Only released in EOL distros:
maggie_devices: maggie_base | maggie_eyelids | maggie_ir_controller | maggie_labjack | maggie_motor_controller | maggie_rfid
Package Summary
base node
- Maintainer: Raul Perula-Martinez <raul.perula AT uc3m DOT es>
- Author: Raul Perula-Martinez <raul.perula AT uc3m DOT es>
- License: LEUC3M v1.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
This package provides basic functionality for controlling two differential wheels.
Devices Supported
This device supports all the drivers implemented in the maggie_motor_drivers package.
ROS Nodes
ROS node for controlling the rfid.Subscribed Topics
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)- Subscribe to control the linear and angular velocity.
Published Topics
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)- Publish the odometry of the wheels.
Launch File Examples
In a terminal window, start a base node process running:
$ roslaunch maggie_base base.launch robot:=maggie
An example to read the content of a rfid card could be:
- Launch the node.
- Show the value of the odometry topic:
$ rostopic echo /maggie/odom