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Package Summary
P2OS driver for ros
- Author: [email protected]
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Repository: usc-ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
P2OS driver for ros
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer: Hunter Allen <hunter.allen AT vanderbilt DOT edu>
- Author: Hunter Allen <hunter.allen AT Vanderbilt DOT edu>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: None)
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Hunter Allen <allen286 AT purdue DOT edu>
- Author: Hunter Allen <allen286 AT purdue DOT edu>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Hunter L. Allen <hallen AT kns DOT com>
- Author: Hunter L. Allen <hallen AT kns DOT com>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: GPL-2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Hunter L. Allen <hunter AT openrobotics DOT org>
- Author: Hunter L. Allen <hunter AT openrobotics DOT org>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Hunter L. Allen <hallen AT kns DOT com>
- Author: Hunter L. Allen <hallen AT kns DOT com>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: GPL-2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Hunter L. Allen <hunter AT openrobotics DOT org>
- Author: Hunter L. Allen <hunter AT openrobotics DOT org>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: BSD
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Hunter L. Allen <hunter AT openrobotics DOT org>
- Author: Hunter L. Allen <hunter AT openrobotics DOT org>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: BSD
Package Summary
Driver file descriptions for P2OS/ARCOS robot
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Hunter L. Allen <hallen AT kns DOT com>
- Author: Hunter L. Allen <hallen AT kns DOT com>, David Feil-Seifer <dfseifer AT usc DOT edu>, Aris Synodinos <asynodin AT mech.upatras DOT gr>, Brian Gerkey, Kasper Stoy, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Tucker Hermans, ActivMedia Robotics LLC, MobileRobots Inc.
- License: GPL-2.0
p2os_driver provides a driver for robots using the Pioneer P2OS/ARCOS interface in the form of a ROS node.
p2os_driver contains p2os, the main node controlling the pioneer base.
Parameters used:
- port (string, default="/dev/ttyS0")
- use_sonar (bool, default=false): is used to decide whether to use sonar or not.
- pulse (float32): is used to control the frequency of checking commands and disabling the motors. (set = 1.0 to mute the annoying beep)
Subscribed topics:
/cmd_vel (type: geometry_msgs/Twist)
/gripper_control (type: p2os_driver/GripperState)
/cmd_motor_state (type: p2os_driver/MotorState)
/ptz_control (type: p2os_driver/PTZState)
Published topics:
/sonar (type: p2os_driver/SonarArray)
/pose (type: nav_msgs.Odometry)
/gripper_state (type: p2os_driver/GripperState)
/motor_state (type: p2os_driver/MotorState)
/aio (type: p2os_driver/AIO)
/ptz_state (type: p2os_driver/PTZState)
/tf (tf/tfMessage)
/battery_state (type: p2os_driver/BatteryState)
/dio (type: p2os_driver/DIO)