mv .example_env .env && vim .env
If you dont have twitter Tokens try this Tutorials below:
Sign up for a new Twitter account. They'll ask for a phone number, and unfortunately, as of 5/12/2015, I think you have to provide one to get API keys.
Go to to create a new app.
Go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab, which will have your consumer key and secret. Copy them somewhere so that you can use them in your app. Hit Create My Access Token.
After that, you probably want to go back to your Twitter settings and delete your phone from it.
@_hartsick pointed out that you can also just create one app and have multiple bots share it!
docker build --tag agusart/mutualfess .
docker run --name agusart -v /home/agus/MutualanTwitter:/code -d agusart/mutualfess:latest