Only released in EOL distros:  

maggie_devices: maggie_base | maggie_eyelids | maggie_ir_controller | maggie_labjack | maggie_motor_controller | maggie_rfid

Package Summary

motor_controller node


This package provides basic functionality for controlling the motors of a robot.

Devices Supported

This device supports all the drivers implemented in the maggie_motor_drivers package.

ROS Nodes

Launch File Examples

  • For the arms: In a terminal window, start a motor_controller node process running:

 $ roslaunch maggie_motor_controller arms_controller.launch robot:=maggie
  • For the neck: In a terminal window, start a motor_controller node process running:

 $ roslaunch maggie_motor_controller neck_controller.launch robot:=maggie


Wiki: maggie_motor_controller (last edited 2015-06-12 09:50:40 by raul.perula)