This repository provides the source code for our 1-st rank solution for DCASE 2022 Challenge Task 4, which advanced from our 3-rd rank and 4-th rank solutions for the DCASE 2020 Challenge Task 4 and DCASE 2021 Challenge Task 4, respectively.
This repository also provides our final strongly pseudo-labeled datasets
- without using external data: allow to train a CRNN ensemble achieving >55% PSDS1, >82% PSDS2 and >65% collar-based F1-score on the public evaluation set (when using FBCRNN ensemble for tagging and PSDS2, tag-conditioned BiCRNN ensemble for collar-based F1-score and unconditioned BiCRNN ensemble for PSDS1).
- with using external data: allow to train a CRNN ensemble achieving >58% PSDS1, >86% PSDS2 and >70% collar-based F1-score on the public evaluation set (when using FBCRNN ensemble for tagging and PSDS2, tag-conditioned BiCRNN ensemble for collar-based F1-score and unconditioned BiCRNN ensemble for PSDS1).
If you are using our system or our pseudo labels please consider citing our papers:
[1] J.Ebbers and R. Haeb-Umbach, "Pre-Training and Self-Training for Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments", Technical Report for Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2022,
[2] J.Ebbers and R. Haeb-Umbach, "Self-Trained Audio Tagging and Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments", in Proc. Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2021,
[3] J.Ebbers and R. Haeb-Umbach, "Forward-Backward Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks and Tag-Conditioned Convolutional Neural Networks for Weakly Labeled Semi-Supervised Sound Event Detection", in Proc. Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2020,
Install requirements:
$ pip install --user git+
$ pip install --user git+
$ pip install --user git+
$ pip install --user git+
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
Install package:
$ pip install --user -e pb_sed
Install requirements:
$ pip install --user git+
Download the database by running
$ python -m -db /path/to/desed
yielding the following database structure:
├── audio
│ ├── eval
│ │ └── public
│ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── strong
│ │ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ │ ├── synthetic20
│ │ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ │ ├── synthetic21
│ │ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ │ ├── unlabel_in_domain
│ │ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ │ └── weak
│ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ └── validation
│ └── validation
│ └── <clip_id>.wav
├── metadata
│ ├── eval
│ │ └── public.tsv
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── strong.tsv
│ │ ├── synthetic20.tsv
│ │ ├── synthetic21.tsv
│ │ ├── unlabel_in_domain.tsv
│ │ └── weak.tsv
│ └── validation
│ └── validation.tsv
└── missing_files
├── missing_files_strong.tsv
├── missing_files_unlabel_in_domain.tsv
├── missing_files_validation.tsv
└── missing_files_weak.tsv
Follow the description in to request missing files and copy them to the corresponding audio directories.
$ python -m pb_sed.database.desed.create_json -db /path/to/desed
to create the json files /path/to/pb_sed/jsons/desed.json
(describing the database).
To download the whole AudioSet run
$ python -m -db /path/to/audioset
yielding the following database structure:
├── audio
│ ├── balanced_train
│ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ ├── eval
│ │ └── <clip_id>.wav
│ └── unbalanced_train
│ └── <clip_id>.wav
├── audioset_eval_strong.tsv
├── audioset_train_strong.tsv
├── balanced_train_segments.csv
├── class_labels_indices.csv
├── eval_segments.csv
├── mid_to_display_name.tsv
└── unbalanced_train_segments.csv
Note, that this can take multiple days as AudioSet is huge. You may prefer to setup above database structure with symlinks towards your existing AudioSet download.
$ python -m pb_sed.database.audioset.create_json -db /path/to/audioset
to create the json file /path/to/pb_sed/jsons/audioset.json
(describing the database).
To train an FBCRNN from scratch, run
$ python -m
Each training stores checkpoints and metadata (incl. a tensorboard event file)
in a directory /path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/training/<group_timestamp>/<model_timestamp>
By default, /path/to/storage_root
is /path/to/pb_sed/exp
but can be
changed by setting an environment variable
$ export STORAGE_ROOT=/path/to/custom/storage_root
To train a second model and add it to an existing group (ensemble), run
$ python -m with group_name=<group_timestamp>
To train on our provided pseudo labeled data, add
and data_provider.train_set.train_unlabel_in_domain=2
to the command, e.g.:
$ python -m with data_provider.json_path=/path/to/pb_sed/jsons/desed_pseudo_labeled_with_external.json data_provider.train_set.train_unlabel_in_domain=2
Add external_data=False
to the commands to exclude external data from FBCRNN training.
Add batch_size=<batch size>
to the commands to adjust the batch size (e.g. if CUDA out of memory).
For hyper-parameter tuning, run
$ python -m pb_sed.experiments.weak_label_crnn.tuning with group_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/training/<group_timestamp>
which saves hyper-parameters in a directory /path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
For evaluation on the public evaluation set, run
$ python -m pb_sed.experiments.weak_label_crnn.inference with hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
To perform pseudo labeling, run
$ python -m pb_sed.experiments.weak_label_crnn.inference with hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp> dataset_name='["train_weak","train_unlabel_in_domain"]' weak_pseudo_labeling='[False,True]' boundary_pseudo_labeling=True
which will write a file /path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/inference/<timestamp>/desed.json
with pseudo labeled data.
To train on this pseudo labeled data, add (similar to training on our provided pseudo labeled data)
and data_provider.train_set.train_unlabel_in_domain=2
to a training command.
To train an unconditioned bidirectional CRNN (BiCRNN) with our provided strong pseudo labels (with external data), run
$ python -m with weak_label_crnn_hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
Each training stores checkpoints and metadata (incl. a tensorboard event file)
in a directory /path/to/storage_root/strong_label_crnn/desed/training/<group_timestamp>/<model_timestamp>
To train a second model and add it to an existing group (ensemble), run
$ python -m with weak_label_crnn_hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp> group_name=<group_timestamp>
To train tag-conditioned BiCRNNs instead add trainer.model.tag_conditioning=True
to the commands.
Add external_data=False
to the commands to exclude external data from BiCRNN training and to use pseudo labels obtained without external data.
For hyper-parameter tuning, run
$ python -m pb_sed.experiments.strong_label_crnn.tuning with strong_label_crnn_group_dir=/path/to/storage_root/strong_label_crnn/desed/training/<group_timestamp> weak_label_crnn_hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
which saves hyper-parameters in a directory /path/to/storage_root/strong_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
For evaluation on the public evaluation set, run
$ python -m pb_sed.experiments.strong_label_crnn.inference with strong_label_crnn_hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/strong_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
To perform pseudo labeling, run
$ python -m pb_sed.experiments.strong_label_crnn.inference with strong_label_crnn_hyper_params_dir=/scratch/hpc-prf-nt1/ebbers/exp/strong_label_crnn_hyper_params/2022-06-13-11-15-54 dataset_name='["train_weak","train_unlabel_in_domain"]' strong_pseudo_labeling=True
which will write a file /path/to/storage_root/strong_label_crnn/desed/inference/<timestamp>/desed.json
with pseudo labeled data.
To train on this pseudo labeled data (instead of our provided pseudo labeled data), add
to a training command.
To pre-train a deeper and wider FBCRNN on AudioSet (excluding DESED validation clips), run
$ python -m with database=audioset net_config=deep width=2 filter_desed_test_clips=True
To train an FBCRNN from the pretrained model (with some frozen layers), run
$ python -m with net_config=deep width=2 init_ckpt_path=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/audioset/training/<group_timestamp>/<model_timestamp> frozen_cnn_2d_layers=18 frozen_cnn_1d_layers=1
To train an unconditioned BiCRNN from the pretrained model (with some frozen layers), run
$ python -m with net_config=deep width=2 init_ckpt_path=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/audioset/training/<group_timestamp>/<model_timestamp> frozen_cnn_2d_layers=18 frozen_cnn_1d_layers=1 weak_label_crnn_hyper_params_dir=/path/to/storage_root/weak_label_crnn/desed/hyper_params/<timestamp>
To train a tag-conditioned BiCRNN instead, add trainer.model.tag_conditioning=True
to the command.