This is just my wikimedia commons cover. To see the real action, have a look at my en.wikipedia user page.
Recently I've been trying to better organise Category:Cuisine_of_Central_Asia.
My contributions
[edit]The following are my direct contributions here.
A typical Central Asian marshrutka
Bishkek marshrutka 149
Collage of different coloured marshrutkas in Bishkek
Jeti-Ögüz rock formation and resort
Mountains around Jeti-Ögüz
Frozen waterfall in a gully near Jeti-Ögüz
Tash Rabat in the mountains
Qoshoy Qorgon from the NE
Qoshoy Qorgon inside
Animal market in Qyzyl-Jar, Kyrgyzstan
Sumalak being made in a kazan
Shorpo being made in a kazan
Paloo being made in a kazan
A mare being milked in Suusamyr, Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz boys playing chükö for fun in the stadium in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan.
A dastorqon being made ready for an afternoon meal of plov (not pictured) during Nooruz.
A road in southern Aksy district, Kyrgyzstan
Looking south from Moldo ashuu pass in Aq-Talaa district, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan, elevation ~3200m
"Shoro" beverages being sold in downtown Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
The top of part of Osh bazaar in Bishkek
Stuffed and cut samsa ready to be baked in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan
The Aq-Suu river flowing from the Narzan valley into the south end of Jardy-Suu village.
The road through the center of Belovodsk, looking west towards Kara-Balta
The Burana tower
A Kazakh jetigen
A shyrdak on the floor of a home in Aqsy region, Kyrgyzstan.
Home-made kesme noodles, laid out to dry.
A bowl of Kyrgyz kesme.
Kyrgyz boorsoq being fried in a stove-top qazan.
Another bowl of Kyrgyz kesme.
Kyrgyz kesme dough being cut into noodles.
A kurgan at the Esik/Issyk site in Kazakhstan.
A view from the south shores of Sary-Chelek looking north.
The dam at the Toqtogul Reservoir in Kyrgyzstan.
Enesay products being sold on the street in downtown Bishkek.
University of Central Asia's temporary offices in Bishkek
Jayloo at Song Köl
The border to Sokuluk rayon (from Alamüdün) along the Osh-Bishkek highway
A view of Temen Suu from the west
A cityscape view of Osh from Sulayman Too
Reverse of the Indiana State Historical Marker for St. Vincent's Infirmary in Indianapolis
Entrance to the city of Karakol
The Makmalaltyn branch office of Kyrgyzaltyn
Leaving incorporated limits sign at north edge of Temen-Suu
Nooqat as seen from the north
The administrative center of the Aq-Suu ayıl ökmötü in Temen-Suu
Kichi Jargylchak village as seen from the beach at Ak Terek
In the base of the Juuku Gorge, south of Saruu
Sign telling the city limits of Kichi Jargylchak village from the north
Ak Terek village as seen from Kichi Jargylchak
The Teskey Ala-Too range as seen from the beach at Ak Terek
Campus Center at Bryn Mawr College
Rukh Ordo as seen from the southeast.
Blacksmith Shop Museum in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
[edit]Also see the 1928 USSR Atlas.
Kyrgyz translation of User:Pmx's vectorisation of the CIA's Ethnolinguistic groups in the Caucasus map
World map (1928 Atlas of the USSR)
European part of the Soviet Union (1928 Atlas of the USSR)
Temen-Suu and surrounding villages
English translation of User:Molorco's 1900 Turkestan map
Media related to the 2009 presidential election in Kyrgyzstan
A billboard in Bishkek advertising Bakiev for the 2009 presidential election in Kyrgyzstan.
A student rally for Almaz Atambaev on July 1, 2009 in Ala-Too square in Bishkek.
A flyer for president Bakiev in a kiosk window in downtown Bishkek.
Propaganda for Kyrgyzstan presidential candidate Nazaraliev handed out door to door in Bishkek
A van advertising Bakiev driving north on Sovetskaja