Starred repositories
C++ Parallel Computing and Asynchronous Networking Framework
[CVPR2024] Diffusion-based Blind Text Image Super-Resolution (Official)
PULSE: Self-Supervised Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration of Generative Models
Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
The PyTorch improved version of TPAMI 2017 paper: Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution.
SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer (official repository)
Streaming Anomaly Detection Solution by using Pub/Sub, Dataflow, BQML & Cloud DLP
A neural network to generate captions for an image using CNN and RNN with BEAM Search.
500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
A dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
Ready-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Industry leading face manipulation platform
Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
0passion0 / Mathematical-Modeling-In-Python
Forked from RabbitWhite1/Mathematical-Modeling-In-Python用Python实现了《数学建模算法与应用》第二版中的部分示例代码. (原书中使用的是Matlab)
0passion0 / Python-1
Forked from gxcuizy/PythonPython3编写的各种大小程序,包含从零学Python系列、12306抢票、省市区地址库以及系列网站爬虫等学习源码
0passion0 / SciencePlots
Forked from garrettj403/SciencePlotsMatplotlib styles for scientific plotting
0passion0 / Python
Forked from TheAlgorithms/PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python