• firebase

firebase is a global namespace from which all Firebase services are accessed.


Type aliases


EmulatorMockTokenOptions: { user_id: string } | { sub: string } & Partial<FirebaseIdToken>


FirebaseSignInProvider: "custom" | "email" | "password" | "phone" | "anonymous" | "google.com" | "facebook.com" | "github.com" | "twitter.com" | "microsoft.com" | "apple.com"


LogLevel: "debug" | "verbose" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "silent"

The JS SDK supports 5 log levels and also allows a user the ability to silence the logs altogether.

The order is as follows: silent < debug < verbose < info < warn < error




The current SDK version.


apps: App[]

A (read-only) array of all initialized apps.



  • initializeApp ( options Object ,  name ? :  string ) : App
  • Creates and initializes a Firebase app instance.

    See Add Firebase to your app and Initialize multiple projects for detailed documentation.

    // Initialize default app
    // Retrieve your own options values by adding a web app on
    // https://console.firebase.google.com
      apiKey: "AIza....",                             // Auth / General Use
      appId: "1:27992087142:web:ce....",              // General Use
      projectId: "my-firebase-project",               // General Use
      authDomain: "YOUR_APP.firebaseapp.com",         // Auth with popup/redirect
      databaseURL: "https://YOUR_APP.firebaseio.com", // Realtime Database
      storageBucket: "YOUR_APP.appspot.com",          // Storage
      messagingSenderId: "123456789",                 // Cloud Messaging
      measurementId: "G-12345"                        // Analytics
    // Initialize another app
    var otherApp = firebase.initializeApp({
      apiKey: "AIza....",
      appId: "1:27992087142:web:ce....",
      projectId: "my-firebase-project",
      databaseURL: "https://<OTHER_DATABASE_NAME>.firebaseio.com",
      storageBucket: "<OTHER_STORAGE_BUCKET>.appspot.com"
    }, "nameOfOtherApp");


    • options: Object

      Options to configure the app's services.

    • Optional name: string

      Optional name of the app to initialize. If no name is provided, the default is "[DEFAULT]".

    Returns App

    The initialized app.


  • onLog ( logCallback ( callbackParams { args : any [] ; level : LogLevel ; message : string ; type : string } ) => void ,  options ? :  { level : LogLevel } ) : void
  • Sets log handler for all Firebase packages.


    • logCallback: (callbackParams: { args: any[]; level: LogLevel; message: string; type: string }) => void

      An optional custom log handler that executes user code whenever the Firebase SDK makes a logging call.

        • (callbackParams: { args: any[]; level: LogLevel; message: string; type: string }): void
        • Parameters

          • callbackParams: { args: any[]; level: LogLevel; message: string; type: string }
            • args: any[]

              The raw arguments passed to the log call.

            • level: LogLevel

              Level of event logged.

            • message: string

              Any text from logged arguments joined into one string.

            • type: string

              A string indicating the name of the package that made the log call, such as @firebase/firestore.

          Returns void

    • Optional options: { level: LogLevel }
      • level: LogLevel

        Threshhold log level. Only logs at or above this level trigger the logCallback passed to onLog.

    Returns void


  • registerVersion ( library string ,  version string ,  variant ? :  string ) : void
  • Registers a library's name and version for platform logging purposes.


    • library: string

      Name of 1p or 3p library (e.g. firestore, angularfire)

    • version: string

      Current version of that library.

    • Optional variant: string

      Bundle variant, e.g., node, rn, etc.

    Returns void


  • setLogLevel ( logLevel LogLevel ) : void
  • Sets log level for all Firebase packages.

    All of the log types above the current log level are captured (i.e. if you set the log level to info, errors are logged, but debug and verbose logs are not).


    Returns void