- 🔭 I’m helping to maintain the best i18n framework for JavaScript and supporting its awesome community ➡️ i18next 😉
- 🌱 Currently creating tutorials and blog posts for various JavaScript integrations for locize ➡️ https://dev.to/adrai
- 💬 Ask me about i18next or locize
- 📫 How to reach me: @adrirai on Twitter
- 👯 And I also spend my time on various serverless projects, like:
- aws-lambda-fastify ➡️ Allows you to easily build serverless web applications/services and RESTful APIs using @fastify on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
- cloudwatch-logs-shipper ➡️ ships CloudWatch logs to logzio
- cloudwatch-alarm-to-slack ➡️ notifies CloudWatch alarms to slack
- and contributing to aws-sdk-js-v3 the official AWS SDK for JavaScript.
- 🕸️ And I also other stuff:
- flowchart.js ➡️ Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram. (https://flowchart.js.org)
- enum ➡️ A javascript module that introduces the Enum Type. It works for Node.js, in the browser and for Deno.
- and a lot of other things...
⚡ Fun fact: I quit my full-time job to try to be self-employed. It seems to be working so far... 😊