Levi-Civita connection

In Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian geometry (in particular the Lorentzian geometry of general relativity), the Levi-Civita connection is the unique affine connection on the tangent bundle of a manifold (i.e. affine connection) that preserves the (pseudo-)Riemannian metric and is torsion-free.

The fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry states that there is a unique connection that satisfies these properties.

In the theory of Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds the term covariant derivative is often used for the Levi-Civita connection. The components (structure coefficients) of this connection with respect to a system of local coordinates are called Christoffel symbols.



The Levi-Civita connection is named after Tullio Levi-Civita, although originally "discovered" by Elwin Bruno Christoffel. Levi-Civita,[1] along with Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, used Christoffel's symbols[2] to define the notion of parallel transport and explore the relationship of parallel transport with the curvature, thus developing the modern notion of holonomy.[3]

In 1869, Christoffel discovered that the components of the intrinsic derivative of a vector field, upon changing the coordinate system, transform as the components of a contravariant vector. This discovery was the real beginning of tensor analysis.

In 1906, L. E. J. Brouwer was the first mathematician to consider the parallel transport of a vector for the case of a space of constant curvature.[4][5]

In 1917, Levi-Civita pointed out its importance for the case of a hypersurface immersed in a Euclidean space, i.e., for the case of a Riemannian manifold embedded in a "larger" ambient space.[1] He interpreted the intrinsic derivative in the case of an embedded surface as the tangential component of the usual derivative in the ambient affine space. The Levi-Civita notions of intrinsic derivative and parallel displacement of a vector along a curve make sense on an abstract Riemannian manifold, even though the original motivation relied on a specific embedding  

In 1918, independently of Levi-Civita, Jan Arnoldus Schouten obtained analogous results.[6] In the same year, Hermann Weyl generalized Levi-Civita's results.[7][8]



The metric g can take up to two vectors or vector fields X, Y as arguments. In the former case the output is a number, the (pseudo-)inner product of X and Y. In the latter case, the inner product of Xp, Yp is taken at all points p on the manifold so that g(X, Y) defines a smooth function on M. Vector fields act (by definition) as differential operators on smooth functions. In local coordinates  , the action reads


where Einstein's summation convention is used.

Formal definition


An affine connection   is called a Levi-Civita connection if

  1. it preserves the metric, i.e.,  .
  2. it is torsion-free, i.e., for any vector fields   and   we have  , where   is the Lie bracket of the vector fields   and  .

Condition 1 above is sometimes referred to as compatibility with the metric, and condition 2 is sometimes called symmetry, cf. Do Carmo's text.[9]

Fundamental theorem of (pseudo-)Riemannian geometry


Theorem Every pseudo-Riemannian manifold   has a unique Levi Civita connection  .

Proof:[10][11] To prove uniqueness, unravel the definition of the action of a connection on tensors to find


Hence one can write the condition that   preserves the metric as


By the symmetry of  ,


By torsion-freeness, the right hand side is therefore equal to


Thus, the Koszul formula


holds. Hence, if a Levi-Civita connection exists, it must be unique, because   is arbitrary,   is non degenerate, and the right hand side does not depend on  .

To prove existence, note that for given vector field   and  , the right hand side of the Koszul expression is linear over smooth functions in the vector field  , not just real-linear. Hence by the non degeneracy of  , the right hand side uniquely defines some new vector field, which is suggestively denoted   as in the left hand side. By substituting the Koszul formula, one now checks that for all vector fields   and all functions  ,


Hence the Koszul expression does, in fact, define a connection, and this connection is compatible with the metric and is torsion free, i.e. is a Levi-Civita connection.

With minor variation, the same proof shows that there is a unique connection that is compatible with the metric and has prescribed torsion.

Christoffel symbols


Let   be an affine connection on the tangent bundle. Choose local coordinates   with coordinate basis vector fields   and write   for  . The Christoffel symbols   of   with respect to these coordinates are defined as


The Christoffel symbols conversely define the connection   on the coordinate neighbourhood because


that is,


An affine connection   is compatible with a metric iff


i.e., if and only if


An affine connection is torsion free iff


i.e., if and only if


is symmetric in its lower two indices.

As one checks by taking for  , coordinate vector fields   (or computes directly), the Koszul expression of the Levi-Civita connection derived above is equivalent to a definition of the Christoffel symbols in terms of the metric as


where as usual   are the coefficients of the dual metric tensor, i.e. the entries of the inverse of the matrix  .

Derivative along curve


The Levi-Civita connection (like any affine connection) also defines a derivative along curves, sometimes denoted by D.

Given a smooth curve γ on (M, g) and a vector field V along γ its derivative is defined by


Formally, D is the pullback connection γ*∇ on the pullback bundle γ*TM.

In particular,   is a vector field along the curve γ itself. If   vanishes, the curve is called a geodesic of the covariant derivative. Formally, the condition can be restated as the vanishing of the pullback connection applied to  :


If the covariant derivative is the Levi-Civita connection of a certain metric, then the geodesics for the connection are precisely those geodesics of the metric that are parametrised proportionally to their arc length.

Parallel transport


In general, parallel transport along a curve with respect to a connection defines isomorphisms between the tangent spaces at the points of the curve. If the connection is a Levi-Civita connection, then these isomorphisms are orthogonal – that is, they preserve the inner products on the various tangent spaces.

The images below show parallel transport induced by the Levi-Civita connection associated to two different Riemannian metrics on the punctured plane  . The curve the parallel transport is done along is the unit circle. In polar coordinates, the metric on the left is the standard Euclidean metric  , while the metric on the right is  . The first metric extends to the entire plane, but the second metric has a singularity at the origin:

Parallel transports on the punctured plane under Levi-Civita connections
This transport is given by the metric  .
This transport is given by the metric  .

Warning: This is parallel transport on the punctured plane along the unit circle, not parallel transport on the unit circle. Indeed, in the first image, the vectors fall outside of the tangent space to the unit circle.

Example: the unit sphere in R3


Let ⟨ , ⟩ be the usual scalar product on R3. Let S2 be the unit sphere in R3. The tangent space to S2 at a point m is naturally identified with the vector subspace of R3 consisting of all vectors orthogonal to m. It follows that a vector field Y on S2 can be seen as a map Y : S2R3, which satisfies  

Denote as dmY the differential of the map Y at the point m. Then we have:

Lemma — The formula   defines an affine connection on S2 with vanishing torsion.


It is straightforward to prove that satisfies the Leibniz identity and is C(S2) linear in the first variable. It is also a straightforward computation to show that this connection is torsion free. So all that needs to be proved here is that the formula above produces a vector field tangent to S2. That is, we need to prove that for all m in S2   Consider the map f that sends every m in S2 to Y(m), m, which is always 0. The map f is constant, hence its differential vanishes. In particular   The equation (1) above follows. Q.E.D.

In fact, this connection is the Levi-Civita connection for the metric on S2 inherited from R3. Indeed, one can check that this connection preserves the metric.

Behaviour under conformal rescaling


If the metric   in a conformal class is replaced by the conformally rescaled metric of the same class  , then the Levi-Civita connection transforms according to the rule[12]   where   is the gradient vector field of   i.e. the vector field  -dual to  , in local coordinates given by  . Indeed, it is trivial to verify that   is torsion-free. To verify metricity, assume that   is constant. In that case,  

As an application, consider again the unit sphere, but this time under stereographic projection, so that the metric (in complex Fubini–Study coordinates  ) is:   This exhibits the metric of the sphere as conformally flat, with the Euclidean metric  , with  . We have  , and so   With the Euclidean gradient  , we have   These relations, together with their complex conjugates, define the Christoffel symbols for the two-sphere.

See also



  1. ^ a b Levi-Civita, Tullio (1917). "Nozione di parallelismo in una varietà qualunque" [The notion of parallelism on any manifold]. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (in Italian). 42: 173–205. doi:10.1007/BF03014898. JFM 46.1125.02. S2CID 122088291.
  2. ^ Christoffel, Elwin B. (1869). "Ueber die Transformation der homogenen Differentialausdrücke zweiten Grades". Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 1869 (70): 46–70. doi:10.1515/crll.1869.70.46. S2CID 122999847.
  3. ^ See Spivak, Michael (1999). A Comprehensive introduction to differential geometry (Volume II). Publish or Perish Press. p. 238. ISBN 0-914098-71-3.
  4. ^ Brouwer, L. E. J. (1906). "Het krachtveld der niet-Euclidische, negatief gekromde ruimten". Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verslagen. 15: 75–94.
  5. ^ Brouwer, L. E. J. (1906). "The force field of the non-Euclidean spaces with negative curvature". Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. 9: 116–133. Bibcode:1906KNAB....9..116B.
  6. ^ Schouten, Jan Arnoldus (1918). "Die direkte Analysis zur neueren Relativiteitstheorie". Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. 12 (6): 95.
  7. ^ Weyl, Hermann (1918). "Gravitation und Elektrizitat". Sitzungsberichte Berliner Akademie: 465–480.
  8. ^ Weyl, Hermann (1918). "Reine Infinitesimal geometrie". Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2 (3–4): 384–411. Bibcode:1918MatZ....2..384W. doi:10.1007/bf01199420. S2CID 186232500.
  9. ^ Carmo, Manfredo Perdigão do (1992). Riemannian geometry. Francis J. Flaherty. Boston: Birkhäuser. ISBN 0-8176-3490-8. OCLC 24667701.
  10. ^ John M Lee (2018). Introduction to Riemannian manifolds. Springer-Verlag. p. 22.
  11. ^ Barrett O'Neill (1983). Semi-Riemannian geometry with Applications to relativity. Academic Press. p. 61.
  12. ^ Arthur Besse (1987). Einstein manifolds. Springer. p. 58.

