Only released in EOL distros:  

Corobot: PhidgetMotor | PhidgetServo | corobot_arm | corobot_camera | corobot_gps | corobot_hokuyo | corobot_joystick | corobot_map_to_jpeg | corobot_msgs | corobot_pantilt | corobot_phidgetIK | corobot_srvs | corobot_ssc32 | corobot_state_tf | corobot_teleop

Package Summary

A node that interface the corobot's webcam. The package is based on the package dynamic_uvc_cam from Stefan Diewald. Main changes are to start the camera right away. Package is GPL since some of its code is adapted from GPL programs such as guvcview

corobot: corobot_arm | corobot_camera | corobot_diagnostics | corobot_gazebo | corobot_gps | corobot_joystick | corobot_launch | corobot_msgs | corobot_pantilt | corobot_phidget_ik | corobot_ssc32 | corobot_state_tf | corobot_teleop | corobot_urdf | map_to_jpeg | phidget_motor | phidget_servo | phidget_stepper

Package Summary

A node that interface the corobot's webcam. The package is based on the package dynamic_uvc_cam from Stefan Diewald. Main changes are to start the camera right away. Package is GPL since some of its code is adapted from GPL programs such as guvcview

corobot: corobot_arm | corobot_camera | corobot_diagnostics | corobot_gazebo | corobot_gps | corobot_joystick | corobot_launch | corobot_msgs | corobot_pantilt | corobot_phidget_ik | corobot_ssc32 | corobot_state_tf | corobot_teleop | corobot_urdf | map_to_jpeg | phidget_motor | phidget_servo | phidget_stepper

Package Summary

A node that interface the corobot's webcam. The package is based on the package dynamic_uvc_cam from Stefan Diewald. Main changes are to start the camera right away. Package is GPL since some of its code is adapted from GPL programs such as guvcview

Supported Hardware

This driver should works with every camera



dynamic_sender is a driver for cameras. This driver was designed to get camera images from a Corobot.

Subscribed Topics

camera/set_videomode (corobot_msgs/videomode)
  • Set the video mode
camera/set_state (corobot_msgs/state)
  • Set the camera state

Published Topics

/camera/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • Image of the camera


device (string, default: /dev/video0)
  • path to the camera
topic (string, default: /camera/image_raw)
  • topic name for the image
width (int, default: 960)
  • width of the image
height (int, default: 720)
  • height of the image
fps (int, default: 30)
  • frames per second
camera_parameter_file (string, default: ../camera_parameters.txt)
  • path to the configuration file for the camera
isjpeg (bool, default: false)
  • Setup the camera to send jpeg images

Wiki: corobot_camera (last edited 2013-09-13 14:51:56 by MorganCormier)