Set of classes and macros for use of notation to work class and methods in framework C++/Qt. Based on class/structs Qt and c++ , using QHash, QVariantHash and QVariantList create colletions of notations for objects.
- Decreases implementations in object inheritance.
- Simplifies understanding of use.
- Increase customization possibilities
Qt5, Qt6
mkdir myproject; cd myproject; git clone [email protected]:flaviomarcio/qnotation.git;Check example in qnotation/example/*
## initial CMake parameters -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug -DCMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE:PATH=%{IDE:ResourcePath}/package-manager/auto-setup.cmake -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/build/myproject/install/release
cd qnotation mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. make; make install;
cd qnotation qmake make; make install; ls -l;
CONFIG += c++17 CONFIG += console CONFIG += silent CONFIG -= debug_and_release QT += gui core widgets TEMPLATE = app TARGET = demo include($$PWD/../../../qnotation/qnotation.pri)
Using source of example of repository
Based on class/structs Qt and c++ , using QHash, QVariantHash and QVariantList create colletions of notations for objects.
#include <QNotation> //! //! \brief The NotationsExtended class //! class NotationsDefines:public QNotation::Extended { enum Classification{ Operation }; public: explicit NotationsDefines(QObject*parent):QNotation::Extended(parent){ } //! //! \brief GET //! \param parent //! Q_NOTATION_DECLARE(GET, Operation); //! //! \brief POST //! \param parent //! Q_NOTATION_DECLARE(POST, Operation); //! //! \brief PUT //! \param parent //! Q_NOTATION_DECLARE(PUT, Operation); //! //! \brief basePath //! \param path //! \return //! Q_NOTATION_DECLARE_FUNC(BASEPATH, Operation); }; qWarning()<<; }Using inheritance we merge QObject and ****** and NotationsExtended, being possible to use custom notations.
#include <QNotation> class Object : public QObject, public NotationsDefines { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE explicit Object(QObject*parent=nullptr) : QObject{parent}, NotationsDefines{this} { } };The idea is to use MACRO to configure notation in methods The pivote é macro Q_NOTATION for set method and notations values.
Single Notation
Example Q_NOTATION(Controller, {BASEPATH("/api")}) . Example Q_NOTATION(Controller, nl{BASEPATH("/api")}) .
Multple Notation
Example Q_NOTATION(healtCheck, nl({GET, BASEPATH("/healtCheckV1")})) .
#include <QNotation> #include "./example_defines.h" class Controller : public Object { Q_OBJECT Q_NOTATION(Controller, {BASEPATH("/api")}) public: Q_INVOKABLE explicit Controller(QObject*parent=nullptr):Object(parent) { } Q_NOTATION(healtCheck, nl({GET, BASEPATH("/healtCheckV1")})) Q_INVOKABLE QVariant healtCheckV1(){ return {}; } Q_NOTATION(healtCheckV2, nl({GET, BASEPATH("/healtCheck")})) Q_INVOKABLE QVariant healtCheckV2(){ return {}; } Q_NOTATION(insert, {POST}) Q_INVOKABLE QVariant insert(){ return {}; } Q_NOTATION(update, {PUT}) Q_INVOKABLE QVariant update(){ return {}; } };Strategy: Recovery of method notation. Use notation for behaviors.
#include <QNotation> //! //! \brief The InvokerResponse struct //! //! response classe struct InvokerResponse { public: int statusCode=-1; QByteArray responseBody; explicit InvokerResponse(){ } explicit InvokerResponse(const int statusCode, const QByteArray&responseBody){ this->statusCode=statusCode; this->responseBody=responseBody; } QString toString() { return QStringLiteral("%1, body: %2").arg(this->statusCode).arg(QString::fromUtf8(this->responseBody)); } };The idea is to create a fake REST Server, we implemented the operation GET, POST, PUT
//! //! \brief The Invoker class //! //! class demo to Invoke method class Invoker : public QObject, public NotationsDefines { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Invoker(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject{parent}, NotationsDefines{parent} { } //! //! \brief invokeBasePath //! \param method //! \param basePath //! \param body //! \return //! //! //! fake invoke method for test of notations //!reference InvokerResponse invokeBasePath(const QByteArray&method, const QByteArray&basePath, const QByteArray&body) { Q_UNUSED(body) Controller controller; QNotation::Util util(&controller); auto methodName=basePath.simplified().split('/').last(); if(methodName.isEmpty()) return InvokerResponse{400,""};//400 Bad Request if(!util.contains(methodName, BASEPATH(basePath))) return InvokerResponse{405,""};//405 Method Not Allowed if(!util.contains(methodName, method)) return InvokerResponse{406,""};//406 Not Acceptable {//invoke implementation //.... if(true/*sucess*/) return InvokerResponse{200,body};//200 OK } return InvokerResponse{500,body};//500 Internal Server Error } };The call occurs executing method with parameters compatible with REST
#include <QNotation> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QDebug> #include <QProcess> #include "./example_invoker.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); NotationExample::Invoker invoker; qDebug()<<invoker.invokeBasePath("GET", "/api/insert", "{}").toString(); return QProcess::NormalExit; }