This project is a Java library that facilitates establishing and tracking correlation ids for micro-services using Slf4j.
This project is a Java library that facilitates establishing and tracking correlation ids for micro-services.
The objectives are as follows:
- Ensure that a correlation id is assigned for each transaction (will be generated if not on service request).
- Ensure that the correlation id is documented on all log messages so that it can be correlated across services.
- Insulate micro-service code from having to be concerned with correlation ids at all.
This product has two components:
- Servlet filter to maintain the correlation id
- Java JDK 6.0 or above (it was compiled under JDK 7 using 1.6 as the target source).
- Apache Commons Lang version 3.0 or above
- Slf4J along with a Slf4J implementation that supports a pattern layout.
RequestCorrelationSlf4j is easy to install whether you use maven or not. There are two artifacts: one jar for RequestCorrelation-core and another to support either log4J v1.x or Logback logging configurations.
Maven users must list a dependencies:
- RequestCorrelationSlf4j -- dependency information.
Include the following jars in your class path:
- Download the RequestCorrelationSlf4j jar Github and it in your class path.
- Insure Apache Commons Lang version 3.0 or above is in your class path.
The correlation id must be established or set at service entry. For RESTful or SOAP service requests, this is accomplished by servlet filter.
A sample web.xml filter configuration is as follows:
<init-param> <!-- Optional: 'requestCorrelationId' is the default -->
<init-param> <!-- Optional: 'requestId' is the default -->
For work that is initiated either by a message receiver or batch job, ensure that a line of code like the following gets executed in the thread performing the work (the correlation id is stored using a ThreadLocal):
If you specify the layout class as org.force66.correlate.log4j.CorrelationPatternLayout, then you can use the pattern marker %X{requestId} to insert the correlation id on the log message. Note that I am using the default logger mdc name 'requestId'; you'll need to adjust if you don't use the default.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %X{requestId} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
If you specify the custom encoder org.force66.correlate.logback.CorrelationPatternLayoutEncoder, then you can use the %X{requestId} marker to insert the correlation id in the log message. Note that I am using the default logger mdc name 'requestId'; you'll need to adjust if you don't use the default.
<!-- Send debug messages to System.out -->
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="org.force66.correlate.logback.CorrelationPatternLayoutEncoder">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{5} %X{requestId} - %msg%n</pattern>