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Iudex non calculat

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Iudex non calculat is a maxim,[1] principle,[2] axiom,[3] dictum,[4] adage,[5] proverb,[6] or slogan[7] that loosely translates as "The judge does not calculate". It originates from the Roman legal concept that obvious calculation errors in a court decision are not harmful to the decision itself and can be corrected at any time. Figuratively it also describes the concept that a judge does not "add up" the number of arguments but instead bases his or her decision on the strength of those arguments. The phrase originates as a shortening of the Roman legal concept expressed in Digests[8][9]

Jokingly, it is often used to mean "judges (or jurists) are unable to do the math", often by jurists themselves.[10][11]

See also



  1. ^ Bohlander, Principles of German Criminal Procedure, 2nd Ed, Hart, 2021, p 199. Delbrück and Heinz (eds), New Trends in International Lawmaking, 1997, p 151. Berkel, Learning to Negotiate, 2021, p 47. European Competition Law Annual 2013, p 516.
  2. ^ Adler-Nissen and Gammeltoft-Hansen (eds). Sovereignty Games, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, p 77. Dahrendorf, Law And Order, (Hamlyn Lectures, 37th series), 1985, p 69.
  3. ^ Esders. Bothe, Esders and Nijdam (eds). Wergild, Compensation and Penance. Brill. 2021. p 30.
  4. ^ Klami, Gräns and Sorvettula, "Law and Truth" (2000) 56 Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium 18
  5. ^ Cserne and Esposito, Economics in Legal Reasoning, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, p 4. Kees van den Bos, Empirical Legal Research, Edward Elgar, 2020, p 5.
  6. ^ Engel, in Stehr and Weiler (eds), Who Owns Knowledge?: Knowledge and the Law, Transaction Publishers, 2008, p 169.
  7. ^ Nordisk försäkringstidskrift, 1972, vols 52-54, p 203
  8. ^ Kudla, Hubertus (2016-07-01). Lexikon der lateinischen Zitate: 3500 Originale mit Übersetzungen und Belegstellen (in German). C.H.Beck. 2302. ISBN 978-3-406-69286-4.
  9. ^ "Digesta Iustiniani : Liber 49 ( Mommsen & Krüger )". droitromain.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr. Retrieved 2023-11-28. 1. Item si calculi error in sententia esse dicatur, appellare necesse non est: veluti si iudex ita pronuntiaverit: "Cum constet Titium Seio ex illa specie quinquaginta, item ex illa specie viginti quinque debere, idcirco Lucium Titium Seio centum condemno": nam quoniam error computationis est, nec appellare necesse est et citra provocationem corrigitur. Sed et si huius quaestionis iudex sententiam centum confirmaverit, si quidem ideo, quod quinquaginta et viginti quinque fieri centum putaverit, adhuc idem error computationis est nec appellare necesse est: si vero ideo, quoniam et alias species viginti quinque fuisse dixerit, appellationi locus est.
  10. ^ "Biedenkopf-Sohn wird Finanzvorstand bei Conergy" (in German). wissen.de. 31 August 2010. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved 2 April 2011.
  11. ^ Spehl, Stephan J. (2013-02-08). Partner werden in der Anwaltskanzlei (in German). C.H.Beck. p. 106. ISBN 978-3-406-64936-3.