Greetings traveller, welcome to my humble abode. I and many more people on the interwebs refer to me as "Apollyon".
[18/10/2024 ]I am currently a high school student studying in grade 12th, or in my "senior year" as many of you may call it.
I may also go under multiple other pseudonyms so if you are ever feeling bored you can play a game of "Wheres Apollyon ???"
(Regarding incomplete/empty repos, they are most probably still under dev)
This and every time I get a good idea for a project, the first thing I do is draft up a Readme and make a repo which describes how I want the project to end up looking like
Moving on,
- Infosec
- CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence)
- Cryptography + Steganography
- WebDev
- AppDev
- Maldev (Malware Development)
I also know a thing or two about stuff such as
- Reverse Engineering
- Systems design
- Neural Networks
- Technical writing
Apart from this I am also involved in the field of finance (Semifinalist Wharton Global Highschool Investment Competition) but most of my finance related work is NOT HERE
On this Github account I showcase my work in the fields of CTI, Cryptography, and maybe even some Maldev and Appdev.
I have other private Github accounts on which I have many other projects.
If you are SO interested in getting to know me better, just reach out to me and I will provide you the links to them.
This covers the tooling im familiar with.
- Python: Serves as my primary coding language for projects
- Rust: Serves as my weapon of choice for low level tasks, especially Maldev
- Go: Serves its roles in high performance apps and sometimes even Maldev
- SQL: Taught to me in school, helps with databases in fullstack apps.
- HTML: Not even a real programming language
- CSS: Better than raw HTML
- JS: Helps in webdev and sometimes even appdev. Not my strong suite though.
- Docker: When you want to scale an app which has 0 users.
- Kubernetes: When you arent satisfied with how overengineered docker containers already are.
- Linux: I use Arch btw.
- Firebase: Fireship youtube tutorials wildin
- Supabase: Offbrand firebase
- Git: I mean you are reading this on Github arent you ?
- Infosec: Worked with many open source tools and have my own ones aswell. Notable ones include: amass, crtsh, nuclei, nikto, nmap, sqlmap, nosqlmap, xsstrike, dalfox and ghauri
- WebDev: My primary tech stack is React or Vanilla JS/HTML/CSS for backend, Flask for the serverside runtime and databases such as SQLite, MySQL , Postgres (SQL Dbs) or MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Scylla (NoSQL Dbs). Sometimes if I am lazy then Firebase/Supabase forms the entire backend.
- Reverse Engineering: SonarQUBE for code analysis. GHIDRA for proper rev eng.
- Neural Networks: Tensorflow, PyTorch and Keras for the network itself. Pandas and NumPY for the data.
You can reach out to me if you want to know or ask anything.
- X : 0xApollyon
- Discord : 0xapollyon
- Mail: [email protected] (If its urgent or important dont do this)