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Visual Tangible Artefacts

This repository is a monorepo containing both frontend and backend code for the VTA (Visual Tangible Artefacts) project. It is part of the GIRAF ecosystem.

Table of Contents

Questions and appsettings handover

For any questions or request for appsettings handover, contact [email protected]

Important note:

Updating to latest dotnet version will likely break the package responsible for creating our swagger documentation!

Quick Overview

  • Monorepo Structure:
    All frontend, backend, and tests reside in one repository.

  • Development Branches:

    • dev-main: Main integration branch. Features should be merged here first and tested.
    • main: Production branch. Code from dev-main is merged here after passing CI and review.
  • CI/CD Setup:

    • CI runs on GitHub-hosted runners for all pushes/PRs to dev-main or main.
    • CD runs on a self-hosted runner when changes are merged into main.
    • Workflows are defined in .github/workflows/.
    • Automated test runs use Docker and Testcontainers to create a clean MySQL environment for integration tests.
  • GitHub Projects & Issues:
    Task management uses GitHub Projects.

    • Opening a new issue triggers a workflow that sets a start date.
    • Closing an issue triggers a workflow that sets an end date.
    • These workflows require a GIT_TOKEN secret in GitHub Actions.
  • Protected Branches & Reviews:

    • Direct pushes to main are blocked.
    • A PR from dev-main to main requires passing tests and at least one reviewer approval.
    • Admins can override in emergencies if needed.
  • Secrets and Configurations:

    • All sensitive data is stored in GitHub Secrets (Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions).
    • CI/CD, Docker-based tests, and API deployments rely on these secrets.
  • Testing Environment:

    • Tests run automatically via dotnet test in CI.
    • CustomApplicationFactory.cs uses Testcontainers to spawn a temporary MySQL database.
    • Configuration fallback for tests (in order):
      1. /var/www/VTA.API/appsettings.json (VPS environment)
      2. Local appsettings.json (developer machine)
      3. Environment variables (in GitHub Actions)
    • EF migrations are auto-generated at test runtime, so no manual SQL scripts are needed.
  • VPS & Deployment Details:

    • The API is deployed to /var/www/VTA.API/ on the VPS.
    • Deployment uses rsync to update files and systemctl restart vtaapi.service to restart the API.
    • VPS-side configuration changes (like sudo visudo edits) may be required for runner permissions.

Contributing to Visual Tangible Artefacts

General Guidelines

Contributions typically follow a feature-branch-based workflow:

  1. Create an issue: Start by opening an issue on GitHub to describe the feature, improvement, or bug fix.
  2. Branch off from dev-main: Create a new branch named after the issue (e.g., feature/issue-123-new-ui).
  3. Implement and Test: Develop your changes locally, add tests where applicable, and ensure all tests pass.
  4. Pull Request and Review: Open a pull request (PR) from your feature branch into dev-main. If you’re uncertain about the correctness, request a code review.
  5. Merge to main: After your code is tested and approved, it will be merged from dev-main into main for deployment.

Tip: Sometimes it helps to merge dev-main into your feature branch first to test against production-ready code, then finalize your changes and open a PR to merge into main (once the group agrees dev-main should enter main.)

Branching Strategy Overview:

Branching strategy

Database-First Approach

We follow a DB-first approach, meaning the database schema is the source of truth, and code models are generated from it.


  1. Design the database schema: Define tables, relationships, and constraints in the database directly.
  2. Generate models from DB:
    Use dotnet ef scaffold commands to generate or update model classes:
    dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "server=[server];port=[port];user=[user];password=[password];database=VTA" \
    Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -o scaffold -f
    This regenerates the entire DB context and model classes. For partial updates (only certain tables):
    dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "server=[server];port=[port];user=[user];password=[password];database=VTA" \
    Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -o scaffold --table [Table1] --table [Table2] -f
  3. Auto-Generated DB Contexts:
    The DB context includes all tables. If concurrency or complexity is an issue, consider splitting your context into multiple smaller ones. Refer to existing contexts for examples.
  4. Regenerate after schema changes:
    Whenever the schema changes, regenerate the models to keep code and database aligned.

Naming Conventions

Dart (Frontend) Naming Conventions

  • Classes, Enums, Typedefs, Type Parameters: PascalCase (UpperCamelCase)
    class SliderMenu { ... }
    typedef Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value);
  • Extensions: PascalCase (UpperCamelCase)
    extension MyFancyList<T> on List<T> { ... }
  • Variables, Functions, Parameters, Named Constants: camelCase (lowerCamelCase)
    var itemCount = 3;
    void alignItems(bool clearItems) { ... }
  • Directories and Files: lowercase_with_underscores
  • Import Prefixes: lowercase_with_underscores
  • Acronyms: Capitalize as words. For acronyms longer than two letters, PascalCase.
    class HttpRequest { ... }
  • Formatting: Use dart format to format code.
    Refer to Dart style guidelines for more details.
  • Documentation: Document your code! Refer to Dart documentation guidelines.

C# (API) Naming Conventions

  • Classes, Enums, Structs: PascalCase
    class MyClass { ... }
    enum Colors { Red, Green, Blue }
  • Methods, Properties, Events: PascalCase
    public void FetchData() { ... }
    public string Name { get; set; }
  • Variables, Parameters: camelCase
    int itemCount = 3;
    void SetItemCount(int itemCount) { ... }
  • Constants: PascalCase with const
    const int MaxItems = 10;
  • Interfaces: Prefix with I + PascalCase
    public interface IMyInterface { ... }
  • Namespaces: PascalCase
    namespace MyApplication.Data { ... }
  • Files: One type per file, named after the type (PascalCase)
  • Acronyms: Treat acronyms as words (HttpRequest, IOHandler)
  • Formatting: Follow C# Coding Conventions.
  • Documentation: Use XML comments (///) and follow Microsoft documentation guidelines.