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A Flutter plugin that enables the activation and deactivation of VPN connections using WireGuard.


  • Modify the file /android/app/build.gradle and set the minSdkVersion to 21:
android {                    
   defaultConfig {
      minSdkVersion 21
  • To run the application in release mode, you must add a file named with the following content to the ./android/app/ directory:
-keep class app.wachu.wireguard_vpn.** {*;}
-keep class com.beust.klaxon.** {*;}
  • Another option is to add the following to the ./android/app/build.gradle file under the buildtypes release:
shrinkResources false
minifyEnabled false

I'd like to thank the user ByteSizedMarius for their contribution regarding the execution in release mode of the package. Thank you.


To use this plugin, you must first add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  wireguard_vpn: ^0.0.2 

Then, import the package in your .dart file:

import 'package:wireguard_vpn/wireguard_vpn.dart';

Activate and Deactivate VPN

To activate or deactivate the VPN connection, use the changeStateParams method of the WireguardFlutterPlugin class. This method takes a SetStateParams object as a parameter, which includes information about the VPN tunnel.

bool vpnActivate = false;
String initName = "MyWireguardVPN";
String initAddress = "";
String initDnsServer = "";
String initPort = "51820";
String initAllowedIp = "";
String initEndpoint = "";
String initPublicKey = "PUBLIC_KEY";
String initPrivateKey = "PRIVATE_KEY";
String presharedKey = "PRESHARED_KEY";

final _wireguardFlutterPlugin = WireguardFlutterPlugin();

void _activateVpn(bool value) async {
  final results = await _wireguardFlutterPlugin.changeStateParams(SetStateParams(
    state: !vpnActivate,
    tunnel: Tunnel(
        name: initName,
        address: initAddress,
        dnsServer: initDnsServer,
        listenPort: initPort,
        peerAllowedIp: initAllowedIp,
        peerEndpoint: initEndpoint,
        peerPublicKey: initPublicKey,
        privateKey: initPrivateKey,
        peerPresharedKey: presharedKey),
    bypassAppIds: [] //list of app id's to bypass VPN Tunnel
  setState(() {
    vpnActivate = results ?? false;

Obtain connection statistics

To obtain statistics of the VPN connection, use the tunnelGetStats method of the WireguardFlutterPlugin class. This method takes the name of the VPN tunnel as a parameter.

String initName = "MyWireguardVPN";

final _wireguardFlutterPlugin = WireguardFlutterPlugin();

void _obtainStats() {
  Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) async {
    final results = await _wireguardFlutterPlugin.tunnelGetStats(initName);
    setState(() {
      stats = results ?? Stats(totalDownload: 0, totalUpload: 0);

Complete example

Here's an example of how to use this plugin to activate and deactivate the VPN connection and obtain connection statistics:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:wireguard_vpn/wireguard_vpn.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  final _wireguardFlutterPlugin = WireguardVpn();
  bool vpnActivate = false;
  Stats stats = Stats(totalDownload: 0, totalUpload: 0);
  final String initName = 'MyWireguardVPN';
  final String initAddress = "";
  final String initPort = "51820";
  final String initDnsServer = ",";
  final String initPrivateKey = "PRIVATE_KEY";
  final String initAllowedIp = ", ::/0";
  final String initPublicKey = "PUBLIC_KEY";
  final String initEndpoint = "";
  final String presharedKey = 'PRESHARED_KEY';

  void initState() {
    vpnActivate ? _obtainStats() : null;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: const Text('Wireguard-VPN Example'),
          body: Column(
            children: [
                  'Active VPN: ${stats.totalDownload} D -- ${stats.totalUpload} U'),
                value: vpnActivate,
                onChanged: _activateVpn,
                title: Text(initName),
                subtitle: Text(initEndpoint),

  void _obtainStats() {
    Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) async {
      final results = await _wireguardFlutterPlugin.tunnelGetStats(initName);
      setState(() {
        stats = results ?? Stats(totalDownload: 0, totalUpload: 0);

  void _activateVpn(bool value) async {
    final results =
        await _wireguardFlutterPlugin.changeStateParams(SetStateParams(
      state: !vpnActivate,
      tunnel: Tunnel(
          name: initName,
          address: initAddress,
          dnsServer: initDnsServer,
          listenPort: initPort,
          peerAllowedIp: initAllowedIp,
          peerEndpoint: initEndpoint,
          peerPublicKey: initPublicKey,
          privateKey: initPrivateKey,
          peerPresharedKey: presharedKey),
    setState(() {
      vpnActivate = results ?? false;
      vpnActivate ? _obtainStats() : null;

For more information, you can check the example tab or the GitHub repository.

Generate WireGuard VPN configurations

To obtain WireGuard VPN configurations for testing, you can visit the PotonVPN website, register, and generate a configuration under the downloads section. You can also follow the guide on the official WireGuard VPN website.


Contributions are welcome. If you find a bug or want to add a new feature, please open a new issue or send a pull request.


This package is available under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more information.


A Flutter package that allows connection through a VPN using WireGuard.







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  • Kotlin 55.2%
  • Dart 44.8%