Braintree Auth (Beta)

OAuth Flowanchor


Braintree Auth is in closed beta. Contact us to express interest.

Braintree Auth follows the OAuth 2.0 spec.

Redirect and authorization grantanchor

After completion of the Connect flow, the merchant is sent to the redirect_uri you provide to connect_url. An authorization code is returned by Braintree in the query string, along with the state parameter you passed to connect_url.

Here is an example URL we would redirect to, given a redirect_uri of, and a state of foo_state:

Notice that you also receive back a merchantId. This is a unique identifier for the account in Braintree's systems, so it can be very useful for support issues; it's also used to construct deep links to the Braintree Control Panel. See more details on merchantId in the reference.

Getting an access tokenanchor

You must exchange the authorization code in the query string for an access_token. The access_token is used to perform actions on a merchant's behalf. The following example creates an access_token:

  1. Ruby
gateway =
  :client_id => "use_your_client_id",
  :client_secret => "use_your_client_secret",
result = gateway.oauth.create_token_from_code(
  :code => code_from_query_string,

access_token = result.credentials.access_token
expires_at = result.credentials.expires_at
refresh_token = result.credentials.refresh_token

Using an access tokenanchor

You'll use the access token to perform actions on the merchant's behalf via the Merchant API.

Managing access tokensanchor

The access_token will expire 24 hours from its creation. To exchange the access_token (e.g. if the current token is expiring soon or you think it has been compromised in some way), you can use the refresh_token to get a new one. The refresh_token is provided when you get the initial access token and will expire 180 days from its creation. Using a refresh_token will give you both a new access_token and a new refresh_token.

  1. Ruby
gateway =
  :client_id => "use_your_client_id",
  :client_secret => "use_your_client_secret",
result = gateway.oauth.create_token_from_refresh_token(
  :refresh_token => use_the_refresh_token,

access_token = result.credentials.access_token
expires_at = result.credentials.expires_at
refresh_token = result.credentials.refresh_token

You can then revoke the use of the original access token by providing it to the revoke access token API.

  1. Ruby
gateway =
  :client_id => "use_your_client_id",
  :client_secret => "use_your_client_secret",

result = gateway.oauth.revoke_access_token(merchant_access_token)

The connected merchant can revoke OAuth access via the Control Panel. You can be notified of this event by setting up the OAuth access revoked webhook.

Using a revoked access token on behalf of a merchant via the Merchant API will result in an authentication error.

Next Page: Webhooks