Resurrection of Christ

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Main gallery: Passion of Christ.

Entombment of Christ


Jesus at the tomb


Man of Sorrows


Harrowing of Hell




Earthquake and Resurrection


The Angel Opening Christ's Tomb


Guardians of Jesus' tomb


Tomb discovery


Empty tomb

Main gallery: Category:Empty tomb.

Myrrhbearers (Women at the Tomb)


Resurrection angel


Appearances of Jesus


Appearing to the Women


Noli me tangere (Appearing to Mary Magdalene)


The Announcement to the Disciples


The Disciples Investigating


The Report of the Guards


The Emmaus Wanderers

Road to Emmaus
Arrival and Invitation
Supper at Emmaus

Appearing to Peter


Appearing to the Eleven


Doubting Thomas


To Virgin Mary (Apocrypha)


By the Sea of Tiberias

Fishing with No Luck
Fishing at Christ's Advice
Eating on the Shore
Jesus and Peter

The Great Commission



Main gallery: Ascension of Christ.

Christ in Glory


See also

Structured gallery of Resurrection of Christ