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Page | |
Scanning devices (optical) | 800-33, 1000-21 |
Scenario | 400-15 |
Scenery | 400-16 |
Scenery depicted in photograph | 500-15 |
Schedules of sporting events | 200-3, 300-2 |
Scientific or technical discoveries | 500-18 |
Scientific or technical works, subjects depicted in | 500-19 |
Scientific works: architectural and technical drawings and models | 500-17 |
Score (conductor's) | 800-7 |
Scorecards | 200-3, 300-2, 500-18 |
Script (shooting) | 800-36, 800-38 |
Sculpted bee | 500-10 |
Sculptural carving, cutting, molding, casting, shaping, or other processing | 500-2, 500-9 |
Sculptural expression (copyrightable) | 500-2 |
Sculptural material, minimal standards for | 500-5 |
Sculptural, pictorial, and graphic works | 700-3 |
Sculptural, pictorial, or graphic works with accompanying text | 1000-2, 1000-7 |
Scuptural works | 500-1ff. |
Sculptural works, embodiment of | 500-1 |
Sculptural works, notice on | 1000-22 |
Sculptural works, reproductions of | 500-14 |
Sculpture | 500-2 |
Sculpture, three-dimensional reproductions of | 500-14 |
Sculpture (unpublished) embodied in published motion picture | 900-9 |
Sculptured lamp base | 500-12 |
Seal (official) of any diplomatic or consular officer | 1600-6 |
Seals, use of protected | 300-5 |
Search report (official Copyright Office) | 1300-6 |
Secrets (trade) | 300-21 |
Secure tests | 300-12, 800-29 |
Self-serving declaration | 1600-3 |
Selvage | 1000-23 |
Selvedge. See Selvage. |