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kdn251 committed Feb 17, 2017
1 parent d8bc05a commit 9c4d0e7
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Showing 12 changed files with 561 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions Array/
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array.

// Formally the function should:
// Return true if there exists i, j, k
// such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return false.
// Your algorithm should run in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.

// Examples:
// Given [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
// return true.

// Given [5, 4, 3, 2, 1],
// return false.

public class Solution {

public boolean increasingTriplet(int[] nums) {

int firstMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int secondMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

for(int n : nums) {

if(n <= firstMin) firstMin = n;
else if(n < secondMin) secondMin = n;
else if(n > secondMin) return true;


return false;


48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions Array/
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Given an array of n integers where n > 1, nums, return an array output such that output[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].

// Solve it without division and in O(n).

// For example, given [1,2,3,4], return [24,12,8,6].

// Follow up:
// Could you solve it with constant space complexity? (Note: The output array does not count as extra space for the purpose of space complexity analysis.)

public class Solution {

public int[] productExceptSelf(int[] nums) {

int n = nums.length;
int[] result = new int[n];
int left = 1;

for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {

if(i > 0) {

left *= nums[i - 1];


result[i] = left;


int right = 1;

for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

if(i < n - 1) {

right *= nums[i + 1];


result[i] *= right;


return result;


61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions DepthFirstSearch/
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// Given an 2D board, count how many battleships are in it. The battleships are represented with 'X's, empty slots are represented with '.'s. You may assume the following rules:

// You receive a valid board, made of only battleships or empty slots.
// Battleships can only be placed horizontally or vertically. In other words, they can only be made of the shape 1xN (1 row, N columns) or Nx1 (N rows, 1 column), where N can be of any size.
// At least one horizontal or vertical cell separates between two battleships - there are no adjacent battleships.

// Example:
// X..X
// ...X
// ...X
// In the above board there are 2 battleships.

// Invalid Example:
// ...X
// ...X
// This is an invalid board that you will not receive - as battleships will always have a cell separating between them.

// Follow up:
// Could you do it in one-pass, using only O(1) extra memory and without modifying the value of the board?

public class Solution {

public int countBattleships(char[][] board) {

int ships = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {

for(int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++) {

if(board[i][j] == 'X') {

sink(board, i, j, 1);




return ships;


public void sink(char[][] board, int i, int j, int numberOfShips) {

if(i < 0 || i >= board.length || j < 0 || j >= board[0].length || board[i][j] == '.') {



board[i][j] = '.';
sink(board, i + 1, j, numberOfShips + 1);
sink(board, i, j + 1, numberOfShips + 1);


51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions Design/
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Given two 1d vectors, implement an iterator to return their elements alternately.

// For example, given two 1d vectors:

// v1 = [1, 2]
// v2 = [3, 4, 5, 6]
// By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6].

// Follow up: What if you are given k 1d vectors? How well can your code be extended to such cases?

* Your ZigzagIterator object will be instantiated and called as such:
* ZigzagIterator i = new ZigzagIterator(v1, v2);
* while (i.hasNext()) v[f()] =;

public class ZigzagIterator {

private Iterator<Integer> i;
private Iterator<Integer> j;
private Iterator<Integer> temp;

public ZigzagIterator(List<Integer> v1, List<Integer> v2) {

i = v1.iterator();
j = v2.iterator();


public int next() {

if(i.hasNext()) {

temp = i;
i = j;
j = temp;




public boolean hasNext() {

return i.hasNext() || j.hasNext();


68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions HashTable/
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Given a string, we can "shift" each of its letter to its successive letter, for example: "abc" -> "bcd". We can keep "shifting" which forms the sequence:

// "abc" -> "bcd" -> ... -> "xyz"
// Given a list of strings which contains only lowercase alphabets, group all strings that belong to the same shifting sequence.

// For example, given: ["abc", "bcd", "acef", "xyz", "az", "ba", "a", "z"],
// A solution is:

// [
// ["abc","bcd","xyz"],
// ["az","ba"],
// ["acef"],
// ["a","z"]
// ]

public class Solution {

public List<List<String>> groupStrings(String[] strings) {

List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<List<String>>();

HashMap<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

for(String s : strings) {

int offset = s.charAt(0) - 'a';
String key = "";

for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {

char current = (char)(s.charAt(i) - offset);

if(current < 'a') {

current += 26;


key += current;


if(!map.containsKey(key)) {

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
map.put(key, list);




for(String key : map.keySet()) {

List<String> list = map.get(key);




return result;


47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions Tree/
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@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.

// For this problem, a path is defined as any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. The path must contain at least one node and does not need to go through the root.

// For example:
// Given the below binary tree,

// 1
// / \
// 2 3
// Return 6.

* Definition for a binary tree node.
* public class TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode left;
* TreeNode right;
* TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
public class Solution {

int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) {

return max;


private int maxPathSumRecursive(TreeNode root) {

if(root == null) return 0;

int left = Math.max(maxPathSumRecursive(root.left), 0);
int right = Math.max(maxPathSumRecursive(root.right), 0);

max = Math.max(max, root.val + left + right);

return root.val + Math.max(left, right);


45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions Tree/
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.

// For example, given the following binary tree:

// 1
// / \
// 2 3
// \
// 5
// All root-to-leaf paths are:

// ["1->2->5", "1->3"]

* Definition for a binary tree node.
* public class TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode left;
* TreeNode right;
* TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
public class Solution {

public List<String> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode root) {

List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

if(root == null) return result;

helper(new String(), root, result);

return result;


public void helper(String current, TreeNode root, List<String> result) {

if(root.left == null && root.right == null) result.add(current + root.val);
if(root.left != null) helper(current + root.val + "->", root.left, result);
if(root.right != null) helper(current + root.val + "->", root.right, result);



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