Rust bindings for the C++ api of PyTorch. The goal of the tch
crate is to
provide some thin wrappers around the C++ PyTorch api (a.k.a. libtorch). It
aims at staying as close as possible to the original C++ api. More idiomatic
rust bindings could then be developed on top of this. The
documentation can be found on
The code generation part for the C api on top of libtorch comes from ocaml-torch.
This crate requires the C++ PyTorch library (libtorch) in version v2.0.0 to be available on your system. You can either:
- Use the system-wide libtorch installation (default).
- Install libtorch manually and let the build script know about it via the
environment variable. - When a system-wide libtorch can't be found and
is not set, the build script will download a pre-built binary version of libtorch. By default a CPU version is used. TheTORCH_CUDA_VERSION
environment variable can be set tocu117
in order to get a pre-built binary using CUDA 11.7.
The build script will look for a system-wide libtorch library in the following locations:
- In Linux:
- Get
from the PyTorch website download section and extract the content of the zip file. - For Linux users, add the following to your
or equivalent, where/path/to/libtorch
is the path to the directory that was created when unzipping the file.
export LIBTORCH=/path/to/libtorch
The header files location can also be specified separately from the shared library via the following:
# LIBTORCH_INCLUDE must contains `include` directory.
export LIBTORCH_INCLUDE=/path/to/libtorch/
# LIBTORCH_LIB must contains `lib` directory.
export LIBTORCH_LIB=/path/to/libtorch/
For Windows users, assuming that
is the unzipped libtorch directory.- Navigate to Control Panel -> View advanced system settings -> Environment variables.
- Create the
variable and set it toX:\path\to\libtorch
. - Append
to thePath
If you prefer to temporarily set environment variables, in PowerShell you can run
$Env:LIBTORCH = "X:\path\to\libtorch"
$Env:Path += ";X:\path\to\libtorch\lib"
- You should now be able to run some examples, e.g.
cargo run --example basics
As per the pytorch docs the Windows debug and release builds are not ABI-compatible. This could lead to some segfaults if the incorrect version of libtorch is used.
It is recommended to use the MSVC Rust toolchain (e.g. by installing stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
via rustup) rather than a MinGW based one as PyTorch has compatibilities issues with MinGW.
This crate provides a tensor type which wraps PyTorch tensors. Here is a minimal example of how to perform some tensor operations.
use tch::Tensor;
fn main() {
let t = Tensor::of_slice(&[3, 1, 4, 1, 5]);
let t = t * 2;
PyTorch provides automatic differentiation for most tensor operations
it supports. This is commonly used to train models using gradient
descent. The optimization is performed over variables which are created
via a nn::VarStore
by defining their shapes and initializations.
In the example below my_module
uses two variables x1
and x2
which initial values are 0. The forward pass applied to tensor xs
returns xs * x1 + exp(xs) * x2
Once the model has been generated, a nn::Sgd
optimizer is created.
Then on each step of the training loop:
- The forward pass is applied to a mini-batch of data.
- A loss is computed as the mean square error between the model output and the mini-batch ground truth.
- Finally an optimization step is performed: gradients are computed and variables from the
are modified accordingly.
use tch::nn::{Module, OptimizerConfig};
use tch::{kind, nn, Device, Tensor};
fn my_module(p: nn::Path, dim: i64) -> impl nn::Module {
let x1 = p.zeros("x1", &[dim]);
let x2 = p.zeros("x2", &[dim]);
nn::func(move |xs| xs * &x1 + xs.exp() * &x2)
fn gradient_descent() {
let vs = nn::VarStore::new(Device::Cpu);
let my_module = my_module(vs.root(), 7);
let mut opt = nn::Sgd::default().build(&vs, 1e-2).unwrap();
for _idx in 1..50 {
// Dummy mini-batches made of zeros.
let xs = Tensor::zeros(&[7], kind::FLOAT_CPU);
let ys = Tensor::zeros(&[7], kind::FLOAT_CPU);
let loss = (my_module.forward(&xs) - ys).pow_tensor_scalar(2).sum(kind::Kind::Float);
The nn
api can be used to create neural network architectures, e.g. the following code defines
a simple model with one hidden layer and trains it on the MNIST dataset using the Adam optimizer.
use anyhow::Result;
use tch::{nn, nn::Module, nn::OptimizerConfig, Device};
const IMAGE_DIM: i64 = 784;
const HIDDEN_NODES: i64 = 128;
const LABELS: i64 = 10;
fn net(vs: &nn::Path) -> impl Module {
vs / "layer1",
.add_fn(|xs| xs.relu())
.add(nn::linear(vs, HIDDEN_NODES, LABELS, Default::default()))
pub fn run() -> Result<()> {
let m = tch::vision::mnist::load_dir("data")?;
let vs = nn::VarStore::new(Device::Cpu);
let net = net(&vs.root());
let mut opt = nn::Adam::default().build(&vs, 1e-3)?;
for epoch in 1..200 {
let loss = net
let test_accuracy = net
"epoch: {:4} train loss: {:8.5} test acc: {:5.2}%",
100. * f64::from(&test_accuracy),
More details on the training loop can be found in the detailed tutorial.
The pretrained-models example illustrates how to use some pre-trained computer vision model on an image. The weights - which have been extracted from the PyTorch implementation - can be downloaded here resnet18.ot and here resnet34.ot.
The example can then be run via the following command:
cargo run --example pretrained-models -- resnet18.ot tiger.jpg
This should print the top 5 imagenet categories for the image. The code for this example is pretty simple.
// First the image is loaded and resized to 224x224.
let image = imagenet::load_image_and_resize(image_file)?;
// A variable store is created to hold the model parameters.
let vs = tch::nn::VarStore::new(tch::Device::Cpu);
// Then the model is built on this variable store, and the weights are loaded.
let resnet18 = tch::vision::resnet::resnet18(vs.root(), imagenet::CLASS_COUNT);
// Apply the forward pass of the model to get the logits and convert them
// to probabilities via a softmax.
let output = resnet18
.forward_t(&image.unsqueeze(0), /*train=*/ false)
// Finally print the top 5 categories and their associated probabilities.
for (probability, class) in imagenet::top(&output, 5).iter() {
println!("{:50} {:5.2}%", class, 100.0 * probability)
Further examples include:
- A simplified version of char-rnn illustrating character level language modeling using Recurrent Neural Networks.
- Neural style transfer uses a pre-trained VGG-16 model to compose an image in the style of another image (pre-trained weights: vgg16.ot).
- Some ResNet examples on CIFAR-10.
- A tutorial showing how to deploy/run some Python trained models using TorchScript JIT.
- Some Reinforcement Learning examples using the OpenAI Gym environment. This includes a policy gradient example as well as an A2C implementation that can run on Atari games.
- A Transfer Learning Tutorial shows how to finetune a pre-trained ResNet model on a very small dataset.
- A simplified version of GPT similar to minGPT.
- A Stable Diffusion implementation following the lines of hugginface's diffusers library.
External material:
- A tutorial showing how to use Torch to compute option prices and greeks.
- tchrs-opencv-webcam-inference uses
to run inference on a webcam feed for some Python trained model based on mobilenet v3.
See some details in this thread.
Check this issue.
See this issue, this could
be caused by rust-analyzer not knowing about the proper environment variables
is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license
and the Apache license (version 2.0), at your option.
See LICENSE-APACHE, LICENSE-MIT for more details.