to segment your images.

  5. Select Population Gating to use flow cytometry like gating to define populations. Select Populations Clustering to use cluster algorithms to define populations.

  6. Select Spatial Analysis to define spatial neighbourhoods, detect clustering cells or detect contact between cells.

Flow Cytometry general workflow

cciaUse("~/path/to/cecelia", initJupyter = FALSE)
cciaRunApp(port = 6860)
  1. Create a Project for flowanalysis.

  2. FCS files can be imported either from raw or other sources such as FlowJo. They will converted into an Anndata to perform clustering and a GatingSet to perform manual gating.

Compensation controls can be added into one experimental set which can be used by autospill to calculate a compensation matrix. This matrix can then be applied to the other samples.

  1. The rest of the pipeline for gating and plotting is the same as for image analysis.

Running workflows from RMarkdown

All Processing available in the app can be done from RMarkdown as well. Every image is ReactivePersistentObject whose state is saved in an RDS file and is reactive in a shiny app context. These objects can be loaded and manipulated as such:


# set test variables
pID <- "pEdOoZ"   # project ID
versionID <- 2    # version ID
uID <- "tPl6da"   # image ID

# init ccia object
cciaObj <- initCciaObject(
  pID = pID, uID = uID, versionID = versionID, initReactivity = FALSE

funParams <- list(
  pyramidScale = 4,
  dimOrder = "",
  createMIP = FALSE,
  rescaleImage = FALSE

  funName = "importImages.omezarr",
  funParams = funParams,
  runInplace = TRUE

2D static image analysis - Spleen example

  1. Create project

  1. Import image

  1. Assign channel names

  1. Segment cells

With conventional confocal microscopy it is not always possible to include a nuclear stain for cell segmentation. In this case, we can check whether cellpose or a sequence of morphological filters which segments donut- and blob-like objects (donblo) works for a partiular image.

  • cellpose is a good choice for most cases. We use cellpose to segment a single merged image. We can create a sequence of merged images to create individual segmentations if necessary.

  • In this case, cellpose did not capture some of the more dense and noisy cells. We have implemented a simple sequence of morphological filters with subsequent spot detection and segmentation in ImageJ using TrackMate and the 3D Image Suite. The quality of the segmentation is lower than cellpose but it will capture more cells, such as the yellow XCR1+ DCs within the T cell zone.

  1. Gate cells

Cell populations can be created using clustering or gating. Gating cell populations will give you more control when using fewer markers. Clustering will be more beneficial when using multiplex images to identify multiparameter cell populations. In this case, we will utilise gating. We have to create a GatingSet from the label properties.

After this we can open the image and do sequential gating for T cells, Macrophages, cDC1 and cDC2.

  1. Create spatial neighbours

We can use these populations to create spatial neighbours.

  1. Custom plotting of interactions

Our aim is to provide custom plots within cecelia but this is still in development. The following is illustrating how to use the generated populations for customised plotting within RMarkdown. This simple example shows the interactions between T cells and cDC1 in the T cell zone.



# set test variables
pID <- "s3n6dR"   # project ID
versionID <- 1    # version ID
uID <- "LvfcHB"   # image ID

# init ccia object
cciaObj <- initCciaObject(
  pID = pID, uID = uID, versionID = versionID, initReactivity = FALSE

# get populations
popDT <- cciaObj$popDT("flow", pops = cciaObj$popPaths("flow"))

# get spatial information
spatialDT <- cciaObj$spatialDT()

# join pops
spatialDT[popDT[, c("label", "pop")],
          on = c("to" = "label"),
 := pop]
spatialDT[popDT[, c("label", "pop")],
          on = c("from" = "label"),
          pop.from := pop]

# filter same type associations
spatialDT <- spatialDT[ != pop.from]

# get interaction frequencies
freqRegions <- spatialDT %>%
  group_by(pop.from, %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>%
  mutate(freq = n/sum(n)) %>%
  drop_na() %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  complete(pop.from,, fill = list(freq = 0))

       aes(pop.from, +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_tile(aes(fill = freq), colour = "white", size = 0.5) +
    breaks = c(0, 0.5),
    labels = c(0, 0.5)
  ) +
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.key.size = unit(3, "mm"),
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)
  ) + xlab("") + ylab("")

  1. Population detection by clustering

We have incorporated UMAP and Leiden to detect populations by clustering. Clustering can be done on individual images or combined on multiple images from the same set. If multiple images are used, the clustering results will be written back to the original individual images and subsequent analysis such as neighbour detection can be done on the individual images again. This is useful when processing a batch of images that have the same staining.

It is also possible to do sequential clustering, as a kind of multidimensional gate, by selecting Root populations from which to calculate clusters. When you do not tick Keep other populations the other populations will be removed during clustering. So if you want to sequential clusters, please tick that box.

3D static image analysis - Lymph node example

  1. Create project

  1. Import image

  1. Assign channel names

  1. Segment cells

We commonly use fluorescently stained cells for two-photon and histology imaging. We trained a cellpose model, called ccia Fluorescent, to detect these fluorescent cells as the pre-trained models could not segment them. We can use this model to sequentially segment dendritic cells (stained with TRITC) and T cells.

Sometimes the segmentation can benefit from a small morphological filter. In this case we can use a Gaussian filter of 1 to improve segmentation results.

  1. Gate cells

During imaging of thick tissue slices that were stained with antibodies it can happen that staining intensity varies across the depth of the tissue due to antibody penetration or differences in light properties and scattering within the tissue or increase of laser power or gain due to reduction of signal with increasing depth. For this reason, we incorporated depth correction by fitting polynomial function to the signal across depth.

We can use gating to identify TRITC+ dendritic cells and T cells. In this image, we can also gate on CD68+ T cells.

  1. Detect spatial interactions

For 3D objects it is helpful to generate 3D meshes during segmentation. These meshes can then be utilised to detect clusters of cells and interactions between cells. Then we can check whether CD69+ T cells are in contact with migrating TRITC+ cells and visualise these in napari.



# set test variables
pID <- "4UryU2"   # project ID
versionID <- 1    # version ID
uID <- "jpVjeh"   # image ID

# init ccia object
cciaObj <- initCciaObject(
  pID = pID, uID = uID, versionID = versionID, initReactivity = FALSE

# get populations
popDT <- cciaObj$popDT(
  "flow", pops = c("/nonDebris/gBT/clustered", "/nonDebris/gBT/non.clustered"),
  includeFiltered = TRUE)

# get summary
summaryToPlot <- popDT %>%
  group_by(pop, ``) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>%
    freq = n/sum(n),
    pop = str_extract(pop, "[^\\/]+$")
# plot frequencies
ggplot(summaryToPlot) +
  aes(1, freq, fill = ``) +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 1) +
  coord_polar("y", start = 0) +
  xlim(0, 1.8) +
  facet_wrap(.~pop, nrow = 1) +
  ggtitle("TRITC contact") +
    axis.text = element_text(size = 5),
    axis.text.x = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom",
    axis.title.x = element_blank(),
    axis.title.y = element_blank()

3D live image analysis - Two-photon lymph node example

  1. Create project

  1. Import image

  1. Assign channel names

  1. Autofluorescence and drift correction

We correct autofluorescence by dividing channels from each other. In this example there are only two which we can use for channel correction. The same module function will also do drift correction based on phase cross correlation. We will use the AF generated channel that is generated during autofluorescence correction.


  1. Segment cells

We can utilise cellpose and the ccia Fluorescent model to segment both cell types.

  1. Track cells

We incorporated btrack to track segmented cells. Filters can be used to filter based on object measurements.

  1. Extract cell behaviour

We utilised HMM (Hidden markov model) to extract behaviour from the generated tracks. This analysis extracts a defined number of cellular behaviours based on shape and movement parameters. For this method, we combine tracking data from multiple images - therefore, we need to tick the box to Combine images when running the task. This will run the task with the selected images from the set.

We can visualise these behaviours on the image by creating a filtered population.

Then we can map these behaviours in time and space.



# set test variables
pID <- "kicbHw"   # project ID
versionID <- 1    # version ID
uID <- "SRMXQH"   # image ID

# init ccia object
cciaObj <- initCciaObject(
  pID = pID, uID = uID, versionID = versionID, initReactivity = FALSE

# get popDTs for set
popDTs <- cciaObj$popDT(
  popType = "live", pops = c("cellA/tracked", "cellB/tracked"),
  includeFiltered = TRUE, flushCache = TRUE)

# get frequencies of HMM at time points
hmmTime <- popDTs %>%
    live.cell.track.clusters.default != "NA"
    ) %>%
    ) %>%
  summarise(n = n()) %>%
    live.cell.hmm.state.default = as.factor(live.cell.hmm.state.default),
    freq = n/sum(n)

time.interval <- cciaObj$cciaObjects()[[1]]$omeXMLTimelapseInfo()$interval

       aes((centroid_t * time.interval), freq,
           color = live.cell.hmm.state.default,
           fill = live.cell.hmm.state.default,
           )) +
  geom_smooth() +
  theme_classic() +
  scale_color_brewer(name = NULL, palette = "Dark2") +
  scale_fill_brewer(name = NULL, palette = "Dark2") +
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom"
    ) +
  xlab("Time (min)") + ylab("HMM frequency") +
  ylim(0, 1) + facet_grid(uID~.)
# get frequencies of hmm states at time points
hmmSpace <- copy(popDTs) %>%

# get density colours
hmmSpace$density <- ""
for (i in unique(hmmSpace$uID)) {
  for (j in unique(hmmSpace$live.cell.hmm.state.default)) {
    x <- hmmSpace[hmmSpace$uID == i & hmmSpace$live.cell.hmm.state.default == j,]
    hmmSpace[hmmSpace$uID == i & hmmSpace$live.cell.hmm.state.default == j,]$density <- .flowColours(
      x$centroid_x, x$centroid_y)

ggplot(hmmSpace, aes(centroid_x, centroid_y)) +
  theme_classic() +
    fontSize = 8,
    legend.justification = "centre"
    ) +
    color = hmmSpace$density, size = 0.5
    ) +
  scale_color_brewer(name = NULL, palette = "Set3") +
  coord_fixed() +
    axis.text.x = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
    axis.title.x = element_blank(),
    axis.title.y = element_blank(),
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.position = 'bottom'
    ) +


Framework for image and flow cytometry analysis







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  • R 55.8%
  • Jupyter Notebook 23.0%
  • Python 20.7%
  • Other 0.5%